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Looking for a laser for 600yard application.


Mar 2, 2019
This may be too much to ask for, but I am looking for a laser with the following properties:

1.beam diameter not more than 6inches at 600yards.
2.beam detectable (from the side, not via reflection off of a hard surface) by a 6mm camera out to 600yards, IN DAYLIGHT SUCH AS 3PM IN THE AFTERNOON ON A NON-OVERCAST DAY. In particular, I need to be able to detect with the photo-sensor/camera the direction the camera is displaced laterally from the beam as
it moves mostly-parallel to the beam. The camera will remain essentially parallel to the beam but will experience lateral deflections away from the beam, not more than about 3feet maximum temporarily.

Any suggestions or advice?

Jan 29, 2014
If using a camera, although doubtful to me, it may be possible for the camera to see it, even if you can't with your eyes. I would look into lasers with a high power density/small beam diameter and at the same time a low divergence, but I expect it would be so powerful to be a hazard to vision. You have one thing going for you though, with a camera looking down along the side of the beam, if that is what you mean, it very well may be possible for the camera to detect the beam during daylight hours, with enough power. With enough power and low enough divergence, you have a much better chance of seeing the beam when axially looking down the side of the beam, but I did qualify that with the word enough, then the question becomes affordability.

A small beam diameter typically means you would have high divergence, a fat beam diameter could give you a low enough divergence to keep the spot diameter at 6 inches at that distance, but then more difficult to see or detect the beam itself (you could easily detect the spot). Collimated high power density at low divergence to produce a visible beam so far out with that small of a spot during daylight hours are somewhat mutually exclusive, unless you have a big budget. I don't know if it can be engineered or not, the answer to the question really depends upon what the camera capable of, give me it's specifications and I can probably tell you yes or no.

Without a camera: I have a 4.25 watt output power 532 nm DPSS laser and no way can you see the beam from the side at 3 PM non-overcast day, but if looking closely down the axis of the beam itself maybe you can indeed see it, I'm not sure. The divergence of such a laser would need to be less than .5 mRad. Assuming you aren't willing to spend thousands of dollars my guess is you won't easily afford such at high enough power which is visible in daylight, perhaps a pulsed ND:YAG DPSS might work if the repetition rate were fast enough at high enough power. I can say I couldn't see the beam coming out of my 4 watt lasers looking down the beam during the day, but at the same time, I didn't look well enough or use a camera, but it's divergence was 1.5 mRad, far too high for what you want.

Now you have me wanting to try this with a 1 watt 532 nm DPSS laser pointer, maybe I would be surprised and be able to see something. If I did see something, I might have the impression I could see it all the way out to the target when only an illusion.
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Mar 2, 2019
I am in-process of studying the first reply. I should have clarified that the "6mm" number I gave is the diameter of the camera or photo-detector. For most of my interests, the detector/camera would have to fit in a 12mm space but I could go up to 20mm if I absolutely had to. Other than that, I am not constrained in any way as to what sensor/photo-detector/camera I use [whatever will work].
Sep 12, 2007
Yes, that is too much to ask.

If you actually tell us what you're trying to do, in lieu of listing impossible or impractical specifications, we may be able to help.


May 14, 2011
Yes, that is too much to ask.

If you actually tell us what you're trying to do, in lieu of listing impossible or impractical specifications, we may be able to help.

He needs to share his daydream imagined device or system if there is any chance of pointing him in the right direction of what is possible without being impossibly dangerous, expensive or absurd.

Apparently, he has misconceptions, misperceptions, and/or knows little if anything about how real lasers function in the real world thus the impossible or impractical specifications.


Mar 2, 2019
I can't give details about the application. I no longer require the beam to be visible from the side.
I am working on a different approach now. The 6 inches of beam diameter is very realistic -- take
a 1mm beam at the aperture, 2mrad divergence, and a 10x expander and now you have a 4.7inch beam-diameter at 600yards.
And, that does meet my specifications. :D
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Sep 20, 2013
To do this you will likely need a DPSS laser at 532nm wavelength and at least 500 mW of power. You will still need the 10X beam expander and the beam will still not be visible to you or a camera in full sunlight. These kinds of lasers have the best divergence specs. and will be your best bet for having the size spot you want out to 600 yards.


Mar 2, 2019
I realize neither of these specifies "DPSS". But which will be 'more easily seen' by a camera at 600yards
(The 532nm is about $171 more.)

(both have 10x beam expander):
532nm 800mw:

or 520nm 1000mw:
Sep 4, 2018
The 520 will likely give you a wider beam as it uses a multimode direct-diode approach, inferior in beam quality to a DPSS in your case. Either will work fine at 600feet with the 10x beam expander (according to their specifications), but both will fail at producing a 6" spot at 600' without it.

Have you dropped the requirement for a visible beam now, because that would bring it into the realms of possibility rather than fantasy? Sideways, no laser will be very visible in daylight.


Mar 2, 2019
Immo, 600yards, not 600feet. :D But, yes, I have dropped the requirement of the beam being visible from the side. Yep, I am fully aware now that I need the 10x beam-expander.


May 14, 2011
I realize neither of these specifies "DPSS". But which will be 'more easily seen' by a camera at 600yards
(The 532nm is about $171 more.)

(both have 10x beam expander):
532nm 800mw:

or 520nm 1000mw:

These posts and questions get more pathetic and idiotic with every post.

Apparently in addition to needing to be spoon fed" answers to impossible question that clearly say you have no idea of what your are talking about + no knowledge of lasers, and how they function in the real world, you also need people at LPF to read product information for you because you are so far into your daydream you are not aware of anything outside of your own imaginings-- you can't even read --
On the JetLasers PL-E Pro web page in the section under DATA SHEET called MORE INFO it clearly says:
"532nm PL-E Pro 100mW to 1000mW Lasers is a classic brand of portable lasers released by JETLASERS IN 2013.
JETLASERS' 532 nm Diode-Pumped Solid State (DPSS) green laser diode modules are a combination of Nd:YVO4 and KTP crystals pumped by an 808 nm laser diode. The front window consists of a wedged glass filter, which blocks the IR source light and hermetically seals the module. DPSS lasers can be used like any typical semiconductor laser diode, but offer a much smaller beam divergence.PL-E Pro series’s AC in integration, robust design, dismountable design, internally focusable feature, added safety features, metal button, spare barrel, long runtime and and high reliability make them a better option for outdoor or field use where a a high power, high stability handheld laser is required. PL-E Pro series lasers are good for lab use where portability and low cost are necessary."

Forget about whatever it is you are imagining that you want to do wih a laser that can be powered by a car cigarette lighter adaptor that you asked about in one of the other threads - get some real knowledge of practical reality first.
With an 800mW 532nm laser all you will be is "an accident looking for a place to happen" with a high probability of causing permanent ocular damage or blindness to yourself or someone else because you don't know any better.
Get an education about lasers and laser safety first---a good place to start on safety is here: http://www.laserpointersafety.com/

Get a low cost laser 301, 304, or 305 which star at $5.00 or so on eBay, 532nm laser first to gain some experience in the real of world of how to handle lasers and what they do and how they function in the real world.

I assume from your threads and questions you are in the USA and under 18 years old---if true, clear whatever you intend to do with lasers with your parents who are responsible for you and what you do and are also liable for any damage you cause to others as well.

Please make a Welcome thread in the Welcome sub-forum telling something about yourself which you have not done if you expect LPF members to waste their valuable time babysitting you attempting to sort out your mix of blenderized facts and imaginings/fictions
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Mar 2, 2019
Ok, Encap, I didn't read the very bottom of the page at jetlasers.org, on the 532nm one.
I confess I don't know whether these things automatically turn themselves off/on or if they just overheat and damage themselves.
(If the jetlasers.org page tells that also, I apologize.)
My suspicion is the batteries don't last more than a short time; so, that is why I was planning to power it with my vehicle's battery.
As I said the other post, car battery to DC-to-AC converter to AC-to-8V adapter (of jetlasers). :D
I am 80yo, not 18yo.
There is no need to call a person a pathetic idiot. You obviously have emotional issues.


Apr 28, 2015
This^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ from Encap;)
You do realize that wanting a certain power that might or not be visible at a specific time at around 3:00PM, that's charge's in a car with small beam far away sounds like someone wanting to stock someone and whatever else might be planned.
Not saying that's the reason and just could be a project your working on. Not giving even a little info of what you are trying doesn't help..
If you were reading these question's, wouldn't they seem creepy to you??


Mar 2, 2019
It is a project, whose details cannot be stated. I am not a terrorist. lol. (I assume "stock" meant "stalk").
It is true I am very new to lasers. So, some dumb-questions are partially inevitable. Just ignore my posts
if you don't want to 'babysit'.


Apr 28, 2015
I just made suggestion to what it might look like;) and yep my bad it was "stalk" lol..
Hey i'm the King of asking some silly or dumb questions. There's also no real dumb questions just dumb mistakes. Like reflections in a car Encap mentioned. That's part of learning.. Did "I" personally say the word "baby sit":whistle:
Asking for any tiny bit of info about this project isn't asking to give this TOP SECRET away. It's to better understand how members can help you.
Remember YO, you came here for help, no one asked you to come. What happened to the manners this world use to have??:(
