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DIY projector working

Apr 2, 2009
Not sure this thread should go here but..

With lots of help and advice(BIGBIG thnkz especially to Buffo and Jason)
I have FINALLY finished (sorta) one of my several work-in-progress projectors.

Very happy with e 445/300mW ttl Lab from the good DR Chuck (AixiZ)
it was a gift- a return that was replaced because it only made 250mW- fine by me. Free is by far my fav of all prices.

The galvo scanners came from Jason at CLP( Canton LaserPhoto)
He not only provided the sample he helped me get the wiring straight with instant replies and great photos- (no language barrier in PICS)
Not needed BTW with Jason his communication skillz are great.

I will be doing review thread on both the labbies (plus two new ones) at AixiZ and on the 10K, 25K and 35K- If all goes wel I want to do a forums GB using my new site-- greenlaserpointer.org another gift-- this time from Jetlasers- They have made doing GB #8 easier and safer for all- more ways to pay and shipping world wide now, #8 will be in the 'pay up ordering stage soon. I have a thread in GB forum-see 'do over' GB--ha ha

the PJ--
I may never put this into a case but use it for testing and tuning- The 'Slab' of Al ( optical plate) is small in W and L by way thick.(< like 5/8ths inch!!)
It came from a good friend at SELEM who wanted it to have a new home.$10

the signal board is also from CLP ( they offer several more) and so is the ILDA ribbon cable- If all goes well this 10K beamer Galvo may be gotten in GB for >$50 or less depending on the extra parts.( comes w/ at least the galvos in block and tuned, the dual driver board ( or for faster galvos two driver boards) , the PSU, owners manual and basic cables-No prices shown at CLP site but I can get them if you see something there and you have interest.
I do not claim to be an expert in these in any way. I have toyed with PTs, see DTs and have three chijectors with ??? galvos that look much cheaper than these from CLP/Jason. cant go much by 'looks'

Jason's galvo sets are, IMO, as good or better than Phenix Technology but *maybe* not as good as Dragon Tigers( owned I am told by an old employee of CLP)--BUT as i said I am no expert. And how long they work well is from me yet an unknown. Guess i could run it 24/7 til it dies...??? nah!

Jason offers replacement mirrors cheap- IRC $1 if you get them with a scannerset-its a good idea to have a spare set.

here are some pics

the text was not that blurry to the eye.

last one is a show off pic- new toy-plug n play midi interface controller works with Pangolin BEYOND software for live laser shows.


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    BUFFO 10K help needed. pics 005.jpg
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May 10, 2011
congrats len! i dont see any pics though :/ not sure if it is just me.
Apr 2, 2009
working on it- the manage attachments button is not working-- will try here


now I cant pull up (more) smilies
insert beating dead horse here
nor get the attachment to open for browse

Im in--

will try later the test patterns looked good -- the PJ looked home made


  • AAaaAA jason- 10K with sig card no ilda so auto,  sound, react DMX.jpg
    AAaaAA jason- 10K with sig card no ilda so auto, sound, react DMX.jpg
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    AAaaAA...Jason- pics of 10K scaners 026.jpg
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    AAaaAA...Jason- pics of 10K scaners 012.jpg
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    AAaaAA...Jason- pics of 10K scaners 016.jpg
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May 10, 2011
working on it- the manage attachments button is not working-- will try here


now I cant pull up (more) smilies
insert beating dead horse here
nor get the attachment to open for browse

will try later the test patterns looked good -- the PJ looked home made

if you want email me the pics and i will upload them :beer:

ill pm you the email
Apr 2, 2009
Thanks for the offer bro benneh..
just tried again and got in.

some parts are as is because i was in a rush to test the galvos- and all parts are coming off soon to put on the 25K and a new mini 405/150 labby from AixiZ- now I wish I have a dozen of those plates...never saw an optical table that was cheap even in pieces( xcept this baby) its ~18mm thick.
the last pics shows the dip switches the mic and its level control pot.
the CLP db25 ribbon cable has both in and out. There is a header for DMX on the signal board as well as the other two laser colors-( not used in this case) They offer another board w/o db25 and a better one with db25 and DMX in/out.



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    AAaAAa 10K 445 projector 018.jpg
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    AAaAAa 10K 445 projector 012.jpg
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    AAaAAa 10K 445 projector 010.jpg
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    AAaAAa 10K 445 projector 009.jpg
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    AAaAAa 10K 445 projector 008.jpg
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    AAaAAa 10K 445 projector 005.jpg
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    AAaAAa 10K 445 projector 001.jpg
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Oct 26, 2007
Nice work! Always something magical about seeing your creation actually come alive!
Nov 7, 2008
That's awesome Len!! I'll never forget the first one I built.. seeing those first patterns was a thrill like nothing else.


May 1, 2007
Yeah, my first scanner was shit, but it's great seeing what you can do with it. First ever graphic I saw was the riddle Lasershow :D

Good job Len! Can you see the performance difference to the REKE huh? :)
Apr 2, 2009
I need three personal assistants with thier own assistants & I still will never catch up;;

so little time...
Jun 19, 2010
Looking good so far. Congratulations. I'v thought of a small scanner build like that for a while, but as you say...so little time.:beer:
Nov 10, 2008
I wish I had access to some kind of lab to get my projector project running again. No time to search though, and need $$ for red/blue :(
Looks like you got something going Hak :)
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Nov 30, 2009
I am in the same boat as Silvershot - congrats Len! So pleased it worked for you. I am getting the cheaper projects done. $$$ will be more available in a few months once I stop squirreling money away for a new HF transciever. However spare cash has been spent on different things like a better baseplate. All I need is some different dichros (I bought mine before the 445nm craze), and some lasers. I might even get it going with green and blue first, and after I buy my radio rig, save up for a nice 637nm red. Its difficult though, to justtify the cost of the red, considering that I need small tight beams to fit on the tiny DT40W mirrors!

I also need a new oscilliscope - mine is like back when tubes were in fashion (ok its solid state, but still ages old). I would like a DSO - probably get one of the popular Rigols/Atten/Siglent ones.
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Apr 2, 2009
^^ Tell me..

As long as you plan ahead and leave the space a one color can later be made into a two or full color w/o too much more work-

I hope all my beams will fit w/o any clipping-(Canton Laserphoto galvos 35K) I will have my 1W 650 closest for less losses & clipping- then green, with 445 farthest- I can always turn it up so the blue is not a problem for me. I am hoping for a combimed total after losses of ~2.5W--

thnx all the the kind words of encouragement-- I will be adding these scanners to my store very soon- VERY low priced too and shipping from Texas..the 10Ks used in these pics is only $50 +ship..


^^ ignore some of the prices there- they are not for forum members.

check out the GB prices!! .5W of 635($379+ & NOT a C mount!) and .5W($399) 532 in PL-E host-- wow- lowest ever!!

I skipped the ILDA Meet due to a bad pwr steering pump so the leftover gas $$ went into a new Akai APC 40- Pangolin has created an interface SW that works with the Akai- so live shows will be much easier for me. Everything on the APC 40 is assignable,,
It works with BEYOND and Live-Pro.
Hope to be doing a revew on this soon..

QS FB3-- 549.99usd$ Forum members get $50 instant additional rebate-- lowest USA price- these are coming via Chuck at AixiZ--I have them in stock NOW.
Ships world wide at actual cost.
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Aug 16, 2007
Always nice to see these things come to life :)

I still have the red/green projector i built as a test project, and the parts from that (including 20k galvos) are good to step it up a level in a new build. The existing build doesnt really have the room to fit in a blue + dichro's.

I guess it is a matter of time before making an RGB though. With direct green diodes now becoming available its a good opportunity to get rid of the dpss lag finally, but with single-mode blue and low-wavelength reds still being pricey too it would cost quite some money to do a real good RGB.

Obviously i could do it with dpss green and multimode reds and blues too, which adds a whopping amount of brightness at the same price. The trade off between brightness or beam quality for a give price is pretty tricky though.
Apr 2, 2009

I have placed a feeler thread in GB for a purchase of these scanners & other sets--
Apr 2, 2009
BUMP- sorry My link to this thread was dead- I will try again..
