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ArcticMyst Security by Avery

Where were you on this day 1969???

Sep 20, 2013
I have been to the symphony and to plays, though off Broadway. Just because I have been to many concerts in my life doesn't mean I am limited to that type of venue for entertainment.

Jul 1, 2018
Went to see 2001 a Space Odyssey in the movies with my parents.
Lifetime- I saw 2/3rds with my dad-(my parents were divorced) and had to leave to make it back to my Mom's on time. I missed the finale.

good movie to see at a theater... I think??
a bit twisted tho..
what do you think...Hal?
Hazkaw- yep! I've seen the whole move on VHS- I should check it out on HiRes now!
Hi Hak,
Well I was only 10 yrs old at the time so there wasn't to much meaning behind it for me. It was just cool cinematography at the time, and in 1969 who would have though of the year 2001. It was like watching James Bond or the Avengers when they had a telephone in the car basically unheard-of at the time. Now here we are in 2018 who would have though this far ahead at the time?


Lifetime- I was 11-and already a big scifi fan. I read a lot and had the book so it kinda made sense-but still I was only 11.
Dec 15, 2014
Hi P,
Well now you can play catch up it's probably on DVD And cheap you can get a used copy in new condition. Amazon has a lot of movies used and new ,and with a 30 day trial to Prime 2 day delivery. And before the 30 days you can cancel membership and pay nothing for Prime.

Jul 1, 2018
Exactly! I Might want to watch from the start-rather than just before Bowman goes into the Star Gate-which is where I left it in 1969 :)

Hi P,
Well now you can play catch up it's probably on DVD And cheap you can get a used copy in new condition. Amazon has a lot of movies used and new ,and with a 30 day trial to Prime 2 day delivery. And before the 30 days you can cancel membership and pay nothing for Prime.

Apr 2, 2009
thanks to all who have posted here..
In my travels etc I have often asked people if they made Woodstock in 1969-- and even tho I am VERY SURE there were 500k+ there --to date -none I have met were there or even know someone who was that lucky.

When I headed back to NYC iirc about 4 AM Sunday there was still a line of cars coming in.. not super long line of cars but more than I expected considering the day and time. There was at least one 'bank' of temp. pay phones and all the convos I overheard were mostly='DOOD get your ass up here asap and bring more POT'.
I met a guy there who just arrived from NYC and he had a small suitcase full of dime bags.(at least an elbow).he sold out quickly--cops?? I saw none..

people in the wooded areas were waiting in lines-- I asked what was being sold and some said 'I dunno -I-will find out when the line gets shorter'. WE brought with us two cases of (20)Cartons of Marlboros which at that time in NYC were >$1.50 a pack in cig machines-- and sold them quickly at $1 a pack a small profit BUT it covered our tickets and more.
we put a small bowl out with 'free samples' @ ONE per person-- I was helping my friends set up their tent and had a hachet/hammer in my hands pounding tent stakes..-- suddenly a commotion and shouts -- one guy had reached up between people in line and grabbed an unopened carton (10 packs) but he ran into me and I grabbed him- BUT with the hachet in my other hand -- another guy suddenly maced me point blank from behind- I freaked and yelled and began to blindly swing the hachet.. in a circle-- you never saw people move back that fast. Or so I was told later by my friends-- my eyes were closed.. only neg I experienced at Woodstock--
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Sep 20, 2013
Man, back in 69 I was paying maybe 40 cents for a pack of smokes. I would always get a carton from my parents at Christmas as they went to the BX and got a carton for maybe $3.50. Now a pack of cigarettes are $11.00 here in Washington. That is absurd.

Pot was $10 an ounce. Dime bags were for other things besides pot. It wasn't until the late 74 that pot prices increased to more than $70/lb.

My understanding was people at Woodstock were mostly well behaved and kind to each other. But, in a crowd that large there are always bad actors who will try to take advantage if they think they will get away with it. My dead younger brother was one of those. He stole more from his own family than he did for other people. But, he would always take advantage of someone if the opportunity presented itself. I'm glad he's gone.
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Apr 2, 2009
we were not intending to gouge anyone- they were 3 or 4 times more expensive in cig machines in NYC than 'over the counter'
we were sold out in a few hours-
Woodstock was very peaceful--
The vibe was 'love your brother' for 99.9%
Some refused to leave and there were some there weeks AFTER- We went back later and those there had done a great job of putting everything back like is was the weekend before-- they had plenty of left behind food (canned) they had washed blankets sleeping bags etc and hung in trees to dry. all litter was gone-- the vibe was still there..(IIRC there were NO dum5ters there-- the trash got burned afaik.)
I did have one neg many years later-- someone asked me if I knew how many died during Woodstock in the Nam.

stooped question-- same can be asked about ANYTHING done during that time-- would more or less soldiers died if Woodstock had not happened?
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Sep 20, 2013
There are people who are trying to rewrite history by now saying we could have won that war by throwing more at it. Either more troops, more weapons, even nuclear weapons. It is silly. It was a war we should have never gotten into in the first place. It was a civil war in a small southeast Asian country that we became involved in because one side was communist. I had a draft card during that war as I'm sure you did as well. There was no way I was going to go to Vietnam to fight. If I had no other options, I would have gone to prison first. I had a student deferment until it was no longer an issue.
