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ArcticMyst Security by Avery

Look for the bright green laser to repel the birds in the daytime.


New member
Feb 23, 2022
I'm looking for a bright laser to use to chase birds in the daytime. At first I hesitated between the blue laser and the green laser.
(in a limited budget)

But now I want the green color as I think it's more visible in the daytime. But I'm not sure which one is better, 520nm or 532nm.

I've heard that the cheap 532nm usually don't include or have a bad infrared filter. and it's dangerous So I'm looking at 520 nanometers right now.

Here's the list of lasers I'm looking at.
  1. OXLasers OX-G40S (AliExpress)
  2. CNILasers X6BG0200 (AliExpress)
  3. THOR H 520nm 300mW (laserpointerstore)
I've been looking at the OXLasers OX-GX7 too. But the price is quite expensive. And I still don't know if it's good or not.

Any suggestions ?
New members can't post links, sorry.


New member
Mar 28, 2023
I suggest NOT shining any 'bright' laser at anything with eyeballs. Your hatred of animals does not absolve acts of cruelty towards them. Just learn to make a loud pop by clapping your hands, its not hard, that's how we used to keep the finches and crows from crapping on our cars before they stopped coming around. Or get a decoy statue. Or cover netting. Or spinners. Or bird spikes. But shining a visible in the day time laser at an animal? .....I hope you live somewhere without animal protection laws..... Its kind of funny that you're worried about getting a laser that's 'any good' when you could just get a 10w output cutter module for less than $60, burn the birds eyes out, and yours too when it glints back at you, then get arrested for flashing that incoming plane behind the bird you didn't notice was there.... Also, I hope you're not talking about crows, because if they find out its you doing that they will tell every other crow they know and your car will never be poop free again.

What did nature do to you that made using a powerful laser to scare off wildlife in the area you decided to live in seem good idea, or would even work?!? 😠🤬😡


Mar 3, 2023
Very visible to humans may not be very visible to fowl....or visa versa....
But there's no more need to point a laser at a bird than there is to point a laser at a human.
Don't point lasers at living things. Bad idea.
Jul 10, 2015
Chase the birds away if you want, but beware of your local laws and busy body persons who may give you grief.

Here's a company Bird-B-Gone with many products, some may be specific to your needs, yes there's also a laser option and you don't blind the birds, just shine the laser near them to scare them away..... however this is best suited to rural areas where the laser won't be a distraction to people or traffic, same for the sonic repellent devices than create a loud BOOM.
In urban areas you may want to use a chemical repellent that birds don't like the smell of yet isn't unpleasant to humans and/or physical barrier devices.

Jan 7, 2007
Lasers aren't very effective. Like RC said, you need to move the spot around them but they only move
a couple feet. use qty: 2 1 x 4 x 18" Pine boards and slap them together to produce a bang....
Hint: Keep your thumbs from between the boards when in use :ROFLMAO:
