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Should I even get a laser?

Death Ray

New member
Jan 26, 2022
You are welcome! I want to add something that for most of people can appear as "a bulls***", but im for my own opinion as everybody has a different opinion, and i think that laser pointers over 500 mw of power should be treat as weapons.
I don't know where you exactly came from, but most of USA States allows weapons even they are not closed with a bolt in a closet and even a guy as 16 years old can already receive the first rifle (but i guess not everywere is like that). But in my country (Italy), we are forced to seal our unloaded weapons inside gun cabinets (far to the people under age 18), the ammunition should be far away to each weapon and you should be the only one that knows where is the kay for open those cabinets, and its for you severly proebited to share this informations to everybody (strangers, friends, parents).
All those restrictions from law has different reasons:
1) It's not allowed for you to shoot a person with armored ammunition (except for save your life), expecially in extreme situations when you get in danger you can never know what will be your reaction and there is the risk that you can shoot someone even if it was not necessary, or much worst you can kill someone else. You know that once you push the trigger, a life could finish forever.
2)The time before act! Means once you get a weapon, you have to use it, because weapons are used for shoot only! and you have a lot of time before decide if its really necessary or not.
3)General safety! Just an exemple, once you are on toilet your kid get your weapon and he can accidentaly hurt himself or others.. Thats easy to guess.

Sorry for this long exemple, but its just for remind you what is the real "Safety (as you called)", it's not only your glasses as you said, but its much more about the actions that you can do, your temperament, attitude, and its only up to you, (for exemple if you are a calm person then you can use lasers as you can buy weapons, i can't see the problem). If you like lasers in general i can't see the problem why you ask if you can make it. (of course you can!). We can just recomand things but no body online knows for certain which is the true reason. Its just about trust.. Anyway for lasers its almost the same. They wont kill as weapons but as you said they can cause blindness, burns on skin and fires (included all the accidents that can cause if you accidentaly turn the beam against means of transport, like airplanes). So the danger (even not compared to real weapons) is there!

1)You asked the safety, now i can suggest you compare "lasers as weapons" and your "batteries as ammunition, and you wont have any problem!;).
2) Sorry for everybody that get lasers as fun, but i'm not agree. Because i can get a fun on watch also a 5 mw greeen laser pointer just for notice the beam during night on the sky. No need to pass on 1W laser. So if you want this type of laser its a certain that you want power and for sure it's not just a fun. Or maybe it's funny for you to burn things🤔. is it really a big deal for you? Is usefull what you are making?
3) I can play with my dog and also my friend cats with a laser pointer 5mw, and i can not do it if i use 1W. So you are everytime limited on something when you talk about lasers. In my last post i was asking for a powerfull green laser just because i like the green colour (that for my lucky is also more visible) and expecially because i do some work about engraving. So it will be very helpfull for me to use when im not at my office, means i just try to find more reasons before make a powerfull laser like that.
4) Treat your laser as your luxury car and they will endure more... Just like when you press the accelerator too long. You have fun, you go faster, but you consume everything first (in case of the laser as someone said, more power = most effective heatsink). But the time stop is the key for keep your laser life longer.

For the rest i guess we all gave you enought informations and for sure you will be a good laser builder.
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Commander J. Bloodmaker

Active member
Apr 14, 2021
Hello everyone, this is my first post here. I’m asking for advice because I’m on the fence about even getting a laser at all.

I realized that I am now in a position where I could potentially fulfill my childhood dream of having a handheld laser that could burn things and start fires. (I used to think that 1W spyder from wicked lasers was the holy grail of handheld lasers, but I know better now).

I already have a bunch of expensive hobbies that I already can’t go very deep into because money, so I don’t want to start with a weak laser and buy a bunch working my way up to higher powers. If I buy one I’d want to go for burning power right away.

But I also understand how dangerous lasers are, especially at higher power levels. And on some level I’m scared of owning a high powered laser. I keep going back and forth between “f*** yeah I want a 1W+ laser” and being so scared of the dangers of it that I don’t think I should get one at all. I am a firearms enthusiast but the idea of a laser where one mistake, one glancing hit from a refraction or reflection could permanently blind myself or someone else, it scares me more than any of my guns ever have. Are lasers similar to guns in that they get less scary once you learn more about them and how to be safe with them?

The only prior experience I have is a roughly 5mW pen from dealextreme years and years ago, and a cheap I’d estimate <100mW rebranded 301/302/303/304 (idk which one) style laser.

If I were to get one, I would also buy a set of OD4 glasses in the appropriate wavelength from survival lasers. But I’d also want more resources on how to be safe with it beyond just wearing the safety glasses.

Techhood on ebay will sell you a real nice handheld for a good price. I believe they sell what they call a 2w kit, you have to put the case on the module and add batteries. So technically it is not selling a high powered laser, but rather a kit you assemble. I have a few of them and I know a bunch of other people that have one too. Good laser for a good price, great for getting into the hobby. Then take a look at the other things they carry, OH YEAH!! lol
