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sanwu spiker issues..........


New member
Jun 18, 2019
Greettings all. I'm relatively new here and to lasers. I bought my first laser about 2-3 years ago on ebay from a member here. It was 6 watts with a voltage readout. Recently it failed and today I received it's replacement, a Sanwu Striker. I ordered the 7 watt version, but I received the 5 watt version. I contacted them immediately and I was instructed to take a picture of the diode with the lens removed so it could be determined whether the diode is 5 or 7 watts. According to the letter the 5 watt is totally different from the 7 watt. From what I've seen in my limited experience they all look pretty much the same especially 5/6/7 watt diodes. Can a visual inspection of the front plate and aperture of the diode actually determine it's power rating? I have enclosed the photo they sent me of the 7 watt diode which is supposed to be totally different from the 5 watt. Any ideas or comments please? Thank You for Your time and consideration.

Sep 20, 2013
Greettings all. I'm relatively new here and to lasers. I bought my first laser about 2-3 years ago on ebay from a member here. It was 6 watts with a voltage readout. Recently it failed and today I received it's replacement, a Sanwu Striker. I ordered the 7 watt version, but I received the 5 watt version. I contacted them immediately and I was instructed to take a picture of the diode with the lens removed so it could be determined whether the diode is 5 or 7 watts. According to the letter the 5 watt is totally different from the 7 watt. From what I've seen in my limited experience they all look pretty much the same especially 5/6/7 watt diodes. Can a visual inspection of the front plate and aperture of the diode actually determine it's power rating? I have enclosed the photo they sent me of the 7 watt diode which is supposed to be totally different from the 5 watt. Any ideas or comments please? Thank You for Your time and consideration.

You have to understand that the diode is only one part of a 7 watt laser. The driver and the amount of current it is set to deliver to the diode is just as important. You can push a NUBM44 diode to 5 amps, but they are also driven much lower too. The lenses used will also have an effect on the optical power output. These put out a lot of waste heat too. That means, if you don't have a very substantial heat sink, it will have a very short duty cycle.


New member
Jun 18, 2019
Hello paul and thank you for your reply and input. It is interesting and I do have a basic, rudimentary understanding that there are many factors controlling the actual output power of the diode. I appreciate Your explanation of some of those factors. Let me ask you, paul, is there any actual physical difference in the appearance of a 5 watt diode and a 7watt diode in its copper jacket/housing? According to Sanwu they can tell me if the diode in my laser is 5 or 7 watts based on the appearance of the front plate and aperture of the diode. I paid for a 7 watt version but received a version that has a brass ring that states 5000mW. So they are not sure if I got a 7 watt laser pointer in a 5000mW host or if I got a 5 watt laser diode in a 5000 mW host. This host can be ordered with several choices of diodes with the only difference being the markings on the brass ring which is removeable. Anyway I'm trying to determine whether I got what I paid for. Sanwu sent me a photo and said this is what the 7 watt diode looks like and said that the 5 watt looks totally different. From what I can tell it pretty much looks like just about every diode I've seen from that perspective. So I was wondering if there is any way to distinguish diode model from a photo? I would appreciate any input you may have. I tried sending the photo Sanwu sent of the 7 watt diode but had some trouble. I'm going to try again. Thanks.
Jul 10, 2015
Apparently they are using an open can diode in their 5W otherwise a visual inspection would not look any different as I don't know of any 5.6mm 5W blues and the 7A75 would look the same as that 44 from the front.

Is your diode a window can 9mm like in your pic or is it open can, that is without the window ?


New member
Jun 18, 2019
paul, Let me see if I have understood Your thinking. The first major difference would be the diameter of the can. And since there are no small diameter canned 5 watt blue diodes, then the 5 watt diode would have to be an open 9mm can. Which would be 'totally different' from the photo Sanwu sent of the 7 watt diode which is 9mm and has a window. Now let me ask you this question. Could they be using a 5 watt diode with a window and 9mm can? You mention other diodes that look similar to the one in the photo. are they 5 watt diodes? Anyway my diode looks just like the one in the photo. But if there are both 5 and 7 watt diodes that look like that, then I still don't know which is actually in this host that either rightly or wrongly has 5000mW etched into it. Darnit. What do you think paul? Should I accept their representation that though the host has 5000mW stamped into it that it really is 7000mW? I can't help but think that the photo is a photo of the 5 watt version and I'm being told it is a photo of the 7 watt version. I have seen a video review of this laser and it's power meter results. It tested at 7.5 watts and burned things much faster than this one. I don't think it burns as fast as my 6 watt. Subjective I know but it's the only way I have to compare it's performance. Anyway it's too bad that the power rating isn't stamped on the diodes or something. You have been so kind and thank you for all the info. It's always nice to be able to chat with someone with knowledge. You definitely had insights and experience I don't have and it's much appreciated. You made my detective work so much more productive. Thank you again.
Jul 10, 2015
I'm sure the Sanwu drivers are in the 90-95% range so if you are running 2 x 26650 IMR cells then the 7W should be drawing about 3a and a 5w would be drawing around 2.25a
If you remove your tail cap and close the circuit with a meter set to DC AMPS you should be able to get an idea.


New member
Jun 18, 2019
Hello Red. Hey thanks for that suggestion. That is a much better way to verify what I actually have than by picture comparison. Appreciate it.
Jan 1, 2016
I'm pretty sure the 5watt diode(7A75) is a closed can diode. I went through all of that with Sanwu back when I bought mine. And I can see the window when I look down into it. Podo told me that their 7watt laser used an open can diode. But that was a couple of years ago, maybe that's changed since then. Or it could be that you're being played.... you never know. I think Sanwu is a great company and I've bought several lasers from them... but again... these days you just never know
Sep 20, 2013
If you don't have a laser power meter you can't tell what the optical output power actual is. As Robert, RedCowboy, stated you can measure the current draw from the driver and that will give you an idea. You could use a photo of this, barring a LPM output photo, that would show you didn't get what you paid for. That is likely what you will have to do to make your case as I have heard they don't like to refund money.


New member
Jun 18, 2019
I want to thank all of yall for your input and info. I haven't heard a word back from Francis at Sanwu yet though I have sent 3 emails so far on the matter. I thought perhaps that it was an honest mistake that could be corrected by exchange. However I'm beginning to think that it has become something more and that Sanwu has chosen to ignore me and take the money and run. So now, I'd like to ask if there are any alternative sources for a 7W lasers available, including builders here? According to Sanwu 7W is the most powerful diode currently available. Is that true?


Apr 28, 2015
Sounds frustrating for sure. I wouldn't give up emailing them considering yours is labled as a 5000mw. That would bug me something fierce also..
DTR has some new NUM44 diodes that are doing easily doing 7W++ and even 8W's when pushed.
Member "Lifetime17" is a great trusted builder and his prices are fantastic. 2 day shipping if your in the US :) His sales thread will give you an idea..
Sep 20, 2013
Keep in mind these 7+ watt laser produce a great deal of waste heat and need substantial heat sinking to run for very long. They also have wide emitters which give the worst divergence specs of any diode we currently use. I would prefer to either build it myself or have a trusted member build one for me.
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New member
Jun 18, 2019
To those who have been following this and have offered some very good advice , I wanted to post an update. Francis from Sanwu finally responded to my emails. I have been instructed to send the diode module and tailpiece/switch to someone in Spokane Washington for LPM testing. If it is 5W then he will ship me a 7W module and 7000 mW brass ring. I had actually considered contacting some members with LPMs and see if I could have this thing tested. I am considering doing what Francis suggested. I just ordered a cheap LPM from LPS and want to test it myself just to get a ballpark idea what the output power is of this thing. This host is used for several models starting from 1W or 1.5W to the 7W version with the only difference being the engraved brass ring indicating the power output. The rings are removeable and interchangeable so really any ring could wind up on any version. Thanks to GSS and paul for yall's suggestions for having someone here build me one and I am going to do just
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New member
Jun 18, 2019
Darn machine. Anyway paul any interest in building a 7W laser for me? If so let's chat. and I will check with Lifetime17 as well GSS.

Anthony P

Well-known member
Oct 7, 2018
Wow, gentlemen, I am impressed! I have read this entire post even though I have no intention of ever owning a 7W laser. This has to be the most civilized conversation I have ever seen at LPF. Great info, and great manners... very productive. There are no snarky comments or obnoxious video clips designed to be insulting. Well done.
