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Protests Follow Grand Jury Decision Not To Charge Officers With The Killing of Breonna Taylor


Well-known member
Oct 2, 2019
Louisville, KY 09/23/20

Earlier today, A Grand Jury announced the decision of the criminal investigation in the shooting of Breonna Taylor. Only one of the officers was indicted of wanton endangerment for bullets that landed in neighboring apartments, but no chargers for the direct killing of Breonna Taylor.

And all hell has broke loose over here, despite downtown Louisville being barricaded and boarded up in anticipation for the decision, rioters and protestors took to the streets immediately, yelling and throwing umbrellas, water bottles, and other things at police armed with clubs and pepper ball rifles.

All the stores and entertainment venues had to close right after, and Mayor Greg Fischer has declared a city-wide state of emergency with a Curfew imposed at 9:00PM to 6:30AM as well as the National Guard being called in. Now I'm getting reports that a police officer was shot less than an hour ago and is currently hospitalized and people are starting fires in downtown. You would think the $12M settlement they got would have calmed things down.

This is getting really freaking crazy you guys, and I'm also hearing protests are quickly spreading to Chicago and other states 😬

Be safe.
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Well-known member
Oct 2, 2019
Update: Following yesterday's protests going into the night, two police officers in total have been shot, but are expected to make a full recovery.

There have also been 16 confirmed cases of looting.
Sep 16, 2007
We should all be on the side of justice and accountability - especially for those with authority and power.
Propagandists like Charlie Kirk are only here to stoke the fire because it makes them rich and influential. It's an exercise in narcissism.
The protesters are out there asking for their civil rights to be acknowledged while the government (local, state, and federal) is only concerned with silencing them or using them as political leverage for their corrupt agendas.
Both major parties have sold out to big money and anyone who buys into partisan politics at this point is just a useful idiot.
The boot has come down on ALL of us while we are busy crying that it's "THE OTHER SIDE" that's wearing it.

Don't get me wrong - I'm no "moderate." The answer isn't somewhere between two evils. The answer is an overturning of established power that has worked for decades to suppress populist movements, erode civil liberties and human rights, and steal from the working class by rigging the economic and tax system in favor of large corporate monopolies.

If you think Joe Biden is a "left wing extremist" or that there is a powerful and mysterious "leftist new world order" brewing, you're delusional. Pull your head out of the propaganda swamp you're living in. The left is as weak and pathetic as its ever been. That's why the police are allowed to bash their heads in and unlawfully imprison them with impunity. Joe Biden is as conservative as they come - he just has a "D" next to his name so all the partisan hacks think he's a scary socialist. Gimme a friggin break...
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Well-known member
Oct 2, 2019
We should all be on the side of justice and accountability - especially for those with authority and power.
Propagandists like Charlie Kirk are only here to stoke the fire because it makes them rich and influential. It's an exercise in narcissism.
The protesters are out there asking for their civil rights to be acknowledged while the government (local, state, and federal) is only concerned with silencing them or using them as political leverage for their corrupt agendas.
Both major parties have sold out to big money and anyone who buys into partisan politics at this point is just a useful idiot.
The boot has come down on ALL of us while we are busy crying that it's "THE OTHER SIDE" that's wearing it.

Don't get me wrong - I'm no "moderate." The answer isn't somewhere between two evils. The answer is an overturning of established power that has worked for decades to suppress populist movements, erode civil liberties and human rights, and steal from the working class by rigging the economic and tax system in favor of large corporate monopolies.

If you think Joe Biden is a "left wing extremist" or that there is a powerful and mysterious "leftist new world order" brewing, you're delusional. Pull your head out of the propaganda swamp you're living in. The left is as weak and pathetic as its ever been. That's why the police are allowed to bash their heads in and unlawfully imprison them with impunity. Joe Biden is as conservative as they come - he just has a "D" next to his name so all the partisan hacks think he's a scary socialist. Gimme a friggin break...
A very interesting viewpoint if you're mentioning anarchism. I just can't imagine how that would come about though.
Sep 16, 2007
A very interesting viewpoint if you're mentioning anarchism. I just can't imagine how that would come about though.

I wasn't mentioning anarchism, necessarily. But if you're wondering how anarchy would come about... we're living in it now.
The government consists of criminals - we already know that. Big business executives and owners are criminals - we already know that. And they use law enforcement to keep you (us) from complaining when they fleece the honest, hard working people. They can do whatever they want and get away with it. Every level of government is corrupt to the point that it is incapable of doing anything rational for regular people.
Just look at the response to the COVID pandemic:
Hundreds of thousands have died of the virus, tens of millions of people have lost their jobs, many of whom face eviction, homelessness and starvation, and over 40% of small businesses have closed permanently (more livelihoods destroyed).
Meanwhile, big business is seeing record profits as they received bailouts to the tune of TRILLIONS of dollars (where is the bailout for local small businesses?), the US Treasury supported the market to benefit lazy, worthless investors and speculators, and the wealthiest people and businesses in the US received tax breaks.
What did everyone else get? A measly $1200 check if you're lucky. How far does that get someone that just got laid off? One month's rent if you live in a studio apartment in California...
This is the biggest scam in American history since the Bush-Obama recession. It was organized by the Republicans and Democrats at the behest of their rich donors. Nancy Pelosi might give her mush-mouthed inane rambling speeches about how bad Donald Trump is, but when it matters, her and her cronies fall right in line behind Mitch McConnell and Lindsey Graham when they decide to rob the entire country.

The criminals run this place. It's not capitalism. It's not democracy. It's a scam. It's winner-takes-all anarchy. The powerful do as they please while they pretend to care about you and me, but they don't. They get away with it because we don't hold them accountable.
To bring this back to the topic of the thread:
There are thousands of young people out in the streets asking that the people we entrust with power (law enforcement) be held to a higher standard. They are trying to bring some accountability to the powerful.
The real war in this country is not right vs. left. That's a distraction. The root of the problem is the lawlessness of the tyrant elites in our societies.

Say what you want about looters and all that but don't lose sight of the big picture.
When the colonies got tired of paying taxes to their greedy King, they picked up muskets and started killing British soldiers.
If you're appalled that an Arby's and a police department was burned down because the police refuse to correct their mistakes, you need to re-evaluate your principles or just admit that you're ok with tyranny as long as it's of the flavor your prefer.

**Note this rant isn't directed at anyone in particular... I'm using "you" generally.


Well-known member
Feb 23, 2020
I wasn't mentioning anarchism, necessarily. But if you're wondering how anarchy would come about... we're living in it now.
The government consists of criminals - we already know that. Big business executives and owners are criminals - we already know that. And they use law enforcement to keep you (us) from complaining when they fleece the honest, hard working people. They can do whatever they want and get away with it. Every level of government is corrupt to the point that it is incapable of doing anything rational for regular people.
Just look at the response to the COVID pandemic:
Hundreds of thousands have died of the virus, tens of millions of people have lost their jobs, many of whom face eviction, homelessness and starvation, and over 40% of small businesses have closed permanently (more livelihoods destroyed).
Meanwhile, big business is seeing record profits as they received bailouts to the tune of TRILLIONS of dollars (where is the bailout for local small businesses?), the US Treasury supported the market to benefit lazy, worthless investors and speculators, and the wealthiest people and businesses in the US received tax breaks.
What did everyone else get? A measly $1200 check if you're lucky. How far does that get someone that just got laid off? One month's rent if you live in a studio apartment in California...
This is the biggest scam in American history since the Bush-Obama recession. It was organized by the Republicans and Democrats at the behest of their rich donors. Nancy Pelosi might give her mush-mouthed inane rambling speeches about how bad Donald Trump is, but when it matters, her and her cronies fall right in line behind Mitch McConnell and Lindsey Graham when they decide to rob the entire country.

The criminals run this place. It's not capitalism. It's not democracy. It's a scam. It's winner-takes-all anarchy. The powerful do as they please while they pretend to care about you and me, but they don't. They get away with it because we don't hold them accountable.
To bring this back to the topic of the thread:
There are thousands of young people out in the streets asking that the people we entrust with power (law enforcement) be held to a higher standard. They are trying to bring some accountability to the powerful.
The real war in this country is not right vs. left. That's a distraction. The root of the problem is the lawlessness of the tyrant elites in our societies.

Say what you want about looters and all that but don't lose sight of the big picture.
When the colonies got tired of paying taxes to their greedy King, they picked up muskets and started killing British soldiers.
If you're appalled that an Arby's and a police department was burned down because the police refuse to correct their mistakes, you need to re-evaluate your principles or just admit that you're ok with tyranny as long as it's of the flavor your prefer.

**Note this rant isn't directed at anyone in particular... I'm using "you" generally.
That my good sir is human nature; greed for opulence, arrogance, and stupidity
Apr 6, 2014
Unfortunately, you cannot instil wisdom and/or discernment into humans.

It's actually a gift.
I apologise that this post is made here and not in the Political or the Religious threads but I feel compelled to post it here where it's most needed.

It's heartbreaking to see the very people that cry 'fake news', tyranny and rebellion against the 'dictatorial current administration' are they themselves driven in their thought processes by the very same NWO narrative the globalist anti-nationalism puppet masters author to achieve their world domination.

You honestly think Mr Trump has gained financially by becoming president of the union?

Do you believe you would have been better off in the last four years in the hands of the murderous Clinton and/or Treasonous Obama-esc et'al government-ship?

Just look at the extremes the globalist went to, to sway public opinion prior to Mr Trump's unpredictable/unforeseeable victory in the 2016 election.

....and look now at what they've done to your country, with no remorse nor human emotion to get him out of the democratically elected office of the Presidency.

Wake up America and vote for the only party that has pleadged to Make America Great Again....


Sep 16, 2007
The Democrats being bad doesn't make Republicans good. When was the last time either party proposed anything to improve your life in a tangible way? It hasn't happened to me in my memory. Instead, I've seen a continuous erosion of civil rights while wealthy businessmen and bankers scam the country into oblivion.

Yes, Trump has benefitted financially from the presidency and no I don't believe a Shillary Clinton administration would be any better. We would be better off if we clean house - remove every single politician from office and exile them on the moon. No exceptions.
