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ArcticMyst Security by Avery

The ban on bobH

Ban on bobH

  • Ban bobH for 2 days

    Votes: 3 9.1%
  • Ban bobH for 14 days

    Votes: 8 24.2%
  • Ban bobH for ever

    Votes: 12 36.4%
  • Unban bobH now

    Votes: 10 30.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Mar 29, 2008
@ Grix -- ANYTHING could be ignored. However, why should the same people need to ignore repeated personal attacks, when the problem can simply be removed or censured?


Because said problem also happens to have a great knowledge of lasers that can contribute to this forum, after what I've seen. Simply reporting the posts that causes drama and have them removed is a lot better than to ban and lose a lot of helpful posts too.

Unfortunately, just reporting posts do not get them removed instantaneously. The statement remains for many people to read before it may be removed. I absolutely agree that we will be missing knowledge from BobH. I do not agree that his knowledge is worth his outbursts and attacks when he someone disagrees with him.

When I wrote to the admin I didn't even ask for his ban. I asked that he be "warned or temp banned" to get him to cease and desist.

However, to sound like a broken record, he does not "fit" well in this environment/forum. He may be (I cannot know) more happy or comfortable somewhere else. His knowledge will not be lost. It will just be moved out of an environment where he feels persecuted by we meanie heads.

Even with that, it will still be up to him. I guarantee that if he responds to disagreemant with his beliefs and/or views the same way he does here, in any other laser forum, he will be banned there very quickly.

LPF is one of the most "accepting and tolerant" laser forums around. That is one of the reasons it is successful and vibrant. However, that does NOT mean that ANYTHING should be allowed or accepted.

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Sep 20, 2008
This Poll should have been open showing who placed what votes...

And yeah... I am quite disappointed at the sheep that voted for this
insulting TROLL to stay...

I'm even wondering if it is worth my time an effort to make this Forum
a better place...

In the over 1.5 years I've been here I have never seen so many Closed
Why post anything if the result will be a closed Thread....

I need a break...........................



Mar 29, 2008
This Poll should have been open showing who placed what votes...

And yeah... I am quite disappointed at the sheep that voted for this
insulting TROLL to stay...

I'm even wondering if it is worth my time an effort to make this Forum
a better place...

In the over 1.5 years I've been here I have never seen so many Closed
Why post anything if the result will be a closed Thread....

I need a break...........................


Yet another reason why these ban polls should be a part of our past. They divided and entrench members in their positions. Once one has invested their ego with one position by voting, the mind then works to find or create additional justification for making that stand.

People want to argue for their position while calling for the end of all arguments

I just love the human mind



Dec 9, 2008
People are quick to say "yeah, let's un-ban bobh! he may be a troll, be he's not that bad, just ignore him". To that I say you all are hypocrites. A lot of people on here call T_J & myself trolls, yet no one ignores us, they instead whine and talk crap behind our backs.

Huh?? Perhaps you should read these articles:

Generalization - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Projection (Psychology) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I can only speak for myself, but I have never done anything you described, ever.

And yeah... I am quite disappointed at the sheep that voted for this
insulting TROLL to stay...

That's not a very nice thing to say, everyone is entitled to their own opinion.

People want to argue for their position while calling for the end of all arguments

This'll be my last post in this thread, I promise! :shhh:
But there is a big difference in arguing and drama, you know.


Mar 29, 2008
This'll be my last post in this thread, I promise! :shhh:
But there is a big difference in arguing and drama, you know.

I agree. Unfortunately that determination is made in the mind of each individual. It is like trying to draw the line between "baiting" and "trolling."

And Yes. We have had that exact discussion in this forum. It is OK to "bait" someone to see if they are a problem. It is not OK to "troll" them.

People do not like forum cops, but in a mostly self-moderated forum, they are needed.

Jun 11, 2009
This Poll should have been open showing who placed what votes...

And yeah... I am quite disappointed at the sheep that voted for this
insulting TROLL to stay...

I'm even wondering if it is worth my time an effort to make this Forum
a better place...

In the over 1.5 years I've been here I have never seen so many Closed
Why post anything if the result will be a closed Thread....

I need a break...........................


@ lasersbee Please don't feel that your time spent on LPF is a waste.
Their might be times I disagree with, how you feel, or what you think.
But I respect all that you do. You do put in a lot of time and efort in to what you think is best for LPF.

To all
I had know idea that some of you, had such hard feelings about bobH
Seems to be a much deeper issue then I originally thought.

Their is always two sides to every story.

On one side,
We have some vets that strongly believe that bobH is not healthy, for the forum in general. They spent their time watching and keeping track of his actions, both bad and good. When they noticed there was more bad, then good. They spent their time pushing for his ban.

On the other side ,
You have bobH who was banned for these actions.
Were some of his actions out of line? Yes. Were they becoming disruptive to LPF? Yes. Was he provoked every single time? No.
Maybe he was carrying around to much of a grudge, to ever let it go?

To each side, their reasoning is very important to them.
That is why these kinda polls should be treated with the upmost respect.
Their is too much at stake, to take it lightly.
You cant just cast a vote you need know what your voting for and why.

I see 28 votes counted, but only see 13 different LPF members, being involved or posting.

Who is voting in this poll?
You have people like rangedunits voting. Even though he had no idea who he was voting for, he cast a vote?

I have no clue who he is so therefore i voted unban.
I hasnt noticed anything wrong with him.

How many more votes were from uninformed members?
All it takes is one uninformed vote, to skew the whole poll.

I want what is best for the forum.
I don't want to see bobH back. Just because he won some votes. From members who decided to vote just for the hell of it.
Or uninformed members who were just basing their vote on the most recent bobH drama. Like the Look out California Pyro's coming thread.

Maybe this thread should be closed, or at least moved to the vet section?
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Oct 24, 2009
My take on this is I almost logged off forever when my poll to oust him blew up in my face...

Time has proven that I was right on the money back then, yet here we are all over again taking a poll on the same exact issue, but in reverse.

I refuse to comment any further.....
Jan 2, 2009
Bottom line he deserves a time out. I dont even know why there was an unban option. When he gets back we can see if he has changed his tune or not. Then go from there.

Derange I get that you like to play the anti-popular vote. You've played that card many times. But its not fair, and stupid. If you have a solid reason then fine, but you dont, and you're just making people mad for no reason. Around the general forum its fine, no one cares, but we are trying to be serious here. Some of these guys are your friends, and (once again) you are showing that you dont deserve those friends.
Dec 23, 2008
i voted for a time out.... i was not a part of the origional drama. but in the second go around all of his backhanded and front handed comments got old... even before i read them as i scrolled down and saw his name, i would think to myself "here we go again." I knew what was coming... so before i got involved i read his posts from the month.

i agree with RPALOALTO..... do not vote unless you are familiar with the whole story.

Feb 29, 2008
This Poll should have been open showing who placed what votes...

And yeah... I am quite disappointed at the sheep that voted for this
insulting TROLL to stay...

I'm even wondering if it is worth my time an effort to make this Forum
a better place...

In the over 1.5 years I've been here I have never seen so many Closed
Why post anything if the result will be a closed Thread....

I need a break...........................

I'm not sure we should be called sheep for expressing our opininons Jerry, especially as we were invited to do so. If the decision was up to you, Bob would be gone, but it isn't just up to you, so insulting people with different opinions seems a little bizaare TBH.

And for the record, I voted for a short ban, as hopefully it will cool him down. If it doesn\'t, then we can go from there and permaban

Oct 24, 2009
My two cents.. If someone, anyone, I don't care who cannot let go of a grudge, it is ingrained into the psych profile of that individual, especially a middle age person.

So if Bob returns, I wager that he will not let go of this issue and start right in with a vengeance.

Seen it before, it's inevitable.
Jan 7, 2007
If this happens, do what Avery says in another post. IGNORE IT. DO NOT REPLY.
Treating a person as a non entity is the biggest insult.
ALSO -- If you are not involved -- KEEP YOUR MOUTH OUT OF IT. It's not your fight. Go build a laser or test a new $500 Diode!!!
I personally read little and post less and less here anymore.

Jan 2, 2009
No one like their name slandered, its hard to ignore. Why ignore it, when we can just remove it? I have not seen any threads locked since he has been gone.


Mar 29, 2008
First, I am sure that those who are calling for BobH to simply be ignored would react totally different if it were they that were being slammed.

Second, when you read some of the below quotations, bear in mind that I have not spoken to him, replied to a post of his, or spoken about him with anyone since his last ban thread 3 months ago (until the need for his re-ban needed to be discussed based on his actions).

Third, you would have to know what happened 3 month ago to understand some of the more subtle remarks.

From a closed thread so no quotes available:
the problem I have with Dave is the bull-headed way in which he argues a point. There's no balance, no give just take, no acceptance of other perspectives. That's obviously my personal opinion, but look at the poll to ban me and see for yourself. Notice how he argues, not what he's saying. notice how he inflames me and then complains that I have "anger management" issues. Of course I do ... with HIM! And Laasersbee, Mfo, and Tech Junkie (who likes to give me negative rep). Look at my rep and you'll see. Those three and Daguin are the ONLY people I have issues with here. And that's ONLY because THEY don't want me here.

It was said that a vote would not determine the new moderator. I hope one is chosen who doesn't hold such a grudge. Out of 10,000 members, why choose someone who is extremist? Go for quality, not quantity. Once they're in, they can do much damage before being removed.

From a closed thread:
I'm explaining the "tension" mentioned in post#1 above, and supporting the need for a moderator with a better sense of fairness than Dave because of the difficulty in unseating the new moderator if necessary.

Stop hounding me.

From a closed thread:
This is a poll of those who are active and enthusiastic enough (or with invested interest like me) to read the "Polls" section of this site. Most view "Other" and "General" and never see polls here. The vast majority. Without publicizing a poll like this, which affects everyone here (not just those with a vested interest), the poll is not representative of the view of the majority. This poll will not determine the new moderator(s), as was stated in the other thread. I hope the choice is someone better able to resolve conflict, with more than sweep-it-under-the-rug obstinacy and refusal to communicate.

From a closed thread:
I was wrong to include you in the "group" that wants to take this there. The others on the list consider themselves the "powerful few" here. I'm sorry, but 5,000 "me-too" posts doesn't confer authority in my mind.

From a closed thread:
So now Tech Junkie is loading me up with negative rep because he doesn't like what I say about him. What a freaking baby! THAT's the kind of moderator you people want here?!? And I can't leave any rep for him because I don't hand it out freely to others?

This forum is dominated by a handfull of childish weenies who post all the time. That's no indicator of maturity. It's no indicator of intelligence. All it is is an indication of people who spend too much time on the internet.

From a closed thread:
The names mentioned that I referred to are Photonaholic, Lasersbee, Daguin, Tech Junkie, and MFO. All five were the ones who tried unsuccessfully and unfairly to ban me. Photonaholic was the only one of the group who, although he started it, argued like a gentleman and not an arrogant teenager. He is also the only one of the group who was civil enough to not hound me with childish derailments and sour grapes comments, like Dave has continued to do.

Now that same group wants to hide away again in the "veterans" corner and do things in secret. Just like cockroaches.

Not way past, 3 months past initially and constantly since. From only 4 members. THEY can't let it go. I don't derail THEIR threads. Now one is being pushed by them for moderator. Of course I'm going to speak up. It's my duty.

Remember, I have not spoken to or about him for 3 months nor did I neg rep him. This doesn't even begin to know what knd of stuff probably went on in PM's.

If it was your name he was using in these posts, would you be willing to ignore it?

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Oct 24, 2009
I tried to Dave, I really did.

Bottom line is that LPF has many members, but you and Jerry are both very kind, knowledgeable and an asset this place needs, a sharp contrast to what he says over and over.

His comment to Rob in his scammer alert thread is uncalled for, I rather agree that some of the remarks made by others were a bit uncalled for, but to me is an indicator that people care about what happens to their fellow members on here. Really if no one cared about what happened to Rob, that thread would not be so long and ongoing.

we all have been screwed over at some point, however some people are in less of a position to just suck it up and forget it... Rob is one of those people.

Rob also gives so much of himself to the forum by keeping the donations thread right up on the top of the "today's posts" list, so I think it's wonderful that at least some of us were able to give something back to Rob.

Back on topic..

Many of us here, myself included have a lot of respect for both Dave and Jerry, both of you contribute so much in terms of hardware help, electronics skills and generosity towards others. So how can any thinking person just sit back and allow the slander to perpetuate without at least saying something.

In a twisted way it's Bobs own narcissism that drives him... he can take any thread and try to make it about HIM and his personal issues.
Sep 20, 2008
It has been 6 days since this POLL was opened...
Just curious as to how long this POLL will still stay open...:thinking:

I think it would perhaps be a good idea to put a time limit on POLLS
in the future... Leaving a POLL open indefinitely seems strange and
counter productive... IMO...:cool:

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