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LPF Donations

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ArcticMyst Security by Avery

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Apr 1, 2008
Thanks BLOOMPYLE & all the other Members for your words of encouragement & donations. All are VERY MUCH APPRECIATED !

SPECIAL FOR BLOOMPYLE; My son is currently serving in the U.S.Army & due to be deployed to EGYPT this summer. (something else to fret & worry about) YEESH ! I don't know how much more I can take, 'cause I'm 'bout a millimeter from my breaking point right now !!!! THANKS TO EVERYONE !!!! rob / phoenix77
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Apr 26, 2010
Thanks BLOOMPYLE & all the other Members for your words of encouragement & donations. All are VERY MUCH APPRECIATED !

SPECIAL FOR BLOOMPYLE; My son is currently serving in the U.S.Army & due to be deployed to EGYPT this summer. (something else to fret & worry about) YEESH ! I don't know how much more I can take, 'cause I'm 'bout a millimeter from my breaking point right now !!!! THANKS TO EVERYONE !!!! rob / phoenix77

Absolutely no problem at all, no need to thank us/me, just doing the right thing. And I and others will do our best to keep him safe ;) Hang in there big man, you've got this in the bag =]
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Apr 1, 2008
OK, here's the sit-rep I promised y'all. The meeting today that was SUPPOSED to take two hours, wound up taking 4 & 1/2 hours !!! We produced all the documents that we were to bring to this appt. & the Ft. Wayne Housing Authority Rep. that is handling our case made about a dozen phone calls while we were there to different people, trying like heck to get us some help. Well, to make a long story short, we are kinda dangling in limbo until all the persons that she called & faxed document to have to review all the information, come to some kind of decision, get back to her, at which time, SHE will get back to US, to let us know where we stand ! PWEW !!!!! Long sentence ! All that we found out for sure was that we are gonna need $$$. Somewhere in the neighborhood of around $1,100.00 (at least). Thanks to all the LPF Members who have selflessly donated some of their OWN hard earned cash, I'm almost halfway to getting TO that $1,100.00. I couldn't have done ANY of this except for the GREAT PEOPLE who belong to LPF, & were willing to donate to help my family & I keep our home. We REALLY would HATE to give it up. We've been paying on it for 20 years now & have just reached the point where almost an entire payment is going toward the principle of the mortgage, the 1st 20 years of payments went mostly to the interest on the mortgage. My family & I wish to THANK EACH & EVERY ONE OF THE LPF MEMBERS that are helping us realize our dream of one day owning our home OUT-RIGHT. The words "THANK YOU" seem so inadequate in this situation, but I HOPE that all of you realize just how much your help means to us. ALL OF YOU ARE THE GREATEST FRIENDS A PERSON COULD EVER WANT. My life & my family's life are so enriched by having you in our lives, some of you who are helping out a total stranger. We couldn't ask for anything more or better than all of you helping us out...............
ROCK !!!
rob & family
Thank you
Feb 18, 2012
Hey Rob,

I have sent $30 your way. Let me know if you have received it. I'm a student so I know it's not much but I'm sure our combined efforts will mean the world to you. I can't afford anymore till March 27th but I'll send you another $30 then.

I know the situation down south is tough as I've got a few relatives and family friends who are in similar positions. But hang in there brother and find motivation that the LPF family is here to get you back to your feet.

I'm an atheist, a humanist... but I genuinely wish that:
“God give you...For every storm a rainbow, for every tear a smile, for every care a promise and a blessing in each trial. For every problem life sends, a faithful friend to share, for every sigh a sweet song and an answer for each prayer.”

Sincerely from a fellow primate,
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Apr 1, 2008
Hi Ryan, YES, I DID get the $$$ you sent to help us out. Thanks so much for your help. Do NOT APOLOGIZE for the amount, it's the THOUGHT that counts & means so much to my family & I. After the meeting my wife & I had today with the Housing Authority Rep. + all the donations that keep coming in, I THINK I'm beginning to see a light (a little one) but still a light at the end of the tunnel. I liked the quotation you ended your post with. It was VERY TOUCHING. Thanks again for your help. Study hard & stay warm way up there in the GREAT NORTH !!! rob & Family
Apr 1, 2008
HI all, just an up-date. My wife & I got a letter in the mail today from our mortgage holder. We have to FAX a bunch of copies of all our paperwork down to INDIANAPOLIS regarding the meeting that we had the other day. Other than that, there is nothing new in the works :( I think I'll start lookin' for cheap apartment :( More news when other things develop. THANKS TO ALL WHO PITCHED IN TO HELP MY FAMILY & I. rob & family
Apr 26, 2010
HI all, just an up-date. My wife & I got a letter in the mail today from our mortgage holder. We have to FAX a bunch of copies of all our paperwork down to INDIANAPOLIS regarding the meeting that we had the other day. Other than that, there is nothing new in the works :( I think I'll start lookin' for cheap apartment :( More news when other things develop. THANKS TO ALL WHO PITCHED IN TO HELP MY FAMILY & I. rob & family

See, think positive, a new apartment, better than a cold street. You'll be ok man? I promise you this much, you and your family WILL. BE. OK. This is just another bump in the road, a midlife crisis, there's romantic comedies about your situation, if it always ended bad, there'd be no jokes about it ;) You're all going to be ok, now pick those damn legs up and do something! You've got this in the bag, don't even stress about it. Get some sleep, eat eggs or whatever in the morning, take your kids to the local park, and enjoy what you still have. Because what you need, and what you have, is never going away. You have a wife and kids and food to feed them, and a roof to keep their hair dry. Whether the roof is a different color or smaller or larger makes no difference at all. So keep your head up champ, it'll all be ok in the end :)
Apr 1, 2008
Thanks for the words of encouragement buddy. I can't take my kid (one) to the park though, he's 22, married, & in the U.S.Army (remember), but with friends like I have on LPF, & other places, & the selfless donations that have been made, our home is not lost YET, there IS STILL A CHANCE we'll be able to keep it. It all depends on circumstances that are BEYOND MY CONTROL though. I just need to stop fretting & stressing so much or I'll keel over with a heart attack before I found out anything ABOUT our home, lol !!!! Thanks for everything, all of you guys & gals................. rob AKA phoenix77
Apr 26, 2010
Thanks for the words of encouragement buddy. I can't take my kid (one) to the park though, he's 22, married, & in the U.S.Army (remember), but with friends like I have on LPF, & other places, & the selfless donations that have been made, our home is not lost YET, there IS STILL A CHANCE we'll be able to keep it. It all depends on circumstances that are BEYOND MY CONTROL though. I just need to stop fretting & stressing so much or I'll keel over with a heart attack before I found out anything ABOUT our home, lol !!!! Thanks for everything, all of you guys & gals................. rob AKA phoenix77

I assumed there were more. There's other things you could do, take him to a bar, a congratulatory dinner for getting an assignment. Just spend tomorrow with your family, don't worry about this, just spend the day with them. Spend the day remembering what you have, and remember that this isn't the end for you, or any of your family. Kiss your wife, tell her you love her. Tell your son you're proud of him, and proud of what he's doing for you and our country. Just enjoy life for a day without hair pulling and stress. This is a new beginning, not the end, and you've dealt a shitty card, but there are ways to get out of it. Good luck mate, this isn't your final card though ;)
Sep 20, 2008
I assumed there were more. There's other things you could do, take him to a bar, a congratulatory dinner for getting an assignment.

Maybe you missed it but Rob needs all the $$$ he has
to save his house from foreclosure...:whistle:


You can contact us at any time on our Website: J.BAUER Electronics
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Apr 2, 2009
A good friend has offered to sell his laser at below value and still send Rob $20 from it.

PM me with questions.
its a Cajun host build- NEW- has the best diode ATM- the M-150- a glass AixiZ lens and comes set at a long-life, long duty time setting of ~660mWs.
Auroa black. Comes with new glasses-batt and charger.

Free shipping from NE USA area- Best offer over $120 gets it.. any $$ over 100$ goes to Rob.. WE have a 120$ bid now-- who wants to bid more?? PM me..I am estimating a parts cost (w/o labor) of 140+$.. builder offers 30 day warranty IF not overheated.

IF you are willing to pay the extra cost it can be shipped first to me(or the vet of your choice) for a testing and Pics before being shipped to you-- i have lpms.
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Mar 27, 2011
:bumpit: for a good cause.

I already have several lasers in the same host, so taking this one wouldn't really make sense.

It's an amazing deal though. What's being offered here is easily worth $150+ imo.

PM Len for details.
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Apr 1, 2008
Thanks again for the lengths that all the LPF Members are going to to help me out. Every time I discuss this with my wife, our eyes well up with tears of joy, because even if we end up LOSING our home, we're still going to need these donations to move SOMEWHERE. SECURITY DEPOSIT, usually 1st & sometimes last months rent, start up or switching of utilities, gas to move with, etc, etc. I don't need to spell it all out for you, my friends. I know that you're intelligent enough to figure this out for yourselves. The things I mentioned were for the benefit of the Members that are young enough (& lucky enough) to still be at home with MOM & DAD. It takes a healthy chunk of change to move a family. Especially from a HOUSE to an APT. Things have to go into storage too. I know when I went out on my own for the 1st time, I was shocked at how much everything cost me, & this was waaaay back in 1975. Prices on EVERYTHING, especially petrol have gone through the roof. So you can see why my Family & I so DEEPLY appreciate your unselfish & heartfelt donations............ THANK YOU ALL, AGAIN & AGAIN & AGAIN.....rob

My son came home from drill recently & shot 20/20 with M-4,(with just iron sights), 30/30 with M-240? & 50/50 with the BIG 50 CAL., at 300 meters. He's getting an award plaque, has been assigned as DESIGNATED SHOOTER in the COMMAND VEHICLE, & now they want him to go to SCOUT / SNIPER SCHOOL. We're ALL very PROUD of him, ('specially me cause I taught him how to shoot). I know I'm braggin' a little but like you said, I have to concentrate on the GOOD things I have in my life & stop frettin' & sweatin' about this house crisis or I'll be worthless to my own family !!!! I figgered you'd be interested in this since YOU'RE in the Military also. Go luck be with you always....... Are you a PILOT & if so, what do you fly ? If not, then you have an even MORE important position on the ground, 'cause the flyboys bank their very lives on the G-Crews that keep & maintain the aircraft they fly & would be grounded or in serious trouble if the G-Crews didn't do their jobs right !!!

Thanks for everything to everyone !!!! rob & family
Apr 26, 2010
Thanks again for the lengths that all the LPF Members are going to to help me out. Every time I discuss this with my wife, our eyes well up with tears of joy, because even if we end up LOSING our home, we're still going to need these donations to move SOMEWHERE. SECURITY DEPOSIT, usually 1st & sometimes last months rent, start up or switching of utilities, gas to move with, etc, etc. I don't need to spell it all out for you, my friends. I know that you're intelligent enough to figure this out for yourselves. The things I mentioned were for the benefit of the Members that are young enough (& lucky enough) to still be at home with MOM & DAD. It takes a healthy chunk of change to move a family. Especially from a HOUSE to an APT. Things have to go into storage too. I know when I went out on my own for the 1st time, I was shocked at how much everything cost me, & this was waaaay back in 1975. Prices on EVERYTHING, especially petrol have gone through the roof. So you can see why my Family & I so DEEPLY appreciate your unselfish & heartfelt donations............ THANK YOU ALL, AGAIN & AGAIN & AGAIN.....rob

My son came home from drill recently & shot 20/20 with M-4,(with just iron sights), 30/30 with M-240? & 50/50 with the BIG 50 CAL., at 300 meters. He's getting an award plaque, has been assigned as DESIGNATED SHOOTER in the COMMAND VEHICLE, & now they want him to go to SCOUT / SNIPER SCHOOL. We're ALL very PROUD of him, ('specially me cause I taught him how to shoot). I know I'm braggin' a little but like you said, I have to concentrate on the GOOD things I have in my life & stop frettin' & sweatin' about this house crisis or I'll be worthless to my own family !!!! I figgered you'd be interested in this since YOU'RE in the Military also. Go luck be with you always....... Are you a PILOT & if so, what do you fly ? If not, then you have an even MORE important position on the ground, 'cause the flyboys bank their very lives on the G-Crews that keep & maintain the aircraft they fly & would be grounded or in serious trouble if the G-Crews didn't do their jobs right !!!

Thanks for everything to everyone !!!! rob & family

That's pretty awesome, he NEEDS to go to Army scout Sniper training. As a forewarning, he will want his life to end halfway, but the reward will be dead worth it. He has the hard part down, now he just needs to be able to comply with the physical abuse he WILL be put through. Snipers go through a lot of the crap that spec-ops goes through, hell it practically IS spec-ops. Something I'm currently training for (USAF Pararescue) if he wants to get lean and mean, I suggest cross-fit and SOD-WOD, get him nice and lean and all that fun stuff. I'd be interested in updates if you want to PM me in the future =] However, about your question of flight, I do not fly. I am a Geospatial Intelligence Analyst. I pilot UAV drones and view images and live feed of the ground to gather intel based off of what I see, and what others have given me to look for. That's about all I can say while still pertaining to OPSEC (operation security) don't want the FBI knockin on any doors ;)

Also, as far as the M-240? An M-240 is something like an M-60 in it's style, it's a behemoth machine gun generally used mounted. You were probably thinking of an M-24, a rifle generally used for long distance shooting (i.e. a sniper if you want to generalize it.) I don't see the purpose in connecting an M-240 to sniping, if he were good with that, they'd want to make him a aerial gunner (that's what AF calls em, not sure about Army) and have him sitting on the side of a Black Hawk dropping a half dozen 7.62's in everything he saw. So I'm thinking you meant the M-24 ;)
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