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ebay seller supertechshop - bad news

Jan 29, 2014
Beware of supertechshop who sells some laser items on ebay.

I made an offer for a large number of 400mw laser diodes but before I sent payment (500 dollars) I asked them the part number of the diode so I could verify the output specification he claimed the device was rated for. After three email exchanges I finally got it out of them that they didn't know the part number and could not actually verify their listed power output claims. I was hoping he had tested the diode, or someone had done so to know whether the power output rating he listed them at was good and asked for more information, bad move.... he became even more angry. I gave him appropriate feedback with a link to the whole story at tinyurl.com/supertechshop in the FB line which he had ebay remove for him, it's against the rules to put a link in feedback so you can have more than ten words of space for feedback. The man can sure swear and insult in his emails, I thought my questions reasonable considering he had specified the diodes to be able to put out that much power along with the 500 dollars I was about to drop on him, maybe they are good for that but after that kind of treatment I will find another source.
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May 25, 2013
cheerZ for the heads up on this seller! i wonder what your next "Laser Project" is ? Hmmmm
BTW, Im the 1st To Help you on Your Protest
Good Luck


Dec 7, 2010
In fairness to this seller, we often don't know part numbers for diodes.

Also, if you were able to give him negative feedback, then it sounds like this exchange of questions happened AFTER you had already committed to a purchase through eBay?

IMO, there's nothing more frustrating (and inappropriate) than buyers who start asking clarification questions and demanding more info about an item AFTER they've committed to buy something. The time to do that is before pulling the trigger to buy an item, not after.

Deleted member 16589

supertechshop Is also SVCOMPUCYCLE. He is a reseller he does not have a lab or the equipment to test stuff that he sells.
Jan 29, 2014
My expectation was that if he stated the part was rated for a specific output power, he would have either had a part number to know that, some other means of knowing or at least had it tested to know. I made an offer for it and he accepted, but I stipulated I needed to know the manufacturers rating before we closed the deal and he couldn't do that. My complaint is simple, don't give specifications you can't back up and then become angry with the customer for asking how he knew they were correct numbers.

Edit: I would have just added this post to an older thread here on this same problem with that seller but it gets peoples panties in a bunch to add to an old thread. The reason I was careful with this sale is I bought some IR lasers on ebay from a very active member here a few weeks ago and paid a good price for what were listed as 2 watt diodes only later to find out they were really 500 mw diodes being over driven. I didn't want to have that happen again, so I pressed for more information before I handed over the cash. He had some detailed information, plots on the page, but I didn't know if the diodes were being run at normal power or above it for those plots, that is all I wanted. I couldn't understand how he had those plots but at the same time could not answer a simple question. Later I saw several past buyers had left negative FB for his being rude to them when asking questions or trying to work out some problem, so it appears this is normal treatment from him to become nasty to potential or after the purchase customers.
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Dec 7, 2010
My expectation was that if he stated the part was rated for a specific output power, he would have either had a part number to know that, some other means of knowing or at least had it tested to know.

That's your expectation, but that may or may not be reasonable.

There are lots of as-is listings on ebay where a seller lists as much information as they have, but it falls short of detailed part numbers, or confirmation via testing.

I don't know if your listing was an as-is listing or not, because you still haven't disclosed the link to the listing so that we can see it to judge the situation. But if it was, then your expectation is unreasonable.
Jan 29, 2014
I expected him to be civil and not call me a bunch of four letter words for a simple request, he seemed very unbalanced to go off like that when I was only asking.
Jan 29, 2014
cheerZ for the heads up on this seller! i wonder what your next "Laser Project" is ? Hmmmm
BTW, Im the 1st To Help you on Your Protest
Good Luck

Thanks! It may be some time until I build the next project, but appreciate the word.
Jan 29, 2014
Nope, I made an offer with text that he must provide documentation that the device was rated for 400mw CW output, he accepted and then did not come through.
Sep 5, 2013
Man you need to get over this. Rep points are small potatoes. Please take your own advice and move past it.

In life you have to take the good with the bad. You should be having a good time here. But if you keep dwelling on those stupid points you'll never have fun. Just pretend they dont exist. I've had loads of red boxes. Do I care? Hells no. I keep moving forward having a good time. They dont change the person you are. If you like the person you are then some stupid red boxes mean nothing.

Let it go and have some fun.

Just wanted to hop on LPF to confirm that Bubonic is giving you very, very good advice!!!

When I first joined LPF I was given A LOT of red boxes and it honestly made me feel bad, as if I needed to become someone I wasn't in order to be accepted here. A few months passed & I stayed in the hobby, listen to other veterans and gained more knowledge into the world of lasers. The beginning isn't always easy since people don't know you & don't *all* respect you.

Basically, just keep fighting, build some good projects(sure way to impress people and build your rep) and keep being the person you are. (I'll give you some green squares :))

PS: Ok....back to being on "off-LPF" mode until August 14th!

Jan 29, 2014
LOL. Hey, you have this bass awkward, he pulled the sale from me, he refused to sell to ME after he became angry that I insisted to know the specifications before I sent the money.
Jan 29, 2014
Here's my current project, 15W isn't enough, this pulse laser will do thousands of peak watts, but pulse, of course:

Jan 29, 2014
Curious I guess.

So let me see if I get this right?
) You placed an eBay bid, a binding agreement, for which you didn't intend to honor
) You gave the eBay seller bad feedback because he refused to sell you that which you did not intend to buy
) You opened this thread to complain about a problem you precipitated in which at the very least you are equally culpable
) And you want us to think you are a victim of his behavior?

Nope, you are wrong on several of your points, I won't get into a pissing match with you over this as that is clearly what you want. I intended to buy if the item was capable of what the seller stated it was (edit from here) but then he refused to sell the item to me (this became clear when he increased the price from 500 to 1000 dollars with shipping on the invoice to me afterwards) which is against ebay rules and in addition to that emailed me with harassing emails, way over the top for the situation at hand, reminds me of you a bit, to tell you the truth, do you know the guy?

Why are you being so obtuse? Why are you so invested in this? You keep ignoring that question, obvious you are angry if you are scurrying around the forum finding past posts to bring back to this thread. Ooops, I just pissed back, but seriously, do you see the whole picture now or are you ignoring reality?
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Jan 29, 2014
Great, glad to hear it, just don't ignore the facts, it appears to me you were purposely doing that but I will give you the benefit of a doubt you weren't following along well enough, or I wasn't fully explaining it from the outset well enough.

