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What South Koreans think of North Korea

Jul 4, 2008
While "Strongman" Trump continues to inflame an already volatile situation on the Korean peninsula to new levels with his misuse of office,
here is a real reaction from the people next door, the South Koreans. What do South Koreans think about North Korea?
Are they afraid? Are they ready to go to war...

The second set of videos is from Jacob Laukaitis, a videographer from Lithuania.
enjoy the videos. I hope that all these videos opens people's minds about the two Koreas.

From an outsider's perspective. Powerful but moving...

Again, a little note and something to keep in mind while learning about N/S Korea.
up until the early 1990's South Korea was a full fledged brutal military dictatorship!

Below is a a collection of videos showcasing the civil conflict of 1980-5-18,
The Gwangju massacre/uprising which was the catalyst for democratic change in South Korea. The Government of the time was a major US ally involved in manufacturing colt AR-15s, grenades and ammunition.. The US media continuously downplayed
and often referred to the events in Gwangju as little more than an isolated incident by a group of rebels. The truth was that this rebellion involved the entire country.
Many South Koreans were very angry with then President Ronald Regan for his support for Chun's dictatorship.
In Seoul, the US embassy was firebombed and windows broken. Anti-Americanism was at an all time high.

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Jul 10, 2015
If South Korea wants to reunify with North Korea that's fine by me, however I doubt little rocket man would allow the South Koreans to keep their internet or any of their present culture, actually as long as little rocket man lives I don't see a unified Korea that would be worth living in.

North Korea must abandon their nuclear weapons program or there will be war, either now or later and if it's later after a North Korean nuke is detonated outside of North Korea, then the retaliation may well be the total destruction of North Korea along with who knows how much peripheral damage.
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Jan 29, 2014
I was so hoping someone in North Korea would make a big sacrifice to rid his people of that tyrant.
Dec 15, 2014
Very moving clips , if the North would refrain from all the negativity they produce and commit the entire country would benefit greatly and advance to be stabilized in peace.
Old saying there's one in every crowd that want to pi$$ in everyones oatmeal .

Jan 29, 2014
yes... I guess if the people closest to you are being paid off well enough, you are safe.


Mar 17, 2006
I can't see any peace or improving the lives of NK citizens so long as Kim Jong Un lives. He'll have 3 generations of a disident's family sent to concentration camps to be tortured, starved, worked to death, and to have medical experiments conducted on them. He allegedly has teen girls plucked from schools to be his personal s3x slaves. He had his own half brother assassinated in an international airport with vx nerve agent. He lives like a king while his people starve to death and are crawling with all kinds of nasty parasites from unsanitary conditions. Insulting him is punishable by death, and he favors public executions with anti-aircraft guns and such. He spends the whole GDP of his country on weapons development while the people starve. He had a poor young American on a tour there tortured into a vegetative state for stealing a damn poster.

The guy is a straight up monster and there can be no peace or reunification so long as he breaths. I just keeping hoping and praying that some brave NK general close to him will decide to be a hero a rid the world of this evil.
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Jan 29, 2014
Most monsters are dealt with harshly, in time... I hope not too much for this man.
Jul 4, 2008
Hear the truth from people who have escaped from North Korea.

She is but one defector....

More common story I heard amongst NK refugees is the story from the fellow below.

Please watch and try to digest this video. It is extremely disturbing.

Personally having worked with a few NKR's in S.Korea especially out in Gangwon-province... I can tell you that there are many stories that will never be shared on youtube/social media for good reason!
Most NKRs live in special communities as they are at high risk of being exploited (*** trade) or targets for the regime. The exploitation comes from the criminal element in S.Korea. A sad truth!

furthermore due to the mistrust by the local populous in SK, many NKRs are unable to find jobs and have great difficulty fitting into society.

Talk about a hard life.

RedCowboy, listening to Trump speak on South Korea's behalf, and name calling (little rocket man) at the UN is sickening to watch. South Koreans know their neighbour FAR better than he does.
It's time to let Pres. Mun JaeIn deal with DPRK. The Anti-trump protests in Seoul a few weeks ago were any indication of how Trump is being received... Answer = not well!
Common saying on the street in Seoul these days is "war-maniac go home!"




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Jul 4, 2008
North Korea has made threats and now North Korea has been warned.

I think threatened is a more accurate term to use.

DPRK has been warned far too many times, I agree.. The sanctions do little to hurt the DPRK regime but what they do well is hurt DPRK citizens.
Hence the little girl covered in flies in the story by the defector.

I think the best outcome will to have DPRK and ROK deal with their differences together and co-operatively and stop the threats and posturing on both sides. The US can back off and focus on more pressing issues like the upcoming conflict between Saudi-Arabia and it's neighbours.
Jul 10, 2015
Geezus, the mad man is threatening to nuke America and you say we should back off.

I think we have sat on our hands about as long as we can, what should we do? Flog money at North Korea and hope little rocket man actually feeds someone?



Mar 17, 2006
If we keep delaying action then the Norks will eventually have viable ICBM mounted nukes which can hit the USA. At that point we're screwed. What if they just decide to start marching on Seoul and say if we intervene they'll fire a nuke at Las Angeles? Little Kimmy basically believes it's not only his right, but his DUTY to reunify Korea under his rule. Once they can hit us back we permanently lose any ability to deal with them. Why do people think he's going through all this trouble to get nukes? If he had just decided to join the international community, stop the depraved human rights violations, and start feeding his people then I'm pretty sure the situation would have been better for all. Instead this nutjob insists on being one of the top threats to world peace.

IMO we've already waited far too long thanks to prior presidents who decided to play nice with this lunatic. This is like a cancer, the longer you wait to start treating it the worse the results will be.
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Jul 4, 2008
Geezus, the mad man is threatening to nuke America and you say we should back off.

I think we have sat on our hands about as long as we can, what should we do? Flog money at North Korea and hope little rocket man actually feeds someone?

I guess D.Trump doesn't understand that the DPRK is posturing. That's what it does and has continued to do for well over 30 so years... The DPRK wouldn't survive a counterstrike if it were to use its nuclear muscle. The DPRK wants to survive, so...

In 2012 and 2013 the DPRK threatened South Korea by insisting it would be turned into a lake of fire after Pak GunHye (ex president) supported stronger sanctions against their country.... did anything happen?

no ... it's posturing.

I think we have sat on our hands about as long as we can, what should we do? Flog money at North Korea and hope little rocket man actually feeds someone?

It's not up to the US to play enforcement officer. Let ROK to deal with their neighbour. A barking dog has no bite.
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Jul 10, 2015
China will not allow South Korean control of North Korea.
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Sep 20, 2013
That's a major problem in the US. Some people know history so poorly they get their news from social media which is rarely if ever vetted. Just some talking head's opinion about the state of affairs. Instead of allowing a tweeting maniac to pass his ill informed opinions off as policy, we would be better off ignoring him. He's literally the worse thing to happen to the RNC in time out of mind. Personally, I am looking forward to the 2018 elections as this could be a positive turning point and cool down the inflammatory rhetoric of Trump and his lackey squad surrounding him in the WH. It looks like that even if Trump were inclined to start dropping nukes, there are people who can keep him from doing so. The president does not have an unfettered ability to nuke whomever he pleases even though many in this country believe he does.
