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Has NASA's Kepler space telescope discovered an Alien Megastructure?

May 14, 2013
I was just listening to the radio and this story was just mentioned. The star is named KIC 8462852 and it is 1500 light years away, there is something very large orbiting this star that isn't round and they can't explain it. Yes some scientists are really suggesting it could be alien megastructures. Even if it isn't, it's still an important discovery that requires study to understand what it is. SETI will now point a radio telescope at the star to see if they can detect anything out of the ordinary, if they do then they will request time on the Very Large Array.

I suspect it will turn out to be nothing, some people got excited when the first pulsar was detected, but if it turns out to not be natural then it will be the greatest discovery ever. Oh and if there are aliens there, they probably won't detect us for another just over 1400 years unless they have the ability to come around here exploring.:eek: Here are some links:

Has Kepler Discovered an Alien Megastructure? : Discovery News

Astronomers may have found giant alien 'megastructures' orbiting star near the Milky Way | World | News | The Independent

Has NASA's Kepler discovered alien race megastructure? Scientists probe oddity | Examiner.com

?Alien Megastructure? Blocking weird Star Discovered

Alien Megastructures: Scientists Find Possible Link To Star Activity And Alien Life : Tech : Headlines & Global News

NASA's Kepler Space-Telescope Data Yields a Bizarre Star --"Is It Orbited By a Swarm of ET Megastructures??

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Apr 16, 2014

I hope it's alien.

Of course, it could simply be an orbiting fragment from a collision that has not yet become round, etc...

...and, as its ~ 1,500 light years away, we are seeing what it looked like ~ 1,500 years ago.

The entire concept of other life forms out there somewhere, hopefully intelligent and friendly, curious but not violent, etc...is very appealing.

FINDING each other, in the infinite vastness of space and time, was always the debbie downer of the process though.....even missing by a few 100k years would mean a missed opportunity.

A view of earth 100k years ago would have shown an orbiting craft nothing but animals and plants, etc, not large structures, no cities, no radio signals, etc. (Yes, essentially modern people, but, from orbit, no signs of civilization. They'd be hard to differentiate from other animals)

Sure, I'd bet finding life at ALL would have been exciting...but, the return trip to see how we're doing might be another 200k years, etc...or a million....it depends where they came from.
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Jul 3, 2015
Oh and if there are aliens there, they probably won't detect us for another just over 1400 years unless they have the ability to come around here exploring.

Alan, please keep this confidential. For years I sent out mental signals asking to be abducted because I really wanted to meet them. It never happened. Then i found out why. They want to abduct little Johnny who is afraid of the dark, not someone who wants to go. Furthermore, I had a note from my doctor stating that I had already had my colonoscopy and did not need an alien rectal probe. Therefore, I was not a desirable abductee.

I did mangage, with the help of a friend, to hack the SETI software so that if I got a hit, I would know where it came from and could send back a message. That is exactly what happened and I think I have been communicating with the same guys.:D

This kind of thing runs in the family. I suspect you may find this claim unbelievable, but my grandfather, in the guise of the moderns incarnation of Baron Munchausen, traveled throughout the solar system. He ultimately decided that Mars was the best travel destination which is where he presently resides. Baron Munchausen Mars Adventure
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Jan 29, 2014
For myself I'd be relieved there is finally some kind of official disclosure that these things exist, I have no doubts personally, but so tired of waiting for this issue to come out of the closet.
May 14, 2013
Andrew, you snuck into the locked medicine cabinet again didn't you? :D

He's a retired physician, no telling what's in his medicine cabinet, I wouldn't be surprised if he knows how to make his own.

For myself I'd be relieved there is finally some kind of official disclosure that these things exist, I have no doubts personally, but so tired of waiting for this issue to come out of the closet.

Yes me too, I am tired of waiting, but the reason I think they don't openly make contact is: who do they contact? We are not ready for first contact. If they have observed and studied us for a short time, they are not going to land at the White House, 10 Downing Street, next to the Kremlin. They will know that these people don't represent a huge part of the world population, they are probably intelligent enough to know they shouldn't be talking to those people anyway regardless of who they pretend to represent. When they make first contact they should do it by radio. Then they should land a probe with an automated message at the UN in NYC, not with a person in it or some NYPD or UN security ass hole would shoot him while he's walking down the ramp. It should be a slow process done in several steps before we have direct contact. I have no doubt that we have been visited, I have previously described my two sightings, the second one in recent years being impossible to explain away, and both witnessed by many people. I would bet though that most UFO sightings that are real and not our own are probably unmanned probes. We have probably shot some down before and kept it secret so we can reverse engineer some technology.



Apr 28, 2015
For myself I'd be relieved there is finally some kind of official disclosure that these things exist, I have no doubts personally, but so tired of waiting for this issue to come out of the closet.
Absolutely no doubts with me either I too want to get it over with and at least find a signal but its not going to happen in my lifetime. Alaskan I can imagine how much your mind thinks and wanders just watching the stars from your area
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Jan 26, 2015
Pi R Squared, that is very well thought out and stated.
I think they might not want to even bother. If a civilization has over come the time, distance, energy and so forth obstacles to travel across galaxies that block humans to travel the "tiny" hop to the next planet. Why would they even bother with humans? It would be like humans trying to communicate with ants, why bother? Worse yet, what do most humans do to bugs = stamp, squash, spray, kill and burn with lasers ;)
I just hope they are peaceful and benevolent. Would be a bummer if they injected virus "sucks to be you" into our atmosphere :eek:


Mar 17, 2015
very cool! I actually heard something about nasa cutting to the famous gray screen on a live stream of the ISS


Apr 28, 2015
Alaskan alot of the secrecy may be that people believing the US as the most powerful weapon on mankind and coming out that we discoverd a species far more advanced may cause panic and "God" knows what else.
Jan 29, 2014
I've had two very close up encounters with a saucer shaped machine, well, one was more round, as they silently hovered or passed over me at slow speed, one taking off at a speed so fast it was difficult to track it visually. If these are ours, then such machines can be from other places too. It has already been demonstrated that the Star Trek idea of warp speed is theoretically possible, this was shown with an experiment earlier this year which proved it works.

More on it here: Warp speed, Scotty? It may actually be possible... - Science

This makes faster than light speed travel possible, perhaps a civilization 10,000 years more advanced than us, hell, 100 years more advance, might be able to zip across the galaxy in no time to travel where ever they want.

As far as God goes, what religions teach about God is very weak to me when they show him or her, what ever, as an individual who made mankind and will punish us forever if we are bad, reward forever if good is just silly to me, but yet I very much believe in a God which is behind and within all things as a great creative force we are all a part of. So, the existence of aliens has absolutely no impact upon my spirituality, if nothing else, adds to it.
Jan 29, 2014
Edit: a post slipped in before I could so. Teej, Regarding other technologically advanced life forms in this universe who are far more advanced than us, likely even more advanced spiritually... Well sir, if you look well enough with your eyes open enough, you have quite a surprise in store. Welcome that, the journey will be awesome for you! Believing everything people say is just stupid, but suspecting every single UFO report is probably more due to trust issues on something which disagrees with your own world view.
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Mar 17, 2015
I hope so man! I'm open for anything to change my mind as long as its facts
Dec 12, 2012
Personally I doubt that it's an intelligently constructed object.
But even if it was aliens I don't see how we'll know for a very long time in any case. I mean, we'd pretty much have to travel over there to find out.

Unexplained phenomenon doesn't mean it's alien, it just mean we don't know. Unfortunately, similar to what TheDukeAnumber1 first quote in his sig says, " just because we don't know what caused it, doesn't mean that we know aliens caused it" :D

And why is everyone assuming that whatever could make a megastructure etc. had to be intelligent?:whistle:
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Jan 29, 2014
Whether the structure is alien built or not has nothing to do with whether they are out there or come here to see zoo-earth... but many will claim the structure, or what ever it is, one way or the other without really knowing.
