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Israel bombed Iranian Embassy

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Ears and Eggs

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Oct 1, 2007
Probably Iran will just use it's proxies to respond and not a direct attack from Iran itself, maybe a big rocket/drone attack from Hezbollah or something .

We really need to be way more isolationist on these issues, if it's not a NATO country getting attacked, just sit back and grab the popcorn. We have enough issues at home than to worry about countries that having been fighting each other forever.
Sep 20, 2013
I'm concerned about the ever increasing isolationist efforts since 2015 in the U.S. These have included NATO as well. We cannot back off from NATO.
Sep 20, 2013
Right wing Netanyahu went way too far bombing an Embassy! Who does that? Sure the leadership in Iran are nuts, but what did he expect them to do? Hell, I remember vividly when they took out Embassy people hostage in 1979. The running joke back then was "why do they call camels ships of the desert?" Because they are filled with Iranian seamen. Why would Netanyahu bomb their embassy? That's just asking for it. Is there any wonder he's just trying to hold onto his job as Israelis protest Be Be's handling this? we will always have enemies. We always have. But, you don't go out and antagonize the beast. Why do you think this election is so important to many people? Because we could have even worse than Netanyahu in the White House next January.
Sep 20, 2013
What could be worse than the way Biden ran out of Afghanistan leaving Americans behind, abandoning our friends and gifting heaps of weapons and equipment to the enemy....... nothing except getting us into WWIII which he is doing and if re-elected will no doubt bring to fruition.


You are quoting the World Socialist Website as your proof! :LOL: Why not just use Faux News? Same damn thing!
Jul 10, 2015
You seem to only want to trust outfits that carry the liberal water, this is why most of what you say is propaganda and not fact.

I knew when Russia was amassing troops they were going into Ukraine, the Biden admin let it happen because they want regime change in Russia and look at how much money we have thrown into Ukraine, that could have been used to feed so many hungry people, the Biden admin wanted this war.

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Sep 20, 2013
Aaw. You removed the Guardian article which made my point on Israel for me. Guess you didn't read it that well before posting it. Here, I'll load it up for you again.

This article shows that the author believes Biden should put pressure on Netanyahu even though it was published before the worst of what many believe has started an immanent famine in the south of Gaza. Biden has actually made Netanyahu allow more aid into the area and there are hundreds of thousands of protesters in Israel who want someone new leading Israel. Can't have it both ways.

And quoting Marjory Taylor Greene is way over the top. She's an idiot! :ROFLMAO:

Got to love the way Trump is throwing everything against the wall in his efforts to stop the 91 felonies he is facing and the trial that will start on the 15th in NY. This is popcorn time!
Jul 10, 2015
Marjory Taylor Greene is a patriot and an elected representative, elected by the American people, you should have some respect, but you don't and you celebrate the downfall of our democracy as Trump is charged with .... 91 felonies you say..... amazing.

Hillary has murdered, destroyed evidence, defrauded, closet server to conduct pay for play...... and Obama with Fast and Furious, his IRS scandals..... Hillary and Obama should be up on charges as should the criminals who have helped weaponize our legal system against a former President to interfere with his campaign for reelection, hell if this was being done to a democrat you would scream bloody murder, but you don't really care about right and wrong, only your party winning by any means and at any cost...... you have no merit to judge any news outlet, opinion article or organization.
Sep 20, 2013
Still echoing the Trump talking points I see. Trump has openly said that he plans to use the Justice Department to go after people not loyal to him. His so called enemies. No one in Obama's administration nor did the ridiculous Trump statement, "lock her up" about Clinton have a damned thing to do with anything going on at the moment. And Greene is the thin margin Republican House's worst enemy. She is actively trying to remove yet another Speaker. She may have been elected, but she isn't effective...unless chaos is what you want out of government. Hillary Clinton didn't do anything to her emails and that has been proven many times since Trump used that as a cudgel against her. Trump, on the other hand has earned those felony charges and it will start to play out in just 9 days when he goes to trial on 34 of of them. ;)
Jul 10, 2015
You just said " Trump has openly said that he plans to use the Justice Department to go after people not loyal to him. "
Prove this !
When and where did Trump openly say this ?

Trump sometimes says something in jest with a smile and you dems pretend it's a grand conspiracy, like Trumps humor about only being a dictator on his 1st day back in office..... that was just Trumps sense of humor, but show me where/when Trump said " he plans to use the Justice Department to go after people not loyal to him. "

Hillary is a criminal and should have been charged with a long list of felonies, however politicians, especially ex-presidents and their wives are typically given a pass on about everything, yet Trump is a victim of political persecution the likes of which we have never seen in this country, his so called crime of overstating the value of Mar-a-largo was an absolute joke, not only was there no victim of this alleged non crime, but Mar-a-largo was worth substantially more.
Sep 20, 2013
I guess you think Trump's defense that he could declassify documents by thinking about it has merit. It doesn't! He has said he is no longer president and cannot now declassify them. At a rally recently Trump said, he would be removing people from the government and replacing them with "real Americans", or something to that effect. Trump claiming that illegal activities were just a joke won't pass muster in the end.
Dec 15, 2014
Hi Folks,
These countries have been at war for thousands of years. In reality this is a very unsettled region . many different beliefs and religions. Its a very sticky situation. Personally I think we should worry about our own problems here in the states. The direction of the current administration is going way too many bad decisions . And with popcorn at the helm not a great outlook for us Americans. Way too many screwups.
Jul 10, 2015
I guess you think Trump's defense that he could declassify documents by thinking about it has merit. It doesn't! He has said he is no longer president and cannot now declassify them. At a rally recently Trump said, he would be removing people from the government and replacing them with "real Americans", or something to that effect. Trump claiming that illegal activities were just a joke won't pass muster in the end.

Charging Trump with 90 some odd bogus felonies while Hillary and Obama get away with murder is nothing more than political persecution in a blatant attempt to interfere with Trumps reelection, furthermore Trump did nothing wrong, it's all 3rd world weaponization of our legal system against an ex-president running for reelection and the mere fact that it's taken place is reason enough for everyone with any sense to put Trump back in office, because if an Ex-President isn't safe then nobody is safe from this criminal deep state cabal who's running our country into the ground.
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