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  • Hey Kendall --ZUP? please join our social group--Lone Star Laser Fans needs you.. hak sez-lets do lunch

    I interest to build a laser harp.I will use 6 laser pointer and 6 photoresistor.
    Can you help with important information??Link or with your ideas as hardware as software ???
    Also where can i find laser pointer with suitable photoresistor???

    Thanks !!
    hey I just sent you money for what I tried to purchase on Monday (Korean time)
    but had problems with paypal.
    Problems are solved. talked with them this morning.
    Thanks. I am awaiting your response now.
    Hey Kendall, i just got the PHR 803T diode in the Aixiz module from your website. I finished my first build with it and it works great, using a LM317T driver with a 10 ohm resistor and a 47 microfarad capacitor... So it should be putting out around 80 to 100 mW, i have no way of checking though... One quick question though:

    In the Aixiz module i got, i took it apart and a little silver ring fell out. one side of this ring is slanted inwards, i was wondering where it goes... Then there was the spring in the back housing part, that i just took out because i don't have a driver in the back there...

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