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ArcticMyst Security by Avery

The Orwellian Nightmare is closer than you think.

Unown (WILD)

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Sep 4, 2020
My cell phone has no GPS, so your argument doesn't hold merit. I use it only for phone calls and text messages.
A cell phone with no gps? Must be an ancient model. Are you sure it has no gps/agps?

Jul 10, 2015
Unless a phone is many many years old it has GPS even if you don't have an app to use it the phone still sends out tracking data that's in your forever file, you can see courts use " phone records " all the time to convict people and police track people in real time today, everywhere your phone goes there is a record and not the old triangulation of towers but actual GPS high accuracy data. Actually I have personally seen a phone tracked to the house it was in back in 2009 in real time.
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Sep 20, 2013
Sure, I Phones have had GPS tracking for awhile. Mine doesn't though. It was an inexpensive phone when I got it ~15 years ago. If fact it cost about $10 back then.
Jul 3, 2015
What's frightening is how many people don't think it matters that their privacy has been invaded, but when their social scores are impacted by the company they keep and their browsing activity they will become puppets modifying their lives as dictated by the AI thought police which will act to implement the agenda they are programmed to by the deep state who would otherwise never have the manpower to exert so much widespread influence, this is straight out of the Chinese population control playbook.

We already know everything we say and do/purchase online is saved in our forever files and cellphones collect a lot of data other than voice/texts/pics but with these private companies wanting to fashion individual advertising as well as spy for big brother without a warrant and they do, private AI sifts through everything and flags people of " interest " to be further scrutinized.

How long will it be until every television, pc, laptop, coffee maker...... has essentially spy technology built in ? How long until we see legislation banning consumers from modifying their own devices due to intellectual property such as the way tuners and even farmers are banned from modifying engine control software ? Maybe new housing in addition to low flow water controls will be required to have smart energy control infrastructure that also spys and we are banned from tampering with even though we own it ?

Then later on for the good of the environment you may not get to make your living space a little cooler or warmer than what has been deemed reasonable, not if you live in one of the shipping container sized housing units stacked sky high for certain, but maybe not even in your own home, not without a variance and the greasing of palms to get it.

Snowden sounded the alarm but still we never really think it's a big deal, well let me tell you we are all being scrutinized by AI, our purchases and everything we say is easy for AI to comb through and you might thing it's a good thing and in some cases it likely is, but whenever there is power it corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely, beware of social scores and controls to influence your behavior but never be afraid to speak your mind because if we are afraid to speak then we have already given up our freedom and our ability to take part in the shaping of our future, don't turn away your friends with a different political opinion out of fear of your associations lowering your social score and don't suppress others lest you be suppressed yourself, we should not be watched and graded by those who wish to control us and we should speak out against this all as one regardless of politics.
What Snowden also said in his book and in his talks is that we have brought much of it down on ourselves. We are trading privacy for convenience and in the process sacrificing our liberty.

People buy ring cameras ostensibly for their own security but in fact what they have done is given law enforcement surveillance capability beyond its wildest dreams. Every ring device has contributed to a massive surveillance net. One cannot walk anywhere without being on CCTV.

You think you pulled off the perfect crime, but you were caught every inch of the way from when you hopped in your car to when you got out and walkedtge 10 blocks to the crime scene. The prosecutor only had to play the videos for the jury to get a conviction. You changed clothes and even wore a wig and mustache. Well, they have you on video ditching them.

Great...we stop crime. But think how else it can be used. Anyone who shows up at a political rally can be identified by face recognition software. We saw how quickly people were targeted on January 6th even if they did not enter the Capitol.

By the way, none of this is really new. It began with the 1947 5 Eyes Agreement and the implementation of ECHELON in the late 40s and early 50s. Key words could trigger real time recording of telephony, faxcimilli, and telex. We are talking about surveillance that began on a device most of you have never seen....a funny looking thing with a dial.
Sep 20, 2013
Those dial phones were around throughout all of my childhood and most of my 20s too. ;)
Jul 3, 2015
The ECHELON program brought about by the 1947 Five Eyes Agreement was actually pretty sophisticated for its time with the ability to capture realtime from telephony among others using key word triggers. It was the predecessor to the programs Snowdon revealed.

There is absolutely NO doubt in my mind that AI has the potential to bring us to a state where what goes on in China will look like child's play.

The premise of the film Minority Report where individuals are arrested BEFORE they commit a crime based upon the ability to predict an individual's propensity AND plan to commit a crime may not be so far fetched.

I remember the DOS based version of Elisa, an online AI driven Psychiatrist.

Of course it was primitive and not exactly clinical but it serves as a point. AI has gone way beyond that.
