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ArcticMyst Security by Avery

Space Discussion Thread


Oct 14, 2015
Yes I definitely believe, I've seen a very strange silent triangular craft very close to the ground once when I was young, I was with another kid, we both saw it, and it scared the crap out of us!

I would give EVERYTHING to talk to an individual whom knows everything our government (or shadow government) knows about things/beings that would be considered paranormal/extraterrestrial. (Just in case there's any high ranking officials on here) WINK WINK. :D
Oct 6, 2015
I seen a ufo in 1999 / well my two friend and my two brother seen it first then tare came over and screaming telling me come see a UFO so i toke the bicycle and we drove over on bicycle and in the woods it was a triangle shape , hard to explain not metallic not aluminum strange the craft turn at us and we run not peddling the bicycles, and we stooped the object stood tare and it was following us very slow and we run after getting home i was able to see it from my window and it was gone, next day 4 police in green uniform came to our house since my 2 friends told tare mother and she called the police the police talked to tame after that the police came over and told us we didn't see anything my hole family was threatened, this was in germany, hehe my friend still has the video today :)
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Oct 16, 2015
Not no, Not no, no, plenty. Sorry for rubbery backbone on the first two...

Anyone have original pics or videos? Anyone see a hover and fly craft and did it make any sound or defy any laws of momentum, e.g. sharp right angles w/o slowing down?
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Sep 5, 2013
I do believe in alien life. What I am wondering about is how intelligent they are! Could they be the same as us? Smarter? Not as developed?

Honestly, I don't think making contact with another race should be made until problems here on Earth are settled. We simply aren't smart enough yet, and there is too many problems going on for us to start becoming space traveling species :)

May 14, 2013
Edit: The only way we can understand these craft turning at 90 degree angles when at great speed is if they have a temporal speed control, in other words, time flowing much slower for them and thus, what would kill us at the speed we see them changing direction, is a very slow turn to them. I imagine they would only throttle the temporal speed just before a turn, then have the rate time passes change to a more reasonable speed once they are traveling in a straight line again, or close to one. Although I haven't a clue how that kind of technology works, I can understand coupling the speed time passes with the crafts controls to automatically adjust it as they turn, or rather, how fast they turn.

Either that or they have inertial dampener technology, I saw one go from standing still to at least hypersonic speed instantly, this same one was seen again at almost the same time about 200 miles away, so it moved really fast. I would expect though that some of them don't have people inside but are probes with more advanced technology. That one I saw in 1976 I will never forget.

The one I saw a few years ago was far more impressive, I told the story once before here, I forget what thread it was in, but there were about a dozen of us who went outside at about 4-4:30am in the cold to see what was going on, this was on the morning of January 2nd, never warm here. This thing passed directly over us including an area with no trees, it was just above tree top level, I would say it was 300 foot wide but it could have been more. The interior volume of this thing was very many times the volume of the largest jetliner, at least 10 times or more. It came right over us and stopped for a time, I would like someone to explain this if they can. It was metallic, it was illuminated by lights that lit the whole area very well, it looked something like aluminum, it had a place in the center on the bottom that opened up and extended this thing that was glowing golden yellow with what looked like antennas on it. It also had 5 rings of lights on it on the bottom, although I have a feeling they weren't just lights, 3 rings of white lights on the inside rings and 2 rings of red toward the outside, they lit up the area so well at night time that me and the others could easily see the craft and the area around us was well illuminated. The lights were very strange, there were several that were off, I don't know how big they were but very large as there were only 5 rings of lights around the bottom of this thing covering almost the whole bottom surface of it. They weren't a light behind glass, it was as if the light came from the metal surface itself, I can't explain it, you would have to have seen it, but it looked like a technology we don't have. Now can anyone here explane this?



Apr 28, 2015
All of you who have posted so far I assume lived in large open low population area,s, Alien as where you lived at the time im not sure. Ive been city living my whole life so if an incounter were to happen im sure aliens woundnt pick a populated area. Yet ive seen some weird lights "or I truly believe I have". Right now as an adult I remember different experiences or things in my life very faintly. At least I think I have, what im trying to explain is people tend to remember their lives from 3 years old and on. What I might think is a real encounter might have been a dream as a young child. Why do people always see the same circular or triangle vessel, is it only one alien that has reached us and its their ships that everyone has seen over the 1000,s of years, wouldnt different speicies drive different ships. Im not doubting at all that you all have had encounters whether it was the real deal or a government experiment. My memories of sightings are very vague and also wondering if how much of are psychie is hollywood or storys we have seen....oh yes like Pi,s story I just read that is to way to much of an explanation to not believe "scary stuff"
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Oct 16, 2015
At the risk of digressing with my :tinfoil: on, there are 'theories' about how 'anti-gravity' works using something called element-115. Have read that with this element the strong force just slightly exceeds the confines of the element which can then be amplified and directed to produce an 'anti-gravity wave' enabling a craft to defy physics as we currently understand it, i.e. matter being able to change direction like it has no mass. Recently there was a lot of fervor in the scientific community searching for the Higgs Boson at the LHC . The Higgs Boson is theorized to give matter mass.

I'm not a physicist nor a chemist so I can't follow the 'half reactions' and such but people on both sides of the issue use them to credit and discredit this theory. So far, we've not been able to synthesize any that lasts more than a few msec let alone control it.
Dec 11, 2014
Yes, yes, possibly, and no.

While I do believe that intelligent alien life exists somewhere, I doubt they've visited Earth.

But before I go on about that I'll share my 2 UFO stories.

I remember the first experience very vividly. I was coming back to my house along a back road during the summer, when I noticed a strange looking cloud in the sky. Although there were no other clouds that day, I dismissed it. But after a while I couldn't help but look back up at it. It had a very odd shape, especially for a cloud. It was perfectly ovular with no imperfections along its sides. Although that's what had caught my eye, upon closer inspection it seemed to be changing color from a very pale yellow to white. It also seemed to have a diagonal reflective band on it, however it only seemed to reflect a yellowish-orange color. It didn't really look like a craft though, it still looked like a cloud, and was slowly, but surely ascending. After moving about 50 feet up over the course of about 2 minutes it appeared to stop moving and quickly faded away.

This was by far one of the strangest experiences I've ever had, though it's far from evidence of extraterrestrials.

The next experience I had is not as strange though I still remember it quite clearly. We were visiting family up in Canada that live in a very secluded area. When you were away from the light of the houses and trailers you had a very clear view of the night sky. It was a full (or almost full) moon, so it illuminated the nearby mountains enough so that you could tell exactly where the mountains ended and the sky began. So I was sitting there stargazing when I see a streak of white light, about as bright as an average star, came halfway across my field of view and then stop abruptly. It looked like a ship coming out of warp in a movie, except it had come down and was hovering in front of the mountains. It hung there for just enough time for my brain to process the information and let out a "what the..." before it took off the same way it came.

This one's definitely more UFO like, though over time I've mostly convinced my self it was a sleep-deprivation hallucination.

Though until there is concrete evidence or a scientific consensus that aliens have in the past and are currently visiting us, I will remain skeptical. :yh:
Jan 29, 2014
Belief or disbelief doesn't change anything, of course. I saw the last ones here over the mountains east of Anchorage, seven of them but these put out a red light, none of the other ones I've seen before did that, they put out a yellow, or orange-yellow color.

Pi, have you ever drawn what you saw? I'd sure like to see a drawing.
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Nov 4, 2014
I have little doubt there is intelligent life besides us but no I have not seen them in our shared reality.
I find it absurdly arrogant those that feel we are the only life forms in our universe. Is it possible? Yes, plausible no. There are enough known's to hypothesize the odds of intelligent life being almost assured. Look up the Drake equation if your interested in these known's and how likely life is and probably abundant.

@Alaskan, did you see more than just lights in the sky? The sighting you said that was just hundreds of feet away, was this lights or could you make out a structure or craft? I spend a lot of time in the deep forest and mountains and am always looking out for anomlies in the sky. I have seen a few strange lights that I tracked its path thinking it was a satellite but then it changed direction and increased speed ruling out satellite or space station. It was so high in the atmosphere it couldn't have been a commercial air craft. But there wasn't anything to lead me to believe it couldn't have been man made.
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Dec 11, 2014
Belief or disbelief doesn't change anything, of course.

Of course, I'm not saying it does. Though this is one of those things that can't be proven to be incorrect, it can only be correct or unanswered. Kinda like the existence of a God.
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Jul 10, 2015
I think that if aliens were ever found intact at area 51 or anywhere that we would see and know about it, because there would be unlimited funding for research and preparedness once they had actual alien bodies on hand, I'm not saying they don't exist, I'm sure there is other life in the universe, but I don't think we have any alien bodies on Earth hidden anywhere, simply because they would be a blank check for the Air Force.
Jan 29, 2014
Ha, it already has been that, just that for many reasons kept hidden. If you study this stuff long enough with an intent effort, these things will become clear to you that this is what is going on.

Edit: Here's a photo of one which hovered over an airport in China, it shut it down that evening, no aircraft in or out. It was in their nightly news too, but they called a "military test", as an official story later. Yes, a secret military test which unexpectedly hovered over the international airport shutting it down, lol.. NOT.


Why am I up and unable to sleep, I have to get up early!
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Jul 10, 2015
Alaskan are you an advanced species from a far away world?

Hey if you can bestow great ability and longevity upon me I will not resist, I'd like the jedi mind trick and fast healing wounds please.
