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Sep 20, 2013
Even republicans believe asking Ukraine to dig up dirt on his presidential rival is illegal. He is still trying to do it. He continues to take money from the government for his own personal benefit just like he did with his presidential inauguration committee funds. Anyone else would have divested themselves from any businesses, or at the very least, put it into a blind trust, but not the Donald. You just can't find a more corrupt person much less the leader of the free world.

Jul 10, 2015
Don't you think the political thread is enough for your endless obsessive Trump hate propaganda ?
Biden/Harris are as corrupt as they come.
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Sep 20, 2013
Michael Cohen's book is slated to be released next week. He calls Trump a liar, racist, scumbag and believes he will stop at nothing in his reelection campaign. Even starting a war to ensure he is not removed from office. As soon as he is he will face charges from the DOJ and D.C. AG. Trump fears this more than anything else. Without the presidency he enjoys no immunity.
Jul 10, 2015
It won't happen, ex presidents don't get charged with anything otherwise we wouldn't have a president ever again, hell that terrorist Barry gave our enemy Iran an airplane full of cash and 150 Billion dollars to boot along with a 10 year pathway to the bomb, 10 years is nothing, that's the most criminal thing a potus has ever done and don't tell me that was Iran's money, it was not.....and Hillary, now there's a prolific criminal.

You are pulling your pud with this pipe dream that Trump will be charged once out of office, it just doesn't happen and even if some shithole AG did charge Trump they would get the word to drop it quick.....hell open that can of worms and that rapist Bill Clinton would be charged.....Bill clinton racked up so many frequent flyer miles on Epstein Lolita express that Hillary had Epstein killed.

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Sep 20, 2013
Nothing is stopping the New York state AG from charging Trump. No one has ever been as corrupt as Trump has been in office. Mark my words....he'll get charged. Likely by multiple departments. This scares the shit out of him....as well it should. The reason Ford lost his election was he gave Nixon an unconditional pardon. That and his trying to get an H1N1 vaccine out before the election that turned badly for him. Nixon would have likely been charged as his crimes were as evident as Trump's.

Louis DeJoy, Trump's new Postmaster General, has been using his employees in New Breed to evade campaign finance laws. David Young, DeJoy's director of human resources told the Post he was pressured to contribute and was reimbursed through yearly bonuses. Many people there had this same experience. At one of DeJoy's fundraisers, his employees ave over $1 million, though they had never given before or since. This is very illegal.
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Jul 10, 2015
Some people...... not Trump " may have " violated some campaign finance regs .......so what........you know Obama used the IRS to go after his detractors and destroyed many people, if Trump acted like Obama he would have the IRS investigating the NY AG......would probably have her ass in a sling too.
Jan 29, 2014
Shit, I guess politics cannot be excluded in this thread, or can it?
Jul 10, 2015
Shit, I guess politics cannot be excluded in this thread, or can it?

paul started it here because he was being ignoring in the political thread..........his Trump derangement syndrome is apparently overpowering and his hate for Trump must plague him nonstop, still I have no doubt that he knows better, nobody could believe all the lies but he seems to enjoy repeating the dishonest propaganda at nauseam, the false narrative out of Washington is distressing, our nation has descended into constant fake news and misrepresentations, it's a crying shame that some people actually believe the BS......I watch old TV shows and hear the words people used to converse with 50-60 years ago and the ideas about our proper process, our rights and our values and I am saddened to see how much a great segment of our populace has devolved and paul tracking through the threads leaving his soiled footprints attempting to spread the infection is not surprising but it detracts from the enjoyment of our hobby, I wish it would stop and the only reason I eventually respond at all is because susceptible readers may come here and be affected by his garbage, it's why he does it you know, he hopes to sway anyone that he can through sheer repetition of dishonest propaganda.
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Jul 10, 2015
I will be happy to not discuss politocs here at all provided that rule is enforced for everyone, I vote for closing the political thread and banning the political dissertations, if someone without an agenda were to make a casual comment I won't be upset, but the constant propaganda takes away from this hobby........while paul was away I actually made some laser stuff and posted about it with pics and everything ..........I hope we can close the politics thread and ban political rants.
Sep 20, 2013
:ROFLMAO: The term is ad nauseum, just like the term ad infinitum. In fact that's where the "ad nauseum" comes from as there is no Latin term like that.

I'm sure you would love to close the political thread as Trump is such an easy target. I mainly just report what I read in the Washington Post and New York Times. I have current subscriptions to both. Would love to post links, but can't because people here didn't pay to get that and the newspapers won't allow it.
Apr 2, 2009
Don't you think the political thread is enough for your endless obsessive Trump hate propaganda ?
Biden/Harris are as corrupt as they come.
-IF you will re-read the OP-
this thread has very little about who wins the election.
it IS about good people losing a LOT ..and we too will lose...regardless of who wins..we all lose.
I understand the the political thread has been closed-- but moving it here is not a good thing. until #6 we were doing well-- since that one this thread has been jacked. And those who 'make the events' are getting a 5hitty deal. (from all including LPF it seems)

please take all that to another thread.

It is going to be a very bad year for the 'Event' people--and thus many others too
-- worst possible timing.
I read that of every 10 resturants closing only less than 6 will ever come back. It is all interconnected-- Just look at the videos.
BTW you will find almost nothing at these about Biden or Trump..

IF this thread cannot stay on track I will be asking for it to be closed..OK?


So even if you only care about laser shows-- be informed..
