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405nm JBL4306 Laser Suddenly Dim


New member
Feb 11, 2021
Hello, new to the forum, but seems like a very educated and diverse community that I look forward to being apart of.

I Recently purchased a simple 405nm JBL4306 laser pointer and although the beam wasn't a solid single violet point, and instead 1 strong center dot surrounded by maybe 5 weaker dots about .5mm away when focused.... I couldn't really complain, it would burn slightly when focused, even at long distances if the object was black and for a first laser, I was satisfied.

However, the light is now extremely dim. Im Assuming it happened after it may have had a slight knock against something but its not like it fell on the floor or anything, was just in my pocket and hit the door as I walked by..

I didn't pay much, but until I purchase another laser,

Is there anything anyone could recommend to "try" to do to maybe fix it up?

- I know this model is hard to open, however I have tools im willing to give it a go (why not)

My theory is, since it was such a small hit that caused this issue, then it must be something simple to fix. Once I know what I need to do...

So any suggestions on the cause of the dimming and ways to fix it if the circuit was accessable will be greatly appreciated!

Also, there is a round edge about an inch from the focus point too now... Idk.. im about to just start digging inside it and would rather have some guidance before I do so lol.

Thank you,
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May 14, 2011
Assuming a freshly charged good battery, how long did you leave it on at any one time ---maybe you burned it out, damaged by thermal runaway
Apr 2, 2009
First Post--big Texas welcome-- check out the 'Newcomers' section-- IF you put a location in your 'intro' title there you will get some nice greets from members near you--enjoy the forum!! stay safe and well..

It would be a shame for you to miss a Laser Gathering near you-- these are great meets-(LEMS)- AND while there NOBODY will ask you 'Why Lasers? Why do you need more than one? ' if they HAVE to ask they will not understand the answer so--- meh
