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ArcticMyst Security by Avery

All Members please read this...

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Apr 1, 2008
You're most likely correct about the military nomenclature. When he comes home from drill, he's usually all excited & spitting out all these letters & numbers so fast I can't keep them all straight in my head LOL. Sounds like YOU have an AWESOME job !! I watch the MILITARY CHANNEL a lot & I've seen programs that deal with just what you were talking about. BIG RESPONSIBILITY you have, but it MUST be VERY self satisfying. You're also correct about divulging too much info. To copy an old WW II phrase, "LOOSE LIPS, SINK SHIPS" same thing applies to you. Stay in touch buddy, right here in this section. If I don't reply right away, I WILL get back to you usually with-in 48hrs. As you know, I'm kinda busy right now with all that's going on. Talk at ya later................ rob

Apr 26, 2010
You're most likely correct about the military nomenclature. When he comes home from drill, he's usually all excited & spitting out all these letters & numbers so fast I can't keep them all straight in my head LOL. Sounds like YOU have an AWESOME job !! I watch the MILITARY CHANNEL a lot & I've seen programs that deal with just what you were talking about. BIG RESPONSIBILITY you have, but it MUST be VERY self satisfying. You're also correct about divulging too much info. To copy an old WW II phrase, "LOOSE LIPS, SINK SHIPS" same thing applies to you. Stay in touch buddy, right here in this section. If I don't reply right away, I WILL get back to you usually with-in 48hrs. As you know, I'm kinda busy right now with all that's going on. Talk at ya later................ rob

That's how my parents are when I spit out laser mumbo jumbo. I simplified my 1mw HeNe out to "about 1/200th of what I normally build" And it is, It was the number 2 slot on my top 15 jobs list =] Anyway, got a lot of errands to run myself, so I'll talk to you later, stay frosty =]
May 25, 2010
Thanks again for the lengths that all the LPF Members are going to to help me out. Every time I discuss this with my wife, our eyes well up with tears of joy, because even if we end up LOSING our home, we're still going to need these donations to move SOMEWHERE. SECURITY DEPOSIT, usually 1st & sometimes last months rent, start up or switching of utilities, gas to move with, etc, etc. I don't need to spell it all out for you, my friends. I know that you're intelligent enough to figure this out for yourselves. The things I mentioned were for the benefit of the Members that are young enough (& lucky enough) to still be at home with MOM & DAD. It takes a healthy chunk of change to move a family. Especially from a HOUSE to an APT. Things have to go into storage too. I know when I went out on my own for the 1st time, I was shocked at how much everything cost me, & this was waaaay back in 1975. Prices on EVERYTHING, especially petrol have gone through the roof. So you can see why my Family & I so DEEPLY appreciate your unselfish & heartfelt donations............ THANK YOU ALL, AGAIN & AGAIN & AGAIN.....rob

Thanks for everything to everyone !!!! rob & family

Your welcome Rob.:) I will be Donating again in a Few days again to Help some more.:beer:
Dec 27, 2011
Thanks again for the lengths that all the LPF Members are going to to help me out. Every time I discuss this with my wife, our eyes well up with tears of joy, because even if we end up LOSING our home, we're still going to need these donations to move SOMEWHERE.

It is CRIMINAL that you could be that far along in paying for a house and they can take it now.

What has happened to all these programs and taxpayer dollars that have been thrown at this?

I don't understand why they bailed out the banks and not the PEOPLE?


Sometimes I hate our government. PP sent...

Deleted member 22482

Sometimes I gdt in tears when I read stuff like this.. You think that the Americans are the richest people in the world, but it is only the top segment they show us on TV.. This is what capitalism leads to.. Of course, even here the bank can get you out of your house but the govt. pays your interests for a full 12 mnths.. I wish you all the best luck, and if you were to come here, I would welcome to my apt. It just makes me angry that I consume so much, not thinking of the other people.. I will send you some PP when I get my paycheck..

I wish you gold luck and I hope that you will sort things out.

Apr 1, 2008
MANY THANKS to all the NEW DONORS that have helped out & to the ones who will when they get paid. I can't THANK YOU ALL ENOUGH !!! You have no idea what this means to my family & I. The total is getting up there now & I will let the Forum know when the target amount has been reached. Tomorrow is MONDAY & we have to contact our case worker in Ft. Wayne. I'll post again after we speak to here to keep all you WONDERFUL PEOPLE abreast of what's going on, OK ? Again, my family & I DEEPLY appreciate what you're doing for us. MANY, MANY, MANY THANKS TO ALL !!!!! rob & Family
Jan 27, 2012
I sent $8 USD, hope that helps. I haven't been around long but I can see you are a nice guy and I feel sorry for the position your in. I'm a bit tight for money at the moment, I'll donate some more when I get some.

Hope your okay!
Apr 5, 2011
PayPal sent, sorry Rob is not much, but I hope that by adding to all of us
hopefully will be of great help to solve your problems.

I hope your troubles are solved quickly and in the best way for you and your family.

Best wishes :beer:
Apr 1, 2008
I like to let ALL DONORS know that whatever you choose to donate will be put to good use. I don't want ANYONE to wind up in MY situation 'cause they donated TOO MUCH $$$ to us.
We appreciate EACH & EVERY DONATION, NO MATTER WHAT THE AMOUNT. EVERYTHING HELPS TO INCREASE THE FINAL GOAL. OUR DEEPEST THANKS TO ALL DONORS, REGARDLESS OF THE AMOUNT. Every donation edges us ever closer to saving our home !! Thanks to ALL DONORS. Your selflessness & generosity will NEVER be forgotten. rob & family
Dec 27, 2011
Sometimes I gdt in tears when I read stuff like this.. You think that the Americans are the richest people in the world, but it is only the top segment they show us on TV.. This is what capitalism leads to..


Gin, with all due respect - this isn't capitalism - it is greed without morals. The bankers who created this mess weren't capitalists, they were/are scam artists who created incredibly risky financial instruments that imploded.

When their Ponzi scheme failed, instead of taking the fall, they passed their failure on to the working class who paid to bail the banks out, while happily foreclosing away on those people's homes.

If the average person could have understood the complex situation, they would have demanded that the government bail out the people and not the banks.

If the government/taxpayers had just paid these people's mortgages for a year or two, the banks would have still gotten their money and the people would still have their homes.

Instead, the government/taxpayers gave money/loans to the banks to keep them solvent, while the banks turned around and took homes away from the people who were paying taxes to bail out the banks.

It is criminal. But it is not capitalism, that is not at all what capitalism is. That is greedy, immoral people using vast amounts of money and fear and greed to take advantage of the working class man. :gun:

/rant off

Phoenix77 please keep us up to date. I don't mind blindly helping out a little, but if I know exactly what my donation will accomplish, I am willing to give more. Kind of like the "goal" for donations to the forum at the top of the board.

EVERYONE, please don't stop supporting the forum right now. Those bills need to be paid too. This is an awesome resource and if you get half as much as I do out of it, then please support the forum. Especially sellers, no forum - no exotic builds would be sold. :)
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Dec 7, 2010
If the average person could have understood the complex situation, they would have demanded that the government bail out the people and not the banks.

If the government/taxpayers had just paid these people's mortgages for a year or two, the banks would have still gotten their money and the people would still have their homes.


Phoenix77 please keep us up to date. I don't mind blindly helping out a little, but if I know exactly what my donation will accomplish, I am willing to give more. Kind of like the "goal" for donations to the forum at the top of the board.

EVERYONE, please don't stop supporting the forum right now. Those bills need to be paid too. This is an awesome resource and if you get half as much as I do out of it, then please support the forum. Especially sellers, no forum - no exotic builds would be sold. :)

Very true. If you look at how the leveraging of mortgage-backed-securities was actually setup, you'll realize why bailing out the banks was really not even possible. They should have bailed out the homeowners, and by virtue of this, the banks. The challenge is that they waited too long to do anything, and it was too late to stop what had started.

Read "The Big Short" if you want a better understanding of what actually happened, and why.

On your second point, amen to that :)
Sep 20, 2008
Phoenix77 please keep us up to date. I don't mind blindly helping out a little, but if I know exactly what my donation will accomplish, I am willing to give more.

From Post #19....

OK, here's the sit-rep I promised y'all. The meeting today that was SUPPOSED to take two hours, wound up taking 4 & 1/2 hours !!!

We produced all the documents that we were to bring to this appt. & the Ft. Wayne Housing Authority Rep. that is handling our case made about a dozen phone calls while we were there to different people, trying like heck to get us some help.

Well, to make a long story short, we are kinda dangling in limbo until all the persons that she called & faxed document to have to review all the information, come to some kind of decision, get back to her, at which time, SHE will get back to US, to let us know where we stand ! PWEW !!!!! Long sentence !

All that we found out for sure was that we are gonna need $$$. Somewhere in the neighborhood of around $1,100.00 (at least).

Thanks to all the LPF Members who have selflessly donated some of their OWN hard earned cash, I'm almost halfway to getting TO that $1,100.00. I couldn't have done ANY of this except for the GREAT PEOPLE who belong to LPF, & were willing to donate to help my family & I keep our home. We REALLY would HATE to give it up. We've been paying on it for 20 years now & have just reached the point where almost an entire payment is going toward the principle of the mortgage, the 1st 20 years of payments went mostly to the interest on the mortgage. My family & I wish to THANK EACH & EVERY ONE OF THE LPF MEMBERS that are helping us realize our dream of one day owning our home OUT-RIGHT. The words "THANK YOU" seem so inadequate in this situation, but I HOPE that all of you realize just how much your help means to us. ALL OF YOU ARE THE GREATEST FRIENDS A PERSON COULD EVER WANT. My life & my family's life are so enriched by having you in our lives, some of you who are helping out a total stranger. We couldn't ask for anything more or better than all of you helping us out...............
ROCK !!!
rob & family
Thank you


You can contact us at any time on our Website: J.BAUER Electronics
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Dec 27, 2011

I saw that post but some of the posts made since then seemed to imply that maybe the scenario had changed. Are we still able to help him save the house, or are we helping with moving expenses?

Since that post, a lot of donations have been made. Are we close to saving the house, or has that opportunity passed by?

Sep 20, 2008
Only Rob can answer that... I think he is waiting for a
reply from some Housing agency...


You can contact us at any time on our Website: J.BAUER Electronics
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Mar 23, 2011
You've got Paypal!

I had intended to do this for a little bit now, but never quite got around to it.

The recent destruction in southern Indiana that has left so many homeless due to the severe weather has really kicked me into gear.

Even with everything going on locally I've been thinking about you and your family. You are a fellow Hoosier and LPF member after all. :)

I only wish I could afford to do more for you, but I've also been trying to help out the local folks that are newly homeless. :( It's really been a wake up call when I saw just how close the destruction hit to my home.

I really hope things work out and you are able to hold onto your home! I hope to be able to help out more later.

Take care and good luck!
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