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ArcticMyst Security by Avery

De-Extinction: Good Idea or Huge Mistake?

Is De-Extinction a good or bad idea in your opinion?

  • I think it is a good idea.

    Votes: 18 62.1%
  • I am indifferent.

    Votes: 3 10.3%
  • I think it is a bad idea.

    Votes: 8 27.6%

  • Total voters

Feb 10, 2013
Don't get too excited...I just thought it was a good way to derail an increasingly esoteric thread.
Apr 19, 2013
Bird, and Swine Flu may be good examples of genetic engineering gone awry or not depending on how deep into the rabbit hole you go :tinfoil:

There has been some studies of the genetic code of these viruses, and they appear to be engineered organisms. The problem I believe is the unpredictable nature of a "living" organism. These viruses are evolving, able to jump from organism to organism and they are able to circumvent many of the body's natural defenses.

The Gulf Blue Plague is another possible example of engineered organisms gone bad. If not for first hand accounts I personally have heard from people in the gulf region and numerous patents for hydrocarbon eating bacteria owned by BP biotech subsidiaries yes, I would put this under the heading of pure conspiracy theory and nonsense, but...

~ LB
Mar 27, 2011
The topic has evolved, I don't think it's gone off the rails just yet though.

Back on the jurassic park theme though, I don't remember if it was brought up in the movies, but I do recall in the books they mentioned that much of the DNA recovered was not usable. Too degraded, and DNA from similar species was spliced in.

As to understanding the complexities of environment, we're nowhere near being there yet, but our understanding is expanding.

The recent tornado tragedy in Alabama comes to mind. Even now the tornadoes are just too small on the meteorological scale to forecast. Still, huge improvements have been made. Newer models weather models are producing more accurate forecasts further out.

By the same token, I don't think it's inconceivable that we will be able to model not just species, but the environment as a whole, with species to incorporate within it.
Apr 19, 2013
I remember that Infinitus. I believe that amphibian dna was used to make up for the missing code and that was the reason given for the immaculate birth ;)

Started reading "The Swarm" btw :beer:

~ LB

Ears and Eggs

Staff member
LPF Site Supporter
Oct 1, 2007
For most species I think we are just wasting time, they died for a reason and the world has moved on. Wooly mammoth seems a bad candidate for reincarnation. They were adapt for a cold climate and the world seems to be going the other way.

On the other hand, dinosaurs should be brought back - because who wouldn't want to see a dinosaur. :D

I remember watching Jurassic Park as a kid and hoping that one day they would bring the dinosaurs back. :D I wouldn't have a problem with it as long as they aren't released into the general environment and kept in a sealed area. (hopefully no idiot to shut down the park and release them -at least they were smart enough to have it on an island) It could also help with food shortages in some parts of the world - think about how many people a rack of brachiosaurus ribs, pterosaur eggs, or triceratops chops would feed (lol tricerachops). :D

I understand that it's extremely unlikely, but is there any possibility that any dinosaur DNA could have survived? Or is this 100% impossible? I guess someone has already explored the method used in the movie?
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Feb 10, 2013
Firstly, resurrecting dinosaur DNA is completely impossible.

Secondly, it would be far cheaper to send the 3rd world beef ribs and chickens for eggs.

There is NO food shortage in the world. What we have is a poor food distribution system. In the U.S. alone, enough food is thrown into the trash to feed millions of people around the world. We are just too greedy and too lazy to come up with a better distribution system.
Mar 27, 2011
If dinosaurs are recreated it will be through a process of manipulating DNA from existing related species, or creating a new genetic profile literally from nothing. Recreating dinosaurs exactly as they were is impossible short of using a time machine... and that's a whole other can of worms.

About the world food shortage - estimates vary, but the general consensus is the earth can support a population of up to 30 billion people.

In this day & age, we're actually very spoiled with regards to food and its variety. For much of history people, with the exception of the super rich and royalty, had to make do with very very bland diets. The only variety came in the form of occasional feast on holidays, and even that would look terrible by our standards now.


Aug 25, 2010
Couple things:

1. I would agree that extinction from humanity is natural extinction. We are a species just like any other. Here is the thing though: Typically, when a predator group begins killing off all of its prey, and there is not enough prey to support the population, some of the predators die off and the prey population is able to rebound. Humanity doesn't do that though. I have a bad feeling abought the future of humanity. How quickly is our population growing? We will surely hit the 30 billion mark in less time than one might think. What will we do when food and water becomes scarce? If the world doesn't end before then, we will have some serious problems.

2. The point someone made earlier about the necessity of many DNA samples is a very good one. This would seem to put reintroducing a species farther off than some think, but I wouldn't put it past those running the program to make the mammoth anyway. Apparently a S. Korean scientist who recently faked a report of cloned stem cells will be spearheading this....doesn't give me much confidence, even if he was the first to clone a dog(?) successfully.
Apr 19, 2013
There is an argument among religious types as to the meaning of Man being given dominion over the Earth. It has come to be a justification for our plundering the Earth and Her resources as we see fit. Recent interpretations of ancient texts liken it more as "Caretakers" with a responsibility for the Earth and its plants and animals. I like this more.

~ LB


May 2, 2013
There are some interesting points here.. And i could go over them all again but i wont.
I will only go over a couple..
Firstly, human's killing off other species is natural. We are all animals, just because we are at the top of the food chain doesn't mean we are any different to the rest of the animal kingdom.
Also, if you look back through our planets history, 99.9% of the species that have lived are now extinct. Yes 99.9%! Trust me i am a physicist :) One day, every animal that is living now will be extinct.. One way or another. I am not against bringing animals back from a scientific standpoint at all. If we can learn something from them i am all for it, i am just against it if it is purely for our entertainment.
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May 4, 2009
Bring back the mammoths bring back the saber tooth tigers bring back anything but please leave the ponies at home :p

There is only one inevitable result of this kind of genetic manipulation research...


Mar 27, 2011
This is off topic with regards to de-extinction, but I feel it's worthy of note to anyone who is aware of DNA.

SCOTUS has ruled 5 to 4 that it is constitutional for police to take a DNA swab at the time of arrest.

This is a rather big blow to privacy rights, and the fourth amendment. Doesn't matter if you are only accused of a crime - DNA will be taken anyway.

Your DNA will be checked against state and federal databases.

This technology is NOT perfect. There have been mistakes.

What really worries me is this - First it could lead to storage of full dna profiles for use outside of law enforcement. (After all historically governments have a lousy track record of destroying, and not sharing information.)

Second - partial matches.

Imagine if a cousin or nephew who you, or someone else related to you committed a crime. Not you, however you have a partial DNA match.

How long until cops are knocking on your door to get to the bottom of an otherwise cold case, and digging through your life.
