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World refugee day 2015

May 14, 2013
Today June 20 is world refugee day, June 20 every year since 2001 is a day to remember those forced to flee from war and persecution and those who help them.

Today more than ever we need to be aware of what is going on in the rest of the world. I watch television news from 8 different countries and I suggest you do the same. Here at LPF we have members from many countries, some of you live in countries effected by the ongoing refugee crisis. Here in the USA we mostly get economic refugees but let us remember, most refugees are fleeing from war. Today there are at least 59 1/2 million refugees, 1/2 are under the age of 18, many of those lost there parents and families. 1 in 122 people world wide is a refugee, there is a very real possibility that some of you reading this will one day have to flee from where you live due to war. More people fled last year than at any other time in history, about 42500 a day.

A statement from António Guterres, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees:

Those of you who watch the news have been seeing the daily reports on the migrant problem in Europe. Many of these people are fleeing from conflict zones throughout Africa. With groups like Boko Haram, Al Qaeda, Al Shabaab, and ISIS supporters wreaking havoc across Africa as well as internal unrest in some countries, millions have fled their homes, many of them making their way to Libya and attempting to cross into Europe.

At the same time millions flee there homes in the Middle East with many entering Turkey and many traveling on to Europe, Romania is now planning to build a border fence. In Syria alone about 5.5 million have lost their homes due to the war and about 1.5 million of them have fled the country, millions more in Iraq and ISIS controlled areas and in Yemen.

In the Ukraine about 1.4 million internally displaced who lost their homes, there is daily shelling on both sides with more homes and buildings destroyed every day. While today our war mongering U.S. Senator John McCain is in the Ukrainian capital Kyiv attempting to pour gasoline on the fire at a time when tensions between the US and Russia are the worst since the Cuban missile crisis.

I am seriously beginning to think the world is ruled by arms dealers.

I am all in favor of countries and people being well armed, but those who choose war when it's unnecessary for defense, or those who seek war when diplomacy is still possible are despicable.

