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ArcticMyst Security by Avery

How To Get Along and Be Accepted at LPF

Mar 27, 2011
<< I am silently correcting your grammar and word choice >>


Go for it. I'm not exactly versed with a biblical style of writing :angel:

Maybe we could just have one


(That's daguin's job and he hates the competition)


Yeah, no, that ship has sailed.

Those commandments are lame! Where are the other two?

:shhh: I wanted to see how long before someone notices.

Also open to proposals :p
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Apr 19, 2013

~ LB
Jul 1, 2013
Well done i jumped in with both feet before my introduction but did that now
And are are reading the stickies as not to ask the same questions that have been asked many
times before and start to annoy ppl:bowdown:
Jan 29, 2014
This forum has some problems, you have too many people who are a bit trigger happy and too quick to correct other members, you need to open a window and relax instead of attacking members who you think necro posted, as I was just accused of for adding to a sticky which was already near the top of the page. Disagree with me or not, what is the purpose of negging someone for posting in a thread that is supposed to stay up?

I'm not the kind of person who is good at these kinds of forums, I'm leaving, you all have fun with your rules and staying in line like good members of the community, but those kinds of people are usually the kind who will never do anything outside of the norm, they are too well trained to stay within it.
Apr 2, 2009
Now if we could just get them to read it

LOL @ your choice of words in your sig link :crackup:


'A Clockwork Orange' comes to mind- eyelids clamped open-- head held fast- no way to avoid--lol JK +5
Jan 29, 2012
I'm not the kind of person who is good at these kinds of forums, I'm leaving, you all have fun with your rules and staying in line like good members of the community, but those kinds of people are usually the kind who will never do anything outside of the norm, they are too well trained to stay within it.

Really hmm....I think a few here would disagree. ;)

Anyway dont sweat it, yes, there are trigger happy members here, but they are few and far between.

Ill help you with your rep issue for your beacons. I just stumbled on your IR LED laser project and it looks very impressive. It would be great if you would stick around, I think there is lots you could bring to the forum. :beer:
Apr 2, 2009
By all means you should stick this out-- I got off to a rocky start at another laser forum-
and here at LPF I failed to make my 'intro' thread until i had been here a while and noticed a newcomer get svoilded for making thier first post a cry for help wth one of the most commonly asked questions.

For every member that seems to be picking on you there are many hundreds who would not- so hang in there for us and dont leave because of them.. you would be burning a bridge to help from others and the opportunity to help others yourtself- a great way to get lots of green rep.

If I can help do not hesitate to PM
For sure I do not have all the answers but have been here long enough to know those that do..

Len in Texas


maybe a friendly gesture would be to add your location to your personal profile-
no doubt we have at least one other member from there.

and the hometown kinda goes along with one's (first)name- It how most newcomers intro themselves-
'Hi Len Here from Texas' < like that
however for that to appear under my name in a post it must be in my profile--
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Dec 18, 2013
This forum has some problems, you have too many people who are a bit trigger happy and too quick to correct other members, you need to open a window and relax instead of attacking members who you think necro posted, as I was just accused of for adding to a sticky which was already near the top of the page. Disagree with me or not, what is the purpose of negging someone for posting in a thread that is supposed to stay up?

I'm not the kind of person who is good at these kinds of forums, I'm leaving, you all have fun with your rules and staying in line like good members of the community, but those kinds of people are usually the kind who will never do anything outside of the norm, they are too well trained to stay within it.

It's really a great place with some great members. A ton of knowledge here. About all forums have their weird little quirks about one thing or another. You learned one of them here. Might as well hang out now that you have met the Posting Police. Have you met the Grammar Police or the Spelling Police yet ?

If not you MUST stick around. It's hilarious !

Here, just chill out and listen to some music :)


May 8, 2014
This forum has some problems, you have too many people who are a bit trigger happy and too quick to correct other members, you need to open a window and relax instead of attacking members who you think necro posted, as I was just accused of for adding to a sticky which was already near the top of the page. Disagree with me or not, what is the purpose of negging someone for posting in a thread that is supposed to stay up?

I'm not the kind of person who is good at these kinds of forums, I'm leaving, you all have fun with your rules and staying in line like good members of the community, but those kinds of people are usually the kind who will never do anything outside of the norm, they are too well trained to stay within it.

I agree with you that's total BS, I mean seriously its not even possible to necro a sticky, its at the top anyways that's the WHOLE POINT of having a sticky is to keep it at the top. Some people here really need to think before they post/rep but im sure that can be said about most of us at times.

However I think the knowledge here outweighs the bad apples, so far anyways :)
Dec 28, 2009
I agree with you that's total BS, I mean seriously its not even possible to necro a sticky, its at the top anyways that's the WHOLE POINT of having a sticky is to keep it at the top. Some people here really need to think before they post/rep but im sure that can be said about most of us at times.

Description: Necropost - an entry made in an old thread that includes or meets one or more of the following criteria:
1. intended only to increase post count
2. Contains no added/updated information
3. Has no value
4. States the obvious
5. Is redundant
6. Is Obnoxious
7. Is No Longer Relevant

To summarize, any post made in an old thread in a sole self-serving manner, being devoid of content other than their own useless self-interest.

Any member that makes such posts with more than one qualifier above should not be surprised whatsoever in the least when they receive negative rep. Moreover, continued useless posting by any member should fully expect to be banned. Don't take my word for it, count for yourself the number of banned for useless/necro posts. http://laserpointerforums.com/f59/ban-information-thread-74624.html#post1077932

Example: I like this thread
Member: Laser Project
2. Contains no added/updated information
3. Has no value
6. Obnoxious (complained multiple times in multiple threads about having gotten Neg Rep for Necroposting to begin with) -- Hell to Pay Neg Reps Away

Iv'e let many necro's go as, as has already been said, it add's to the original discussion. It's when people post in a 3 year old thread saying "that r0x0rzz" or "ko0l" ect that we draw the line.

Overall, there are two main problems with necroposts: 1) people not realizing that they're replying to people in the past, well after interest has waned in the subject, or 2) their new reply is less about the original subject, and more about their own questions, solutions, accomplishments, etc. In both cases, a new thread (or no thread if the reply really isn't that useful) is a better solution so that things are kept relevant.

Necroposting is and always has been fine WHEN it is relevant to the original post and ADDS something with meaning. Post random junk and you will get flamed for days!

It's not necroposting in itself that's fround upon . . . While true that some people don't like it at all, most as far as I can tell, don't mind as long as something new is added.

I think it depends on how it is being revived. If the poster has new or updated info to provide I think that it is not a problem at all. However, if it is a spam post like "I agree" or "lol" then it can be annoying . . .In most cases that I have seen here, old threads being resurrected were done so with pointless info, in which case it could be considered spam

Personally I find it annoying because I'll click on a thread and be reading through it thinking WTF? and then notice that it was posted like 3 years ago. Also people never even bump it with a useful comment. It's always something random like "seems expensive" or "cool laser man that's awesome". Then you get 3-4 posts flaming the thread necromancer.

Please dont necro post with completely useless things...If you want to contribute to the topic, then go ahead, bump it, but otherwise- dont hit the reply button.

. . .Red rep points just means that that person gives bad advice, posts useless info and/or comments that don't add to the topic.
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Dec 18, 2013
I do agree necroposting is kind of obnoxious. Especially to me because I haven't been around long enough to recognize it was an old thread I had already read. Plus if it wasn't already on the first page, now it's cluttering up the first page with useless info.

The part I'm having a hard time grasping is, Joe Blow makes a necropost. Along comes Billy Bob and posts in the same thread calling out Joe Blow for necroposting in that thread.:wtf: So is Billy Bob now necroposting too ? Unless Billy Bob is just on some self fullfiling gratification kick I don't get it. Why not just send Joe Blow a PM instead of making another post in a dead thread.

So maybe Joe Blow and Billy Bob are both trying to just get their post count up. That's something else I don't understand. Do you get a gold watch or something after 10k posts ? While I do put more "LPF Credibility" to a person with a higher post count. One of the best builds I've seen on here was by a person with no post count .

The party analogy this thread is based on truly is a good one. We are all partying in someone elses house. When your at a party do you expect to have to just stand in a corner scared to death or did you expect to have fun ? Did you think the chips and the candy that were in the bowls on the table were for you to enjoy ? Did you expect another person attending the party that doesn't even own the house to slap your hand when you reached for the chips ?

Last time I checked, I only get a certain number of trips around the Sun. I'm not going to worry about things I can't change.


Dec 18, 2013
I try not to necropost. I know my grammar isn't the best, but I actually do try and make a conscience effort. I know my spelling isn't the best, but the forum helps me with that by drawing a red line under what I misspelled, so then I Google it to find out how to spell it.
Why do I do these things ? Because I know it irks some other members of the "party".
Maybe people just need to get thicker skin and not take things personal.
I work in the Construction Trade. We talk smack all day long to each other and it just rolls off my back.
I just hate to see people leave the forum, especially when the donation goal isn't reached.
I plan on being in this hobby for awhile. I love it and would like to see the forum grow and prosper.
It truly is a great place with some very knowledgeable, helpful members. YMMV
Jan 2, 2016
Look, I get it.. but never did I profess to "know everything."

Someone came out of the blue jaw jackin.. quite rude. I don't just lie down and take shit from people, as I'm sure most of you won't either. Everyone has their limit and mine was not when he commented on my use of his (?? or someone else's) images - which I was merely using for demonstration purposes and took down as soon as requested, not trying to market or slander anyone, I was just talkin bout my own ish.. but my limit came when this freakin guy left private messages for me, still hella sideways. Look, I wasn't born yesterday so in no god damn way am I in the "spoon fed righteous entitled as a mofo for not having done SH** for society" crowd, nor am I an old guy that doesn't use the 90's/2000's term "hella" still.. but I was brought up to treat people the way I wanted to be treated, or NOT to treat people the way I DON'T want to be treated (Confucius proverb circa 500 B.C.).. this is why if I have something to say to someone, I don't off the bat come at them ready to offend them like i just slapped their mother and expected them to sit there and take it... unless I am RESPONDING in kind. I have NEVER originated some B.S. like most of you are allowing to happen to a "new member," and favoritism is only natural, because human's are stupid, but I get it.. I've got some human left in there somewhere, and it shows from time to time.

IIRC I was the one to at least attempt to diffuse the situation and get back on subject, rather than the constant repartee that the (UNNAMED) individual was prepared to play until the end of time as we know it.

I have made some discoveries using these stimulated emissions of radiation that will make your jaw drop and your A-hole pucker, so I assure you I am no waste of life. New members are still members nonetheless and I feel we deserve at least a tiny bit more respect than to be cast out as some worthless paraplegic vagrant who is literally only a mouth to feed and an ass to wipe with no contribution to society in a time where food and ass paper are scarce.

At least I will be the friend, hell even if I'm just a damn "acquaintance," that you know will jump in FIRST if you need backup, rather than tucking my tail and wishing I never knew you. There's gotta be some credit for being someone who not only stands up for himself and others, but who doesn't truck around talkin trash to strangers getting everyone kicked out of the club.

If ya'll can't get behind me on this one AT ALL.. then I really don't need to be here anyway.
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