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Anything about extraterrestrial life

Sep 5, 2013
Thought a thread about anything related to UFO's, Aliens, Intelligent life might be interesting!

I was actually thinking about this while at work, the way human civilization is currently going. IMHO, I don't think we are ever going to find any intelligent life. Not because it isn't out there, but because we are severely lacking in intelligence to detect it. We can't even take care of our own, and more money is spent on fighting one another then on science and ways to promote human civilization.

Companies make money by killing fellow humans and get rich. Corruption is everywhere and people are more interested in making a quick buck themselves then helping another.

It's a shame! Anyone who would like to add feel free! Everything allowed :)

PS: Alaskan & Pi R Squared, you better post lots! :)



Oct 16, 2015
... IMHO, I don't think we are ever going to find any intelligent life ...

Shameless reposts ...

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May 14, 2013
You asked for it you've got it, I'll have plenty of controversial stuff about this to say. Uh isn't this posted in the wrong area? I suppose we can talk mostly about light speed and lights in the sky :crackup: but maybe a mod will be along to move this thread. You're right, we aren't even intelligent enough for many to see that they are already here and all around us. We have UFO sightings everyday around the world, alien abductions of huge numbers of people, cattle mutilations, video and photos, human alien hybrids, abductees with implants. Come on people, do you need one to come along and bite you in the ass before you understand something strange is going on? Hap I know you get depressed easily so I'll hold off a little before posting my theories, I have studied this subject for 40 years and I don't think you will like my conclusions.



Jul 17, 2009
Okay I'll bite! :D

You're right, we aren't even intelligent enough for many to see that they are already here and all around us.

I'm assuming "we" actually means "everyone but me." You could have just said, "I am very smart!" ;)

We have UFO sightings everyday around the world

[citation needed]

alien abductions of huge numbers of people

[citation needed]

cattle mutilations

I'm sure this happens, but there are more explanations, therefore...

[citation needed]

video and photos

Really though? Everyone carries around an 8MP+ camera nowadays. Every Russian has a dashcam. With an orders-of-magnitude uptick in imaging, why have we not seen an orders-of-magnitude uptick in generation of hard evidence of extraterrestrial visits?

[citation needed]

human alien hybrids

[citation needed]

abductees with implants

[citation needed]

Come on people, do you need one to come along and bite you in the ass before you understand something strange is going on?

C'mon... bite me in the ass. Hit me with some evidence! I'm bored, it's after midnight, and I've already written way too much code tonight. :beer:

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May 14, 2013
I'm assuming "we" actually means "everyone but me." You could have just said, "I am very smart!" ;)

Well yes but I didn't want to be that rude and arrogant, but what the hell.

:crackup: Just joking, I don't really think that.

Really though? Everyone carries around an 8MP+ camera nowadays. Every Russian has a dashcam. With an orders-of-magnitude uptick in imaging, why have we not seen an orders-of-magnitude uptick in generation of hard evidence of extraterrestrial visits?

When these things fly low overhead, electronics often stop working and a photo or video wouldn't be possible, I witnessed this myself with my second sighting that I have described here before. This and bright lights outside brought a dozen or so people outside at about 4:30am on a January 2nd to see what the hell was going on. There is still certainly no shortage of sightings. I understand that some videos and photos are fake, but plenty are real too.

Sep 5, 2013
Hap I know you get depressed easily so I'll hold off a little before posting my theories, I have studied this subject for 40 years and I don't think you will like my conclusions.


That's ok! I want this to just be about letting off all the crap you know about this :D I love science and space, and watch tons of "alien documentaries" lol :)

Edit: WTF, how did this end up in flashlights? Wtf..... stupid phone :mad:

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Feb 16, 2016
From earlier:

In years of stargazing, remote camping, and living next to a supposed (and somewhat famous) UFO landing site, I've only ever had one experience.

I was out at night as a middle schooler, and what looked like a satellite came above the horizon very quickly. I didn't think much of it until it stopped directly overhead for about a minute and got brighter. I stood there dumbfounded just staring at the thing until it was about half the size but twice as bright as the moon. Didn't think UFO until what happened next. From the opposite direction, another object slowly drifted into view. It was just a bit less bright and headed straight for the other. It came right next to the other and stopped. They floated next to each other in the sky for another 2 or 3 minutes, and then one zipped away below the horizon, and the other just faded away. Only after this happened did I get a bit freaked out. Went straight to bed afterwards. :scared:

I've never seen anything like it again, and I still don't have a good explanation. Seen plenty freaky stuff happen in the sky but nothing else I couldn't debunk. Still, I feel like aliens should be a bit more open to communication if they're here and have superior technology.

Honestly, I have very little doubt in my mind that extraterrestrial life exists somewhere, but I'm on the skeptic side of the idea that they're here. I think it'd be just as (if not more) likely that there's a super advanced secret terrestrial society that trips up and causes sightings occasionally, or really any of a huge array of paranormal theories could be thrown in as explanations.

From my science & tech field point of view: People think that technology is something that has a clear destination on a linear path, but that's only perspective. We're not headed straight towards space civilization after a bit of colonization. There's really nothing that says it'd ever be considered worth it and feasible for us or any other race to go interstellar. We hear wonderful ideas that work well on paper but are unforeseeable in the practical future. Maybe an extraterrestrial species would be much smarter than us and have different values, but interstellar travel would still be one of the most daunting undertakings they could have.

Just some thoughts. Like many, I want to believe. It's just that there's got to be much more compelling evidence before I would.
May 14, 2013
Honestly, I have very little doubt in my mind that extraterrestrial life exists somewhere, but I'm on the skeptic side of the idea that they're here. I think it'd be just as (if not more) likely that there's a super advanced secret terrestrial society that trips up and causes sightings occasionally, or really any of a huge array of paranormal theories could be thrown in as explanations.

That doesn't seem so likely to me but I have heard that theory plenty of times. Your not one of those hollow earth people that think a more advanced civilization lives within the earth are you? I am not buying that one. I might be willing to believe some of them are time travelers though.

From my science & tech field point of view: People think that technology is something that has a clear destination on a linear path, but that's only perspective. We're not headed straight towards space civilization after a bit of colonization. There's really nothing that says it'd ever be considered worth it and feasible for us or any other race to go interstellar. We hear wonderful ideas that work well on paper but are unforeseeable in the practical future. Maybe an extraterrestrial species would be much smarter than us and have different values, but interstellar travel would still be one of the most daunting undertakings they could have.

You sound like you think the technology will never exist. There was some guy running the U.S. Patent office long ago who once said that we could shut it down because everything had been invented.:crackup: You sound a little like that.

How about survival, would that be a good enough reason. Every planet can support a limited number of people. Don't you think over population and food supply will be a problem? Shall we just solve those problems with war? Also the earth like any habitable planet won't be able to support life forever. Shall we just let some distant future generation worry about that? Or should we be planning for the future?



Feb 16, 2016
That doesn't seem so likely to me but I have heard that theory plenty of times. Your not one of those hollow earth people that think a more advanced civilization lives within the earth are you? I am not buying that one. I might be willing to believe some of them are time travelers though.

:crackup: Good lord, no. I feel like ET is way more likely, but as far as hard evidence goes, the theories are about on par with each other. Just an example for objectivity.

You sound like you think the technology will never exist. There was some guy running the U.S. Patent office long ago who once said that we could shut it down because everything had been invented.:crackup: You sound a little like that.

How about survival, would that be a good enough reason. Every planet can support a limited number of people. Don't you think over population and food supply will be a problem? Shall we just solve those problems with war? Also the earth like any habitable planet won't be able to support life forever. Shall we just let some distant future generation worry about that? Or should we be planning for the future?


Don't misunderstand me, I'm not hating on the idea of pursuing the tech, saying it won't happen, or saying it's impossible. I'd be out of a job if I thought like that. What I am saying is that interstellar space travel (as human knowledge has it) is generally looking to be a very difficult, risky, costly, and not immediately beneficial endeavor. When it comes time that another species elsewhere has a chance/need to leave, their tech may be so far ahead that it doesn't matter to them. For us, we should try to figure it out, but it probably won't ever be worth all scientific focus or holding your breath over. Really, interstellar travel is only going to be something worthwhile if the fringes of physics work out to allow forced spacetime distortion (wormholes & warps) or its the last hope of continuing the species and taking risky shots won't matter. Neither situation is knocking at the door in the forsee able future.
Nov 4, 2014
As is often the case with controversial topics there are two different propositions being presented as one and if we want to have a nice productive discourse it would be better to separate them and discuss them as such. They are;
A. Intelligent life exist
B. Extraterrestrial sightings and abductions are true and have plenty of evidence in their support.

I would agree with A but mostly not with B. In support of A I would use things like the Drake equation which is pretty sound reasoning and even if the numbers are reduced to just a fraction of the original there would still be a hell of a lot of intelligent life out there. Also considering the size of our universe, although its most likely that advanced life evolved in multiple regions of space at approximately the same time in cosmic terms, it IS possible that intelligent life only came to actuality in one single star system first billions, millions or hundreds of thousands years prior to others. Therefore all though highly unlikely statistically, it is possible that WE are that first advanced life AND the only advanced life in our universe at this time. If this unlikely scenario was the case then that would be the only way for us to be the only intelligent life forms in our universe that I would see as plausible.

But since cosmologist estimate there to be millions if not billions of rocky planets in the habital zones all over the universe there doesn't seem to be a rational reason to think we are all there is or the first intelligent life forms especially when you consider the size of our universe let alone if the multiverse is real.

But.... does the overwhelming likelihood of other advanced life forms existing give much credence to the thousands of reported ufo sightings and abductions? IMO I would say no or at best very little. In other words, if your trying to make the case that you have some blurry fuzzy jumpy ass video of a ufo, you still need to make that case on its own merit that that bright spot on your jumpy video is an alien craft. You can't just jump to arguments from ignorance fallacies such as "There were strange bright lights in the sky traveling in ways different from any known air craft so....what else could it be?"
That's not how we accurately determine the varying degrees of likeliness of a claim but thats how pretty much most ground to air ufo sightings reports go.

There are some reports I find more credible than most and those are from astronauts and commercial pilots. This is why I do think there is something to the ufo phenomenon. But I think the other 98% of sightings reported and every single alien abduction story I have read about are total b.s.

I really don't think aliens are taking cows onto their mother ship, mutilating their genitals, then beaming them back to the farmers field. That's ridiculous. If aliens are doing this in secret it means they don't want to have it known or be caught doing it so wtf would they bother bringing the cows back to the same field they took them from or beamed them up from? Does a car thief return the stripped down chassis of the car he stole to the very driveway he stole it from after he removes all the parts they can sell? No they don't because that's asinine.

It makes no sense and is the easiest way to get caught and or draw attention to the car theft ring as well as tip off the police as to what parts are being stolen and sold on the black market. No it would be best to simply steal the car and nobody ever sees it ever again. That's how you do it. So these aliens sighting advocates always go on about how vastly intelligent and advanced aliens are then why would they would return the carouses like that?

Parts like the genitals are often the very first scavenged body parts eaten on freshly dead animals. Its nothing new or shocking. Genitals are soft, full of protein and fat and very easy to gobble up quickly especially by small animals. The farmer puts the cattle out to pasture in the evening then found one dead and its gentiles missing the next morning. Rather than thinking that during the long night the cow died of natural causes like they do all the time, and some small scavengers started eating on its softest and most accessible parts, like happens all the time, he instead concludes that the most likely explanation is that aliens took the animal onto its mother-ship, did some testing on it and then returned it back to the field. Which would you say is more likely?

As with most things in this word I think people don't use enough critical thinking and rational skepticism when evaluating these claims but that doesnt mean I don't believe aliens exists. It means I don't believe the massive amount of blurry videos and abduction stories. In most cases I think the people saw something they can't explain and thats as far as they should go. To go a step farther and say they saw an alien ufo now requires evidence to support the claim and thats where I feel there is very little other than eye witness testimony which is the worst type of evidence for many reasons.
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Feb 16, 2016

As with most things in this word I think people don't use enough critical thinking and rational skepticism when evaluating these claims.

Very well said olympus mons. I agree with your post completely. That last line applies to a whole lot more than aliens, and I wish more people would realize this. I feel people like to pick opinions on certain topics and hoard only information to support them without critical evaluation while disregarding everything else. In the end people are stuck in vague ideas that they've convinced themselves are irrefutable and can't make much progress. Not calling anybody out, but it's something to think about when discussing polarizing and abstract issues like this.
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May 14, 2013
The cattle appear to sometimes be dropped from above, an indintation in the ground, broken bones etc. no footprints animal or human to or from the animal, there are many types of tissue taken, not just genitals, there is never any blood, sometimes the animal has even been completely drained of blood. Veterinarians have even done autopsies and can't figure out what happened. It could be that they hover over a field and take one of the cattle and quickly take the tissue samples and drop the dead animal right there and then take off.

As far as sightings go I can dismiss some eyewitness testimony, but beyond a few people it's hard to dismiss. A light in the sky that does something impossible is I guess just something unexplained, those red and orange orbs could be some natural phenomenon we don't know about, but when someone sees a craft that is advanced technology then I can't just dismiss that.

Feb 24, 2014
Here is my two cents!

1. There are many unexplained things that happen here on earth that no one and I do mean no one can explain. So that makes people think that a) that it has to be beings from another planet, and or galaxy. B) That it must be the government doing some top secret tests that they dont want the public to know about or c) It is the people from the future coming back in time to checking on the status of us and how it is going in the century.

2. Governmental top secret areas! The usa has several places that are off limits to civilians. Im talking Area 51 which we know is there just not what is going on out there in Nevada. The ideas that its a government top secret testing facility for advanced weapons and weapon systems. It also is been out there that its a alien testing facility for the bodies and craft. It is also speculated that its a alien base for staging for taking over the world. Area 6 which is also in Nevada that is suppose to be a base for the launching drones! There has been some rumors in the conspiracy theory world that its actually a base for men in black to come take people to the reeducation camps! Dallas Fort Worth air port is suppose to be a alien base, the headquarters for the new world order! Moses Lake International air port is suppose to have hangers under it for the new world order, the usa government bioweapons facility, a alien hanger. Mt Stain Helens, Mount Rainer, Mount Minkley, and a couple places in the rockies are suppose to be alien bases. There is suppose to be a high speed tunnel that connects all the major cities in the world. Aliens and government officials are the only one that are suppose to be able to access the high speed line. Every major city in the USA has a alien base under it. There are suppose to be up to thirty species of aliens that are here on the Earth at any given time.

I do believe in life out side of this solar system. There is just to many world in the galaxy that could support life to mean we are the only intelligent life! I do believe that the unexplained could be alien life or time travel from a future of ours! There is just to much unexplained out there to try to figure it out. Why does every one think that just because you can believe in some thing that exists out side of what you can see is crazy! Some are nuts but many of us are plain sane so I really think that if you want to not believe in it that is your right. But dont knock us that do believe
Feb 24, 2014
Interesting fact about the USA is we are the only country in the world as far as I have been able to find out on the web might have to search the deep web for answers! I have found that the usa operates six secret facilities with foreign governments. There is one is Australia its part of the ABM shield or that what is claimed! One is in Britannia that is part of that AMB shield or that what is claimed. There are Two with Canada one is part of NORSPCOM or North America Space Command which tracks things in space. That may be true but I think there is more to that then is said. There are two facilities in Europe that are part of the defense of Europe from Russia. There suppose to be for forward based equipment but According to some conspiracy circles they are alien bases
Jan 29, 2014
The establishment is always far behind the leading edge, this is also true of the average level of the masses.
