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UFO/ UAP Research and Laser Pointers Thread


New member
Jul 15, 2019
There are numerous online videos now where UFOs react to lasers. The U.S Navy has officially declassified three UAP videos recently. Prime Minister of Defense Canada as well as Chile have both came forward. Various "ufologists" have used laser pointers for decades and many consider them an essential tool. I was surprised that I did not see anything on the subject here although I know it still may seem extremely taboo to many. I assume I'll be banned or thread removed but I hope not and that a civil conversation can be had here on this subject in 2019. It is not difficult to identify a plane or helicopter I'm not advocating pointing at those that is a terrible idea. Only in very rare cases to help distinguish stars and planets from long hovering slowly drifting/blinking anomalies primarily is when it can be considered justified by some. Do any of you light veterans have a story you'd like to share specifically involving lasers and UFOs? I think I should also be able to receive messages on here, I would love to hear from you if you feel that is more appropriate then posting openly. I'm fully aware there is a strong stigma surrounding this but I hope that isn't completely true here. There was also an MIT study concluding that a high power laser could be used as a signal http://news.mit.edu/2018/laser-attract-alien-astronomers-study-1105 . What color would they make it? Many are also speculated to operate in different wavelengths maybe you have experience filming in different spectrums of light and have noticed strange plasmic differences. Please no safety concern lectures, hate, or things not contributing to the conversation in a scientific or hypothetical way. I am not asking anyone to do anything like this but just asking as an amateur investigator in the subject for information from what appears to be the largest community of genius laser enthusiasts. I hope some of you will feel free to come forward here with some laser footage, speculations, or stories of your own. Thanks, God Bless
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LPF Site Supporter
Jun 12, 2015
I don’t see any reason why you would be banned because of this post. The subject does interest me personally and I have seen things myself of which I can’t explain. I’ve never attempted to use a laser as a beacon. And any laser related instances I’ve had with ufos are zero. However I’m interested to see what others here may have found or their ideas.
Jul 10, 2015
There are government drones watching over US cities so be careful what you shine a laser at and we all know that aircraft are off limits so it's a good idea to NOT shine a laser at any flying object, chances are it's an aircraft or a drone and the drones are recording so you could wind up in big trouble.
Jan 29, 2014

I don't think a laser is necessary as a beacon, maybe get one of those Ace beam flashlights, if something is up there and looking, they will see it, but do you really want that? Who was the member who had that cool gif of a beam coming out of a UFO pulling a guy out of a house and snapping back? I would post that here, if I could find who had it in their signature to go look for it.

Using a visible spectrum laser to point at what you think is an alien craft or UFO will end you in jail with huge fines, there was one young teen who was doing just that and was arrested, it wasn't an alien craft, it was an airliner. Don't even think of doing that. Maybe an IR laser, but not 808 nm, you would need something well above 1 um (edit: 1.5 um+ ?) in wavelength or cameras will pick the beam up very easily. Those law enforcement drones will see infrared as if it were visible spectrum.

Add: I edited in 1.5 um or above (longer) because even 1 um, or for example, 1064 nm, can still be picked up by a video camera, far weaker than, lets say for instance 915 nm, but still visible to the camera.
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LPF Site Supporter
Jun 12, 2015
You’re thinking of AlienLaser Chris. And exactly this is why I’ll never use a laser as a beacon.


New member
Jul 15, 2019
Thank you for your replies and interest. I enjoyed the alien laser chris gif. An airliner is not something of interest in the sky, we're not talking about jets. Have people really gotten into trouble for shining lasers at an unmanned government drones? I live in a small area though and government drones just don't account for all sighting throughout time. I do think using a nearly invisible laser is an interesting idea to bypass general aviation but on the other side idk if it would do anything or if you would be able to point it long distances accurately. Could something like that be achieved? In the article I imagined a colored beam which had the major issue of being an eyesore do you think that it would have the same potential or that it would lose it "moth in the porchlight" affect?
is this a typo?
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New member
Jul 26, 2019
There are numerous online videos now where UFOs react to lasers. The U.S Navy has officially declassified three UAP videos recently. Prime Minister of Defense Canada as well as Chile have both came forward. Various "ufologists" have used laser pointers for decades and many consider them an essential tool. I was surprised that I did not see anything on the subject here although I know it still may seem extremely taboo to many. I assume I'll be banned or thread removed but I hope not and that a civil conversation can be had here on this subject in 2019. It is not difficult to identify a plane or helicopter I'm not advocating pointing at those that is a terrible idea. Only in very rare cases to help distinguish stars and planets from long hovering slowly drifting/blinking anomalies primarily is when it can be considered justified by some. Do any of you light veterans have a story you'd like to share specifically involving lasers and UFOs? I think I should also be able to receive messages on here, I would love to hear from you if you feel that is more appropriate then posting openly. I'm fully aware there is a strong stigma surrounding this but I hope that isn't completely true here. There was also an MIT study concluding that a high power laser could be used as a signal http://news.mit.edu/2018/laser-attract-alien-astronomers-study-1105 . What color would they make it? Many are also speculated to operate in different wavelengths maybe you have experience filming in different spectrums of light and have noticed strange plasmic differences. Please no safety concern lectures, hate, or things not contributing to the conversation in a scientific or hypothetical way. I am not asking anyone to do anything like this but just asking as an amateur investigator in the subject for information from what appears to be the largest community of genius laser enthusiasts. I hope some of you will feel free to come forward here with some laser footage, speculations, or stories of your own. Thanks, God Bless

Very useful and detailed information!

Thank you!
Jan 29, 2014
I don't know anyone has gotten into trouble shining at government drones, my concern is if they thought you were trying to blind their camera, or perhaps their assuming you were trying to flash aircraft, that is the only thing I would worry about if using infrared, that someone would jump to conclusions, incorrectly. However, if they knew what they were doing, they should see the difference between IR and visible light, I could know the difference myself. If you are going to try to signal what you believe is a ufo, I'd never use visible light, if wrong, you could land in jail, and people can b e wrong about lights in the sky too easily, daytime sightings are far easier than just a red or green light in the sky, nav lights on aircraft are red or green, depending upon which side, red flashing lights can be a beacon. Flashing white lights can be a strobe. I'm a pilot myself.
Jul 10, 2015

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Nov 2, 2018
Generally if theres something in the sky, don’t shine a laser at it unless you can be sure it’s a celestial object. As far as contacting aliens with lasers, the nearest planets and things in the sky outside of our galaxy are thousands if not millions of light years away. If you were to shine a laser at one, assuming it’s precise enough to hit the target, powerful enough to reach the target, and nothing impedes it’s path, you’d be long dead before the beam reaches your target.

Your target is also indescribably small. You’d probably have an easier time firing a grain of sand sized bullet into the sky and trying to hit another grain of sand miles away.
Jan 29, 2014
I've watched videos taken from aircraft of some idiot flashing them with small green laser pointers and you are correct, it is very difficult to keep the beam on the cockpit, you can only see a few direct hits. It's easier to keep the laser on them if it has higher divergence, something like a 520 nm 1 watt laser would be easier to target with than a 1 watt DPSS laser pointer, more than twice as easy (given the same lens diameter) than a DPSS. While saying that, the wider divergence means less brilliance than a DPSS laser, due to a lower power density, so in that way less effective at harassing pilots. If some idiot used a 1 watt DPSS laser with a 10x expander on it the power reaching someones eye would be ten times more at a great distance, but ten times harder to keep on a moving target.

If someone wanted to flash a UFO, assuming it really isn't a conventional aircraft, star, or satellite passing over (polar orbit) and really think what they are seeing is a visitor from afar, it would be better to use infrared at 1064 nm or longer wavelengths to keep out of jail with huge 100K dollar fines (not to mention the possible harm). For such use, I think it would be best to turn the beam into an expanded line using a very large cylindrical PCX lens and move the line created by it across the target. A 5 degree line lens would be the way to go with an IR camera accurately fastened in line with the laser to be able to target it. If you had something like that, I believe you could have more success targeting something many miles away with a low divergence (90 degrees to the line) which is horizontally 5 degrees wide and powerful enough to make up for becoming much weaker due to being spread out into a line. Reality (?) is, if they thought it was a threat, they would likely zip away very quickly thinking you are targeting them with a missile system (oops). However, if a technologically advanced race were visiting the earth, they should be able to know it wasn't being used for that, because what we use for targeting is LIDAR technology which uses pulse trains. Due to this and the intermittent nature of the timing of detecting the flash, a CW laser flashing across them probably wouldn't be viewed as a threat, if they even had equipment set up to look for 1064 nm wavelengths and were looking in your direction which might be unlikely to begin with.

All of those assumptions made, due to the speed of light limitation, the universe and other nearby star systems which might have planets capable of life, let alone advanced technological life far beyond our own abilities are just too far away for anyone to come visit, right? They would need to have a work around to that problem to come here, which as far as we know, isn't possible. All of that, and if they really do exist, how few come and the likelihood of your being at the right place at the right time and then the odds become slim for success. That, and what I wrote before, what purpose would anyone have to flash at them? If they wanted to come for a visit, they could, but flashing a light at them might be a real waste of time and effort. So even if all of the stars lined up perfectly with all of these unknowns, if they saw it, they might think, huh, look at that, I'm not subjecting myself to risk of being near any of those human animals, and continue on.

Yet, the question remains, what if?

Good luck finding a diode 1064 nm source with enough power. You could try a crystal with a flash lamp on it to generate 1064 nm, but if CW, that's a monster to put together and use in a portable device as well as dangerous. Even a CW line 1064 nm laser from a laser diode could be hazardous, still, I believe it is possible to build a small CW ND:YAG in a portable or hand held unit, with reduced duty cycle of a few seconds burst each time with a rest cycle. Best would be a Q-Switched YAG, CW YAG and high power laser diode built into one unit, but that would probably end up fairly bulky with all three, two might be small enough.
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New member
Nov 6, 2019
Hello. I’m not sure if my post will be seen, but I want to share my story anyway.

I’m 30 years old. I live in Arkansas. Not out in the country, but in a town with ~70,000 people.

In 2014, (I don’t remember the month, day or anything like that) I went outside at about 1 or 2 AM to smoke a cigarette. I have cats and had one of their, like, $2 cat toy laser pointers with me. I was squiggling it around at the fence and then at some trees across the street. Right where I was pointing the laser pointer a black triangle shape with rounded corners just “appeared”. I didn’t hear anything, didn’t see any lights. I really only saw it at all because it was darker than the night sky behind it.
I don’t believe in aliens. I was sober. I was awake.
It literally vanished as quickly as it appeared, it didn’t move in any direction it was just there and then it wasn’t.
I turned around, went into the house and started googling crap. I didn’t tell anyone because I never believed people who said they saw things like that and I realize how ridiculous it sounds.
I ended up telling my husband about it a couple of years later and then tonight I was thinking about it again and started looking up things about it. I never even considered the laser pointer had anything to do with it at all.
I even tried telling myself I was seeing after effects or something like when you stare at the sun. But I know I saw it.
For other people like me who have seen something like that and don’t want to tell anyone, or even after experiencing it for yourself still don’t even really believe half of the ufo stories or descriptions you hear about... that’s why I’m posting this. I still don’t believe in aliens. Not sure what I saw, but that’s how it went down.
Cat toys are serious business!
Thanks for this thread, even if no one replies. It makes me feel less crazy. :)
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Jan 29, 2014
Well, if you think aliens are real and visiting the earth, might be time to buy some aluminum foil, wouldn't want them reading your mind or placing thoughts into your head, would you :p

The above was a joke, more and more the possibility extra terrestrials are and have been visiting for aeons is becoming accepted. Have you watched the History Channel Ancient Aliens "documentaries"? Very entertaining at the least, they might be on to the truth, but we still have a fairly large number of members here who won't accept the possibility. In the past, the rejection was usually based on the speed of light limit, and that matter cannot closely approach the speed of light to travel through space to get here from the great expanses where other solar systems have planets, however recently, even NASA is working on the theory of bending space, or rather, warping space to ride it as a wave which would not break the speed limit through space because there would be no movement through space itself, proper, instead space itself would be moving and there is no speed limit for that.


Apr 28, 2015
I believe you saw something:), but it could of been a reflection, a other animal startled, or your mind possibly playing tricks??
