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Crazy AI chat


Active member
Apr 15, 2022
Playing around with ai chat, and am quite surprised by a database that has no internet search capability. Its worth a try for serious
and stupid questions. Heres the link and a few of questions I posed to it.

you have to register*

why do my headlights burn holes in other cars?

It is not normal for the headlights of a car to burn holes in other cars. If you are experiencing this problem, it is important to seek immediate repair or maintenance for your vehicle. The cause of the problem could be related to a malfunction in the headlights or in the electrical system of your car, and it could pose a safety risk to yourself and others if it is not addressed. In the meantime, it is important to drive cautiously and to avoid using the headlights until the problem has been resolved.
Why is constant current important for semiconductor lasers?

In a semiconductor laser, the current flowing through the device plays a critical role in its operation. The current is used to pump energy into the active region of the laser, where it is used to create and amplify the laser beam. In order to produce a stable and efficient laser beam, it is important to maintain a constant current through the device. If the current is not constant, it can cause fluctuations in the laser beam intensity and stability, which can affect the performance of the laser. In addition, variations in the current can cause the temperature of the laser to change, which can affect the properties of the active region and the overall performance of the laser. By maintaining a constant current, it is possible to achieve stable and consistent laser performance.
why are laserpointers made in china so dangerous?

Laser pointers made in China can be dangerous if they are not designed and manufactured to meet safety standards. Laser pointers are classified by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) based on their output power and the potential hazard they pose to the eye and skin. The FDA has established safety standards for laser pointers that are sold in the United States, and it is illegal to sell laser pointers that do not meet these standards. Some laser pointers made in China may not meet these standards and may be more powerful or more hazardous than allowed by law. It is important to purchase laser pointers from reputable manufacturers and sellers, and to use caution when handling any type of laser pointer to minimize the risk of injury.

It answered each in seconds. Pretty crazy.


Active member
Feb 1, 2021
This is quite interesting, thank you for sharing this


Active member
Apr 15, 2022
This is quite interesting, thank you for sharing this
Its getting into scary the way the answers are given. Im not sure in passing and a quick chat that I would be able to tell the
difference between it and human.

It even will write you poetry.

tell me a poem about lasers

Lasers, beams of pure energy
Shooting through the air with such intensity
A sight to behold, a force to be reckoned with
A technology that has truly made a difference
From slicing through steel to reading barcodes
Lasers have revolutionized the way we encode
Their precision and speed are truly unmatched
A wonder of science, they have us attached
So here's to lasers, bright and true
May they continue to shine, and do what they do
Bringing light to our lives, in more ways than one
Forever changing the way our world is done

took about 5 seconds to write that lol

I also read this system can write functional code on the fly.


Active member
Feb 1, 2021
Its getting into scary the way the answers are given. Im not sure in passing and a quick chat that I would be able to tell the
difference between it and human.

It even will write you poetry.

tell me a poem about lasers

Lasers, beams of pure energy
Shooting through the air with such intensity
A sight to behold, a force to be reckoned with
A technology that has truly made a difference
From slicing through steel to reading barcodes
Lasers have revolutionized the way we encode
Their precision and speed are truly unmatched
A wonder of science, they have us attached
So here's to lasers, bright and true
May they continue to shine, and do what they do
Bringing light to our lives, in more ways than one
Forever changing the way our world is done

took about 5 seconds to write that lol

I also read this system can write functional code on the fly.
This really is both amazing and scary, its amazing how can make a poem that seems like it was made by a person!


Active member
Apr 15, 2022
Now this is freaky. I posed the same question as last night regarding my headlights burning holes in other cars.
Again, this system only has access to its existing database. First is the question from last night, then below it from today:

Last night

why do my headlights burn holes in other cars?

It is not normal for the headlights of a car to burn holes in other cars. If you are experiencing this problem, it is important to seek immediate repair or maintenance for your vehicle. The cause of the problem could be related to a malfunction in the headlights or in the electrical system of your car, and it could pose a safety risk to yourself and others if it is not addressed. In the meantime, it is important to drive cautiously and to avoid using the headlights until the problem has been resolved.



why do my headlights burn holes in other cars?

I apologize for misunderstanding your previous question. It is not possible for a car's headlights to burn holes in other cars, as headlights do not produce the type of heat or energy necessary to cause such damage. If you are experiencing this issue, there may be another explanation for the damage you are seeing. It is possible that the damage was already present and you simply noticed it after shining your headlights on the other car, or that the damage was caused by something else entirely. If you are concerned about the damage, I would recommend speaking with a mechanic or a car expert to determine the cause of the damage and to find a solution.

Skynet anyone?

-when does skynet take over?

-Skynet is a fictional artificial intelligence character and the main antagonist in the "Terminator" movies and television series. It does not exist in reality and therefore cannot take over. It is important to remember that while artificial intelligence has the potential to revolutionize many aspects of our lives and society, it is still a developing technology that is being used to improve various areas such as healthcare, transportation, and education. It is not capable of becoming self-aware or taking over the world.

sounds like something skynet would say:unsure:


Active member
Apr 15, 2022
This really is both amazing and scary, its amazing how can make a poem that seems like it was made by a person!
Took it about 30 seconds for this one

write me a song about the large hadron collider

Sure! Here's a song about the Large Hadron Collider:

Verse 1:
There's a machine so massive, it spans the Swiss-French border
It's called the Large Hadron Collider, and it's like no other
It's a particle accelerator, it smashes atoms with glee
It's searching for the secrets of the universe, can't you see?

Oh, Large Hadron Collider, you're a scientific marvel
You're unlocking mysteries, and it's all so fabulous
You're a wonder of the world, a true engineering feat
We stand in awe of you, and all you can achieve

Verse 2:
You've got a circumference of 27 kilometers long
You've got magnets so powerful, they could lift a car with ease
You've got protons traveling at the speed of light
You've got scientists and engineers, working day and night

Oh, Large Hadron Collider, you're a scientific marvel
You're unlocking mysteries, and it's all so fabulous
You're a wonder of the world, a true engineering feat
We stand in awe of you, and all you can achieve

You're helping us to understand, the fundamental laws of nature
You're showing us the building blocks, of all that we can see
You're paving the way for new discoveries, that we can't even dream
Large Hadron Collider, you're the best machine

Oh, Large Hadron Collider, you're a scientific marvel
You're unlocking mysteries, and it's all so fabulous
You're a wonder of the world, a true engineering feat
We stand in awe of you, and all you can achieve

My mind is officially blown.
Jul 10, 2015
AI is watching everything, doing the work of a million men and as we are under constant surveillance this is spooky because it makes mistakes, also AI is programmed by people so it can be abused and used to abuse certain groups of people.

That said today's Orwellian nightmare is quite powerful, how do you think they caught that asshole who killed the 4 college students......I bet the moron took his cell phone which leaves a permanent record, I bet he turned it off before he got to the house and back on after he left and got down the road, an act in itself that shows intent......that's right, turning your phone off dose not stop it from reporting your meta data, why do you think the battery is built in today......so you can't remove it.

We all have a forever file at the Utah data center, actually there are many data centers and every purchase you make with other than cash, every phone call you make, every text you send, every word we type online, every like you give on youtube, every time you pause your cable tv show/movie is factored in, social scores will be as real as credit scores and that is a big threat to freedom of speech.

The Orwellian nightmare is upon us and it's AI that makes it possible in ways humans could never accomplish, AI replaces a million human agents sifting through everything and the Patriot act makes it all legal without a warrant, private partners ( social media and financials ) are all onboard.

This will help keep us safe from terrorist, but it will also be abused........ it's already being done, remember AI is programmed by people.

.......I'm going to have to cut this short to avoid political references, but know this, AI will be a great asset and a great threat, what we need is a responsible government that we can trust with this fantastic tool in their hands.......sadly we don't have it.


Well-known member
Jun 3, 2020
I've asked it technical laser questions and it gets quite specific. But I never trust it without a grain of salt since at the end of the day, it is just stringing together words and concepts it has "heard" without a human mind that cares if anything actually makes sense (it messes up math quite often for example, but will still present the answer with 100% confidence).

Creativity is really the limit. You can ask it to roleplay as someone with a specific personality when answering you, or to rewrite a previous answer in another tone (sarcastic, aggressive, excited, casual). There are endless possibilities.

Here is someone who built a virtual machine inside ChatGPT's imagination and, you guessed it, accessed ChatGPT through itself: https://www.engraved.blog/building-a-virtual-machine-inside/


Mar 29, 2010
Remember when all the ai chats became racist toward black people? Well I am happy to inform you all that they have fixed it. I present you your future.nWSdY5jcXEuy-1.jpeg
Jul 10, 2015
Like I said, it's programmed by people ( funded by Microsoft et al. ), same people who would like to regulate a universal healthcare system where we are all forced to pay in based on our earnings and must take the treatment as ordered.
Sep 16, 2007
I used this AI to write some simple Bash scripts to help with my work. It got the job done.
It's not great with writing haikus and there are limits to its training data (I can stump the AI with obscure topics) but it does do some things well. I'm pretty impressed with it but I don't think we are yet at the inflection point in AI technology with this chat program.
It's useful as a tool and it should be applied as such. I think it's neither fair nor productive to test "intelligence" by posing moral quandaries that humans have not even resolved. It's fun, perhaps, but as we have seen, it acts as a mirror of our culture rather than an independent intelligence.


Well-known member
Jun 3, 2020
it acts as a mirror of our culture rather than an independent intelligence.
This is exactly it. Its training material is from humans, and it is the product of humans itself.

It is still a bot, people just need time to get used to bots that are able to respond how it does.

I think it shines with certain kinds of prompts: prompts that require access to way more knowledge than can be absorbed by a human in a lifetime. This has to be part of why it is a bit uncanny and so fascinating. It "knows" more than any one person using it (in terms of breadth, not depth), and you can feel it. But in a way it is the ultimate proof that knowledge ≠ intelligence. It cannot meditate on its decisions, invent something it hasn't seen, or pull from its own subjective view of the world. It is a bit like giving a mind to the objective. But the objective is imperfectly defined (by humans). It's fantastic for pulling impressive dialogue-based stunts and quickly dumping a lot of information about one or multiple topics.
It's not the best at mathematical facts and problem solving, since this is significantly unrelated to dialogue, which is its key training purpose. It also reveals the biases of its creators sometimes, since they are a company with a mission and don't want to release the pure unhinged version to the world.

Here is a conversation I wanted to share:

Screenshot 2023-01-11 at 2.57.12 PM.png
Screenshot 2023-01-11 at 2.57.18 PM.png
Screenshot 2023-01-11 at 2.57.27 PM.png
Screenshot 2023-01-11 at 2.58.01 PM.png

In another conversation, I got it to imagine there was a timeline where electricity was discovered in Ancient Rome, and asked it to make up a possibility of what the world would be like today. After a lot of back and forth, we arrived at there being two rival superpower nations (the UCN or United Commonwealth of Nations and the Lunar Confederation) fighting for dominance over a region on the moon. Then I asked it to come up with chapters for a novel based on the scenario we were discussing:

