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What South Koreans think of North Korea

Jan 29, 2014
Something prompted this, no doubt, not Kim Jung-un’s idea which only leaves China.

Jul 4, 2008
Something prompted this, no doubt, not Kim Jung-un’s idea which only leaves China.

I would say that it might be Russia's current aggressiveness that actually prompted the sudden switch in attitude. Remember that Russia controls a narrow patch of land to the N.E of the country, Khasan.
Russia is doing everything right now to take as much land possible that would be strategic to it as possible. Russia desperately wants to be a super power and it does this taking land for its own use. The port of Hamheung is strategic for it to launch an attack against the US and allies, right now it is being shared by China, DPRK and Russia. Russia could try and take the port for its own use if they know the DPRK is weak.
Jul 10, 2015
I doubt that China would allow Russia to take that port, at least not allow Russia to keep it, China doesn't want the US attacking N. Korea and the word has come down that Kim Jung must give up all nuclear weapons or the US will take action, so China ordered Kim Jung to come for a visit, 1st time ever IINM where he got the word on what to do, Trump has forced change, be it bad or good he is moving the ball.

A reunified Korea and an end to the N. Korean nuclear program sounds good, but the situation will have to be watched forever because S. Korea is an industrial dynamo and could construct nukes if they were so inclined, only the US presence prevents it.

I think it all comes down to China not wanting the US to attack N. Korea because China wants to be in control and if the US were to get set up in the North, China would not like that.

@ Alaskan, Yes Kim Jung doesn't want this, he is master of his universe, the top of his heap and a nasty little bastard, but he fears China and hopefully he will surrender all nuclear materials, or the US will have to take action. I think it was the threat of a trade war that motivated China to lean on Kim Jung as well as the promise of action if the nukes are not surrendered, we will see what happens next.
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Sep 20, 2013
What? We have had armed forces in South Korea since the 1950s. We still have 28,500 solders, sailors and airmen stationed there. And the trade war is something that Trump has had to back down from as it only hurts businesses in the US. Trade wars never work for the intended purposes. Once China started attaching tariffs to commodities exported by the US, the $hit hit the fan.
Jul 4, 2008
I doubt that China would allow Russia to take that port, at least not allow Russia to keep it, China doesn't want the US attacking N. Korea and the word has come down that Kim Jung must give up all nuclear weapons or the US will take action, so China ordered Kim Jung to come for a visit, 1st time ever IINM where he got the word on what to do, Trump has forced change, be it bad or good he is moving the ball.

A reunified Korea and an end to the N. Korean nuclear program sounds good, but the situation will have to be watched forever because S. Korea is an industrial dynamo and could construct nukes if they were so inclined, only the US presence prevents it.

I think it all comes down to China not wanting the US to attack N. Korea because China wants to be in control and if the US were to get set up in the North, China would not like that.

@ Alaskan, Yes Kim Jung doesn't want this, he is master of his universe, the top of his heap and a nasty little bastard, but he fears China and hopefully he will surrender all nuclear materials, or the US will have to take action. I think it was the threat of a trade war that motivated China to lean on Kim Jung as well as the promise of action if the nukes are not surrendered, we will see what happens next.

JongUn (given name) Kim (family name), is no master of the universe to the outside world, however he is a leader and an icon to his people. We may not understand him or get Jucheism that makes the DPRK different from the rest of the world, however we do need to give credit to (Marshall)JongUn and (President) JaeIn
for setting this up. I have high hopes that this is going work out.
I don't think Kim is the nasty bastard we make him out to be, as I have said before there is a lot of divisive forces inside DPRK at work. Lets give him the benefit of the doubt at this moment. The action is purely an inter-Korean move at this moment. We will see.

Trump pushed the peninsula nearly a year ago into a state of near conflict, and both the DPRK and ROK have been no fans of the US since. ( DPRK has always hated the US Government since day 1... ) An overwhelming majority of South Koreans signed a petition, and called to the new president to ban Trump from South Korean soil due to his reckless language at the UN and escalating the tensions on the peninsula.

Most South Koreans would like to see the US leave, taking their patriot missile batteries with them. Koreans want to live in peace with their Northern neighbors and live in a unified Korea.
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Jul 10, 2015
What? We have had armed forces in South Korea since the 1950s. We still have 28,500 solders, sailors and airmen stationed there. And the trade war is something that Trump has had to back down from as it only hurts businesses in the US. Trade wars never work for the intended purposes. Once China started attaching tariffs to commodities exported by the US, the $hit hit the fan.

What ?

I never said that we didn't have bases in S. Korea, of course we do.

President Trump used the threat of a trade war to get action, and he did, Trump wins and wins and will win again, get used to it.


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Sep 20, 2013
Giving Trump credit for anything good happening in the Korean peninsula is just blind support for this terrible, misogynistic, bumbling TV personality. There are among his supporters, those who would support him if he murdered someone as he has said before, himself. This goes way beyond spin. It is on the verge of delusional, much like Trump is. I think what Seoul_lasers said about what Koreans think of him is very telling. They would just like him to go away as his rantings are counterproductive to their situation.
Jul 10, 2015
If not for Trump there would be no great peace happening in Korea, Trump could end world hunger, cure all known disease and usher in world peace and you paul would still find fault with him, your hate for Trump is blinding.

So are you now in favor of leaving Kim Jung Un alone to build his nuclear missiles ?
Sep 20, 2013
I am far from alone in believing Trump is delusional. And to believe he can end world hunger, cure all diseases and bring peace to the world for the first time in human history is way beyond just support. You seen to think he is the embodiment of Christ on earth walking among us. Considering his treatment of women over his lifetime and his neglect of his wedding vows, I doubt he is the messiah.

What would you want to do about North Korea's nuclear arsenal? Invade the country? His "diplomacy" is not needed, nor is it endorsed by any Koreans....north or south. He rants on twitter about what he has accomplished, but the fact checkers have a full time job showing how utterly wrong he is on a daily basis. And they back it all up with the reasons why he is lying to Americans with facts, not hyperbole.
Jul 10, 2015
There you go again, shifting light from the issue and spotlighting the mere hypothetical I used to make the real point.

Do I think President Trump can cure all disease, end world hunger and usher in global peace.....well let's just say completing all 3 of those things is unlikely, but my point was " IF " President Trump did do these 3 things you paul would still find fault, credit others regardless of their true contributions and malign our Supreme Commander as a mental midget who got lucky, that was my point as if you did not understand it.
Jul 4, 2008
There you go again, shifting light from the issue and spotlighting the mere hypothetical I used to make the real point.

Do I think President Trump can cure all disease, end world hunger and usher in global peace.....well let's just say completing all 3 of those things is unlikely, but my point was " IF " President Trump did do these 3 things you paul would still find fault, credit others regardless of their true contributions and malign our Supreme Commander as a mental midget who got lucky, that was my point as if you did not understand it.

hmm, well I agree that all the factors must come together to bring this moment to the forefront. The current series of events have been started by ROK and the DPRK alone. Remember that the US still needs to sign the Treaty of Panmunjeom to bring a full closure to the conflict. I sure hope that nothing happens to compromise this. Both sides of the border need peace and a final solution to the ~65 years of conflict status.

Trump was the reason that North Korea stepped up its missile launching activities last year, potentially restarting a possible similar conflict to that which occurred in 2010/11/23.

As an aside: That conflict has remained firmly in my head as I was in Korea to witness this first hand. I watched as one of my co-workers manically broke down thinking that her son was among the dead on Yeongpyeong-do. It was hard to watch.
Our school was shut down ( at around ~3:00pm) , and all the male staff were sent off to their detachments as the S.Korea declared DEFCON 3. This was a very close call to a rapidly deteriorating / escalating conflict.
The conflict was initiated by S.Korea sending the Chonan battleship up to the NLL to test the North Korean defenses during the night and the live fire exercises involving US-ROK troops.

The tragic end result was that the DPRK torpedoed the Chonan and killed 46 out of 104 personnel onboard. the overwhelming majority of the sailors onboard were only 18-23years of age.
It was a very tragic day for South Korea in March of 2010.

From wikipedia
At 14:34 local time, North Korean coastal artillery batteries on Mudo, and a recently redeployed 122-mm MRL at Kaemori,[37] in North Korea's Hwanghae Province, opened fire on the island of Yeonpyeong. The bombardment took place in two waves, from 14:34 to 14:55 and again from 15:10 to 15:41. Many of the shells landed on a military camp, but others hit the island's principal settlement, destroying numerous homes and shops, and starting fires.[38] About 108 shells were fired total, according to a North Korean defector who had served in an artillery battery.[39]

Three of the six K9 Thunder 155mm guns stationed on Yeonpyong returned fire, while two were damaged and one blocked by a dud shell.[40] South Korean artillery fired 80 shells in total. Initially, the South Koreans targeted barracks and command structures on Mudo,[37] but began firing at the MRL at Kaemori about thirteen minutes later.[39]

South Korean KF-16 and F-15K jets were also scrambled to the area, though they did not engage North Korean targets.[5] South Korean counterstrikes ended at 16:42.[41] It was the first artillery battle to take place between North and South Korea since the 1970s[42] and was seen as one of the most serious attacks by the North on the South since the 1953 Armistice.[43]

With power on Yeonpyeong knocked out and several fires breaking out as a result of the North Korean shelling, the South Korean military ordered civilians to evacuate to bunkers.[44][45]
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Jul 10, 2015
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Jul 4, 2008
Three Americans who have been detained in North Korea reportedly have been relocated ahead of the upcoming planned summit between President Trump and North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un.

Trump on Wednesday night tweeted that "the past Administration has long been asking for three hostages to be released from a North Korean Labor camp, but to no avail. Stay tuned!"

North Korea moves 3 detained Americans to hotel, reports say; Trump says 'Stay tuned!' | Fox News

Yes, I heard this too. I saw a detailed explanation by KBS and YTN news and the other side on DPRK KCTV.
