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ArcticMyst Security by Avery

Dumb things you’ve done as a kid.

May 9, 2015
stole a pack of gun from grocery store in front of my mom and cashier. then tried to hide it in my jacket, they caught me. I would say I was a hardened criminal back then.


Well-known member
Oct 2, 2019
stole a pack of gun from grocery store in front of my mom and cashier. then tried to hide it in my jacket, they caught me. I would say I was a hardened criminal back then.
I'll say! Stealing a pack of guns from a grocery store in front of everybody. You're living the thug life now!
Jul 4, 2008
Also blew shrapnel into my arm from pounding flat a distress signal pen flare at age 9.
the flare was pounded with a hammer and then suddenly hit the primer which set off the entire flare at once.
I ended up burning off my eyebrows and front of my hair from the flash. A bit of the aluminum casing was stuck in my arm.

Please don't pound pen flares or any other flare for that matter. Not smart.


Jan 12, 2018
Let's kick it up a notch. What's the dumbest thing you've seen your friends do while you were young?


New member
Sep 5, 2019
Let's kick it up a notch. What's the dumbest thing you've seen your friends do while you were young?
Well, once upon a time, I was at the pool with my friends. I was pretty tall compared to my friends back then, so i could stay in the 4ft(or about 120cm) part of the pool without much trouble, the rest of my friends could also go there but their heads were barely out of the water. The smallest of the group decided to join us and guess what happened, he started drowning. I was the nearest one to him so he grabbed onto me and I stumbled over into the deeper part along with him(probably around 6ft). His sister helped him out of the water but apparently I didn’t need help. So I tip-toed my way to the shallows. No goggles so I had to open my eyes underwater so I wouldn’t just tip-toe into the deeper water(the pool was slanted down so the shallow part was 4 ft and the deepest part was 12 ft, yes, you read that right).
Luckily my friend was saved, oh and I also survived I guess. I only coughed up a bunch of water, no big deal.
Dec 19, 2012
Made an AC/DC power supply. Put some honking big capacitors in it. DON'T TOUCH THE BARE WIRES! Yeah, I know that. Did it anyway. Damn I can still remember how it felt and that was over 40 years ago.
Dec 19, 2012
Cut part way through my thumb between the 1st and 2nd knuckle. Took a few stitches. Bled so bad I had to hold the slice closed with my other hand, so I couldn't drive myself to the hospital. Parents weren't home so I had to go over to my 75 yr old neighbor, explain it to her (without letting her see my hand) and ask her to drive. She did. She also gave me a kitchen towel to wrap my hand. Instantly turned red, she said "don't worry about it". Nice lady. :) . How'd I cut it? Well, I was taking a boating course and I had to cut some rope .......... Couldn't find a knife, so I used a razor blade. That was in 1975. If there was a Darwin Award back then, I would have won it that year.

Funny sidebar: I'm lying on the table. The doctor asks "how did I do it"? "Razor, I said". "New or old"? he asks. "New, fresh out of the wrapper", I reply. He replies, "good, it won't leave much of a scar". He explains, "a fresh clean razor will slice cleanly, a used razor would tear the skin and leave a more noticeable scar".
Jul 4, 2008
I wasn't all that young, but in 2007/08 I took a direct strike from a 12.5KW Tesla Coil in the chest. Output was around ~2.5-3MV.
I still have the burnt shoes and shirt as a reminder to always have a safety interlock on any coil over 2KW.
I remember being struck in the chest and then waking up after hitting the ground with a large smoking hole in my shirt and smoking shoes.
The arc hit me and then conducted into our garage door fusing the relay closed.

Please don't work alone with high voltage... esp. ultra high voltages.

If your wondering what that much voltage feels like even at high freq. ... imagine being stung by a giant asian hornet and have that localized several times at the strike spot. It hurts quite a bit more than an air tazer. Could it kill --- it's certainly getting close to being lethal.

The next several days I used muscle relaxants to ease the sensation of all my muscles twitching uncontrollably... very uncomfortable.
Full recovery in a week or so.
