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Laser 303 & Generic Red Glasses For Laser Safety

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New member
Nov 4, 2020
Hello all.
I got a 532nm, <100mw SD Laser 303 laser pointer from eBay. I also got some generic red glasses off of eBay for laser safety with Blue and Green lasers.

As we all know, these cheap lasers leak at least 10 - 20mw of IR because they are made without an IR cut filter, to save money. They also likely are Class IIIb instead of merely "Class III." Lastly, they are anywhere from 90mw to over 100. The label isn't exactly accurate on milliwatts on these lasers.

Prior to getting them, I did all the research I could and watched YouTube videos. I wanted to make sure I didn't go blind. I've owned red lasers before. So I know what to do. I tested the laser last night for the first time after finding a 18650 800mAh battery. I had on these red glasses.

I was in a lit room when I tested them last night. There is nothing reflective in this room. I was not able to see the beam but I was able to see an obvious green spot. I panicked. I assumed that the glasses were supposed to filter virtually all of this out and that I was not supposed to see any of that. But after watching XM650's Laser 303 video, I can presume two things:
1) He used those same red glasses and he's not permanently blind. He even had the same laser.
2) I wasn't reckless with the laser.

Now, I have a white aluminium matte painted door. It's not something I would consider shiny or reflective. At all. With my glasses on, I shined the laser on my door. For literally no more than five seconds. Probably 2 - 3 at the most. I did this also on the brown wood wall and a black chair in my room. The laser was not focused. All in all, I used the laser in 2 second intervals, unfocused about five times.

I then focused my laser to burn something on my chair. Immediately upon pushing the button, I noticed a giant more yellowish spot and I stopped and closed it up. I did one last test. And in hindsight, I was an idiot. I wanted to see if it would burn my hand. So, I held my left hand about two feet from my face and swept the laser over over my hand. At no point did I ever directly aim this thing at my face. When I did that on my hand, my hand caused a lot of green light to shine. It was noticeable. I don't know if it counts as a reflection but I noticed a lot of green light on my chest, almost like peripheral vision but below my face even though I was looking straight ahead at my hand, through the glasses. I was not looking down my nose between the gap of the glasses and my face to see this light. I don't know if that can still count as a direct hit. I never saw green light in my retinas, I noticed the light around me when I did that. I took the battery out and put the laser up. I was paranoid, scared, worried out of my mind that I was able to see a green spot anyway. The thing with my hand and all that green light that back my way put that in overdrive. All of this was in two seconds.

I rubbed my eyes hard. I was scared that I just permanently blinded myself. My eyes were dry, my eyes hurt, I had a slight headache. There wasn't really an afterimage that lasted past five minutes after this. It didn't put my mind at ease. I didn't know how I was able to see this green spot with the glasses on if they block that wavelength. I assumed that I should theoretically have barely noticed the spot.

I checked my eyes with an Amsler grid. I have no distortion in either of my eyes. My vision as far as I know is still 20/20. I was checking that every hour, on the hour. My eyes were a bit sensitive to light after that. It could have been panic and all that eye rubbing.

My eyes are still hurting a bit right now, today. My eyes are less dry than last night. But still. I'm in a sunlit room and I don't feel photophobic. My eyes are not in severe pain but have a slight ache. I have some floaters but I've always had floaters. I don't know if those glasses failed, if I reflected light directly into my eyes or if all the rubbing did this.

Should I be worried?
Should I go to a doctor/the ER?
Have you owned a 303 and these glasses before?
Are you supposed to see a noticeable and obviously green dot with these laser glasses and a unfocused 532nm laser?
When I focused it and aimed it at the black chair, why was the spot a giant yellowish spot instead of a tiny green spot?
Am I gonna be blind forever?

Jun 22, 2016


"If you think you need medical help or attention for an eye injury or any other medical problem, you probably do."
"If you have been hit in the eye with a laser and feel you have suffered any type of eye injury as the result of an accident with a laser that may need medical opinion or treatment,
go to a hospital Emergency Room and/or consult a qualified Board Certified MD Ophthalmologist ASAP.
LPF is a laser hobbyist website, not physicians, and cannot give any medical or legal advice.
No professional medical or legal advice is available or possible on LPF"

For additional information see laserpointersafety.com here:
Laser Pointer Safety - What to do if you are hit by a laser pointer or laser pen

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