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ArcticMyst Security by Avery

What type of computer geek are you?

Mac, Windows, or Linux what are you running.

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Sep 28, 2009
I'm on Win7x64 O.S taylored to my comps using 7Customizer from the msfn forums
drivers,setting,themes,current updates slipstreamed to ISO then converted to USB for faster installations.
IMO any O.S is only as good as it's operator
Oct 7, 2010
I run CrunchBang Linux for ~95% of my computer use, sometimes boot into Win7 for games and occasional photoshop use.

I guess I just the minimalist UI of #!, and the ability to tweak any part of the system to my heart's content. Also seem to have fewer crop up than in windows; though to be fair rtfm is often not-easy when it comes to troubleshooting.


Oct 25, 2010
I didn't post this - my PC has a virus.:tinfoil:

Aug 31, 2010

You know... I think Apple does some things well... the iPhone for example. But why in the world would I ever want to use a Mac computer. Just by default it's not compatible with 85% of the computers in the world to start with, that just seems like a no brainer to me.

BTW, in regards to your virus comment. Security through Obscurity doesn't mean your data is secure, it just means no one cares to put forth the effort to steal it. It's kinda like moving out into the middle of a desert just so your house doesn't get broken into. Sure all your stuff is safe, but you've now got a 4 hour commute into town and live in a fricken desert.

My brother bought an iMac because he got caught up in all the hype. I asked him why he bought it and he said cause it was more secure. Within 5 minutes I had pulled up instructions on the internet to break into his PC and change his master password. It's built into the Mac's by default. I really don't get how people still claim the mac is more secure lol. Mac has built in ways to break into the PC, you can't even turn them off lol. And that doesn't even address all of the other issues such as compatibility, lack of software, etc... Yes I know it's better than it was before, but that still doesn't put it anywhere near close to PC's in regards to funtionality.


Oct 25, 2010
Oh geez, the virus comment was supposed to be a joke!

All the Mac proponents make the same claim about PC's being vulnerable and Windows being unreliable, I just laugh and ignore it. The PC I'm using at the moment was rebooted on 09/13, over a month ago, and that because I upgraded a device driver. I'd say that's pretty good reliability... :)

Aug 15, 2009
Toika 1% uptime
 11:27am  up 431 days,  1:14,  1 user,  load average: 0.06, 0.01, 0.00
IRIX FTW! And the last reboot was because of a power failure.

But for day to day work linux is the best, compatible with practically everything windows comes up with and much more. Only for games other than unreal tournament I have to reboot to windows. And Vista is crap. Windows 7 it probably better, but still too big and slow. I don't want to buy a better computer because my OS requires that, new stuff should be faster, not the other way around.

But the main reason I run linux (other than xp erasing my harddrive) is that linux is so much more efficient to work with. No bloating inefficient fancy menu's, everything to the point with more features and capabilities that make the everyday work far more easier and pleasant than windows. I still run KDE 3.5 because it has so many handy features and is very fast. My desktop PC is 8 years old and still more than capable. Linux just is so flexible and open, if I want it, I can get it, or make it myself if it hasn't already been done. Maintenance, networking, servers, it's all straightforward and logical on linux.

And mac? Besides apple being restrictive...
Jun 19, 2010

Do all ya'll computer guys look like this?:wave:
And by the way I love my PC....in the years I have used it...I have had to become a Full Blown Pro just to repair all the Sh#*t that happens to it!:horse:
Oct 30, 2010
Yeah Windows is good but its sad that so many people still use xp cause drivers dont work on win 7 yet. Linux is great for messing around and having fun. MAcs well have fun with itunes thats all you can do now =P They cant even get photoshop right cause they hate adobe so much my questions why make photoshop for macs if they hate you adobe? Also just my opinion but one of you linux users should change some of your files into perl just for some laughes or boot up a old DOS pc. /end mini rant... ps Godwin Theory <---lol
Aug 31, 2010
Toika 1% uptime
 11:27am  up 431 days,  1:14,  1 user,  load average: 0.06, 0.01, 0.00
IRIX FTW! And the last reboot was because of a power failure.

But for day to day work linux is the best, compatible with practically everything windows comes up with and much more. Only for games other than unreal tournament I have to reboot to windows. And Vista is crap. Windows 7 it probably better, but still too big and slow. I don't want to buy a better computer because my OS requires that, new stuff should be faster, not the other way around.

But the main reason I run linux (other than xp erasing my harddrive) is that linux is so much more efficient to work with. No bloating inefficient fancy menu's, everything to the point with more features and capabilities that make the everyday work far more easier and pleasant than windows. I still run KDE 3.5 because it has so many handy features and is very fast. My desktop PC is 8 years old and still more than capable. Linux just is so flexible and open, if I want it, I can get it, or make it myself if it hasn't already been done. Maintenance, networking, servers, it's all straightforward and logical on linux.

And mac? Besides apple being restrictive...

Sure Linux is probably faster, but that's kinda like running DOS on a PC. DOS would be screaming fast, the whole point of windows and why it gets more and more bloated is because of the additional features and support. I agree that they need to limit this to some extent but I also wouldn't really want a new OS that was streamlined just like DOS if you get my drift.

And yes, you are retarded if you are trying to run Win7 on hardware that's 10 years old. A lot of the problems people have with computers (other than user errors) are caused by trying to use software and hardware that were simply not designed to run together. If you keep both your software and hardware relatively currently it removes many of the problems.


Aug 6, 2009
Sure Linux is probably faster, but that's kinda like running DOS on a PC. DOS would be screaming fast, the whole point of windows and why it gets more and more bloated is because of the additional features and support. I agree that they need to limit this to some extent but I also wouldn't really want a new OS that was streamlined just like DOS if you get my drift.

I want. The beauty of linux, imho, is the customization available through mutliple distro's and crazy amounts of add-ons and weird packs. I used fedora with winX for a long long time, then was like OMG UBUNTU. Comes with all the extra crap I used to have to install manually, and who doesn't love livecd? Seriously. Get some wine for those rare windows tools I like, and just rock the 'nix. Learning curve on the newer distros is so minimal nowadays, I'm actually surprised it's still not as popular. Although I admit to be on win7 atm, go go dualboot. Open source is socialism, but damn I hate paying for things.
