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PC or Mac?

Nov 6, 2008
68K Mac!

That’s cool. I’m not trying to convert you. XP Pro is great if you take care of it. You don’t even need virus protection if you’re just careful and don’t use Internet explorer. I use a G5 Quad with Tiger. It has never screwed up (other than some programs freezing). That’s saying a lot because I messed with the entire OS and lets face it, it’s still a computer. All machines tend to have at least some problems.
I know lots of people don’t like the iPhone. I also know apple didn’t invent touch screen devices. In this case they just improved on someone else’s technology and released it with good timing so that everyone bought them. I knew a kid in 5th grade who had a palm pilot. I had one of the first original iPods in New Jersey a while ago. I had to pay $100 just to return it. I didn’t like the interface. I though it was terrible but everyone bought in to it. I love the way the same people that hated Apple so much and gave me so much grief now form the iPod generation. Those people are tools and Apple takes full advantage of them lol.
I was the kid everyone made fun of in school because I used a Mac. This was the time when Dell had made its way into my elementary school. This started the ‘macs suck’ syndrome that spread so fast. I was told in a few years Apple would go under and there would be no more Macs. This was like telling me you I would loose a relative. I was even told by a teacher I would fail if I did my paper on my Mac (because I didn’t have Word 98.) So you can imagine the smile that came on my face when they started to dominate the market several years later. I had a grin that even plastic surgery couldn’t remove. I don’t know why I love Apple so much. The only way I can describe it is that it’s the same feeling you have for your team, or your place of origin. Apple is alive and well and that makes me happy.

Sep 22, 2007
All my desktops and laptops are either XP 64 or Vista 64. It hasn't been a day at the park with the 64 bit system as all developers are behind the 64 bit curve so there are lots of compatibility problems but if you understand the 64 versus 32 bit registries and how to alter them you can get most stuff running which totally defeats the purpose of a plug and play operating system. I'm sorry, in Microsoft's rush to be all things to all people at a price point above all they have totally screwed the pooch. An operating system should consist of the hardware abstraction layer and some utilities and drivers to insure the OS works properly. Let other MS or third party software add the functionality or bells and whistles. But I have to use it for business purposes so I do.

Now, with that said all my servers are all LINUX. The price is right (free) and there is not much it will not run on. In fact my home file server is running a 450MHz Pentium II with 512MB RAM with absolutely no issues. It's been doing this for nearly seven years. The telephone switch at work is LINUX with TRIXBOX phone server software installed and IP phones for the extensions. I had APACHE web serves and POSTFIX mail servers all running under LINUX. My uses are pretty mundane but there are supercomputers at Los Alamos National Labs that take advantage of LINUX clustering to build a system with thousands and thousands of processors.
Sep 8, 2008
Hello All,

Like quite a few here, I'm in IT by trade. At various times I've run and repaired- PC, Mac, and Linux computers. Right now, I've got several computers-

- HP laptop triple booting- XP Pro, Ubuntu, Debian (This is my 'backup' computer, I almost never use it.)
- Toshiba Laptop dual-booting Windows XP home and Ubuntu. Mostly my wife's at this point... But I use it if I need more CPU than the EEE provides.
- Asus EEE PC901 running Ubuntu- This is my daily use computer, does w99% of what I need.
- Nokia N810 running OS2008(linux)- This is my mp3/movie player, PDA, and all around pocket computer. tethered to my phone, I can be online anywhere!

I answered 'Linux' to the survey as-
1. I'm a Unix system administrator. So using linux at home keeps my skills up.
2. I can build/write/patch whatever software I want without waiting for vendors to fix things.
3. It's more secure and reliable than either Windows or Mac OS.
4. I can run most of the MS software I need to in Wine.
5. My EEE boots in under 20 seconds!
6. Because I can.

Jun 7, 2007
you know I'd actually be very interested in having a separate computer that runs Linux which runs everything. Is it better to have a linux laptop or linux desktop? Keep in mind I would be interested in dual booting or running windows on it.
Sep 8, 2008
mikeeey said:
you know I'd actually be very interested in having a separate computer that runs Linux which runs everything. Is it better to have a linux laptop or linux desktop? Keep in mind I would be interested in dual booting or running windows on it.

Hardware support is better on desktops. But netbooks are changing that dynamic (slowly).

If you want to run a laptop on linux, it's advised to see whether there are drivers available for ALL of the hardware. If you're just starting out Live CD's are the way to go. You can run Linux on your PC from the CD/DVD without wiping your Windows install. It's a nice way to test drive the OS.

Dec 14, 2008
PC for now, especially since Windows 7 is coming up! That said, I do think apple has some lovely products with awesome engineering. But none of them would be half as good without the competition from each other! :)
May 2, 2008
Niko said:
[quote author=PHR-803T link=1205467519/60#73 date=1229196929]PC will rule again with Windows 7

I think it'll just be a newer pumped up vista.[/quote]
That's a given. In fact MS themselves even said it's going to be like Vista ::) just not as much FAIL in it.


Jun 16, 2007
PC, most of my programs could not be used on a mac, and they cost way way way to much for what they are.
Jan 2, 2009
I use a PC for it connivance and compatibility.

But, if you want to do serious video, audio, graphic editing Mac is the only way. Macs run flawless, unlike PCs.

It all depend on the applications you want to use. And the money in your pocket.
May 2, 2008
Tech_Junkie said:
I use a PC for it connivance and compatibility.

But, if you want to do serious video, audio, graphic editing Mac is the only way. Macs run flawless, unlike PCs.

It all depend on the applications you want to use. And the money in your pocket.
I see this severely untrue statement all the time. I use my PC for audio/video editing daily. I use Sony Vegas Pro as an equivalent to Final Cut Pro and I use various programs for recording songs. You simply need a PC with decent specs. You don't need that silly Mac OS to do this stuff. XP has never failed me, however I've gotten many SPINNING WHEELS OF DEATH on Macs.


May 24, 2008
^ I've gotten one of those in firefox. All you need to do is force quit it. ;)

It's nothing compared to the blue screen of death.
