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SHIPPING!!& DELIVERY ASAP UPDATE!!Laserprojector group buy # 4 Time to send PAYMENTS


Nov 28, 2012
Re: SHIPPING!!& DELIVERY ASAP UPDATE!!Laserprojector group buy # 4 Time to send PAYM

I can say that I have tested the sound response in every level and with MANY different configurations and the Mic does pickup and the sensitivity does change accordingly between 0-9 levels.
The very big issue here that makes the whole thing very frustrating is what Wendy discovered and I have completely verified.... the auto show while in sound response mode is fantastic because there's so many different/new projections that never show up in regular no sound mode. In fact, I think in sound response the auto shows are better.
Wendy had also found out that my warnings about soldering on the Mic pins is good advice as it's not an easy thing to do (at least not easy if you don't remove the card) because of the chip that is so close to the 2 pins.
My messing around has found ways around the response issue that does work and the response to music/sound is very good. Those amplified Mics appear to respond very well to all frequencies too which is completely different from the built in Mic making it react VERY well.
Stinks that it is not an elegant way to fix the issue though at all. I am still messing around though and haven't taken the time to open her back up to see if I can do all this internally rather than external to the unit. Truth is that I would rather not do all of that if there's a much simpler way to deal with this from Linna and I completely understand why others would not want to mess with their unit.
Wendy tried changing her Mic out with a different one but it made very little difference. From my testing and reading what everyone else is reporting, the Mic needs to be amplified which isn't happening. This would GREATLY help BUT the Mic that comes with the unit has a very narrow frequency response so even though it will work 10 times better it still won't work as good as replacing the Mic itself with a very wide frequency response one.
I could have swore the amplfied ones (like I bought) stated 20-20,000Hz somewhere and that's why when you read the reviews about them on Amazon you see people stating how they pick up everything.

Have a great day guys,


Let me also say though that from my experience what Len is saying is absolutley true in his last couple of posts regarding manufacturers/re-sellers etc. and I've also stated a few times that there's no way I'm sending my unit back to China.
Plus, after all this guess who bought a r4ffle spicket again this time around for another one;)
I do here all of you and understand the frustrations all the way around my friends. Got to go to work.
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Nov 28, 2013
Re: SHIPPING!!& DELIVERY ASAP UPDATE!!Laserprojector group buy # 4 Time to send PAYM

Great! If we have the same issue, then the very last pattern will be. $ .

Got the Chauvet hooked up tonight and figured it out.
On the last series of images, I'm seeing a Radiation sign, then Pinwheel, Flower, $, Heart, Checkmark, X, then the alignment screen is last.
I did stick a 120 resistor between pins 2 and 3 to terminate.
That seemed to settle it down some. I'll have to make a real one up when I go rummaging through the basement this weekend.
Wonder why they didn't include those patterns in the auto show? The $ looked perfect.


Oct 13, 2013
Re: SHIPPING!!& DELIVERY ASAP UPDATE!!Laserprojector group buy # 4 Time to send PAYM

Did you get any numbers or pumpkins or anything like the manual???

I get the check, and the $ and such, but no faces, or really elaborate things like the manual shows.

Have you figured out the dip switch pattern for the casa yet too??

Apples and oranges huh. Beams vs images.
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Nov 28, 2013
Re: SHIPPING!!& DELIVERY ASAP UPDATE!!Laserprojector group buy # 4 Time to send PAYM

No numbers or pumpkins. Just that checkmark and the X in column 4.
Nothing really matches the pattern list in the manual except in columns 1 and 2.
But even those aren't exactly right. But I'm not complaining!
It's a blast being able to manipulate what this little thing can do!

No I haven't even hooked the casa up yet. I'll save that for when I can stay up later...
TGI almost F
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Feb 21, 2013
Re: SHIPPING!!& DELIVERY ASAP UPDATE!!Laserprojector group buy # 4 Time to send PAYM

Speaking of apples to oranges....the mic for the sound modes. Whoa, not even the same ballpark :eek:


Oct 13, 2013
Re: SHIPPING!!& DELIVERY ASAP UPDATE!!Laserprojector group buy # 4 Time to send PAYM

Well ,, mine is pretty close. Only a couple feet difference. But again, I can't speak for the crowd here.

I just meant they were made for different things :D

Really am impressed with both .
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Apr 2, 2009
Re: SHIPPING!!& DELIVERY ASAP UPDATE!!Laserprojector group buy # 4 Time to send PAYM

Any specs for the red modules you guys got in those other PJs?

the wavelength is one spec no seller/maker can fudge on(much)-

I trust very few on any claims of scanner speed and mW of the modules- the warranty itself is pretty standard for all but how WELL the buyer is helped can be worlds apart--

some have had the LKs for a spell (~1 yr)and we had one fail- as time and usage go on we will have more info to go on - hope none need work or at least work we can do ourselves---once I got some tips from Laserface the swap out of the green drivers in the rgb5 was a 90 minute job and not hard at all- actually a good learning experience - built up my confidence on doing my own repairs and up grades and shows once more how dedicated Linna is to our continued happiness with the LK projectors .

BTW somebody wrote me about others doing PJ GBs and using this thread and let me be clear on that- go ahead n/p whats good for the whole forum is good for me.

If all goes well thats great and if not there will be no 'I told you so' from me.

I will always show respect to those that respect me.

also if you think I went with LK but did not look at any /many others both more spendy and cheaper you are wrong- I could and can still get REKE 500 RGB ILDA as a lot purchase for 209USD direct from REKE Laser.

which at one time I THOUGHT was a real bargain, however, once i found the LK line i saw where the real value lies- I would take the LK PD2 over three Rekes anytime.... more than the REKEs (for me 2 out or 3 failled)half have failed- the red is hard to see (650nm) and the workmanship is poor quality- shitty dichro mounts too much goopy white hot glue and over rated scanners to be sure.

BUT those REKEs did change much for many here- so for that alone I am thankful.

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Nov 28, 2012
Re: SHIPPING!!& DELIVERY ASAP UPDATE!!Laserprojector group buy # 4 Time to send PAYM

I fully realize what I am talking about isn't the snap your fingers fix everyone wants but I am trying hard to come up with possible workarounds.
I messed around some more with the sound and took some measurements.
What I did was power the mics with a single alkaline AA battery instead of the Wall wart and they only draw .3ma. I used the projector for at least a couple hours and it's been sitting for about 5 hours still all connected and the voltage dropped from an original 1.63V to 1.61 in that time.
Testing with a dB meter ("C" weighting) with both mics hooked up with a very steady level of music (didn't do a pink noise test) with the sensitivity on level 9 it picks up at about 78dB and 88dB on level 1. The Mics were outside the unit in the test but sitting on top of the projector and not pointed towards the speakers which were about 11 feet away.
Unplugging the second Mic shifts about 10dB (88-98dB). Unplugging the second MIC is easy to do as I had bought one of each of those Mics and one of them has an extra power connector so you can daisy chain them.
Of course you can increase the sensitivity by adding more batteries but I haven't tested the change yet so I don't know if it is linear.
Battery holders are cheap at Radio Shack.
Using a battery to power the Mics is an easy fix for getting rid of the Wall-wart (having to plug something else in).
So, going this kind of route you have lots of options depending upon what range you are looking for for the sound sensitivity and you could mount these things inside the unit if you wanted too.
Choice of messing with the voltage to the mics or number of mics while still having the ability to change the sensitivity from level 0-9.
I have a little mini laser light show thing that was about $30 that has sound response that I could measure to see what dB level it responds to but there's not much point as it doesn't have a level control.
Don't know how accurate it would be but I could measure the internal Mics dB response between level 1 and 9 to see what the dB range is as I would think this would likely give a reasonable answer as to the dB spread it runs at. The one problem is that that MIC doesn't pick up a wide frequency response like the amplified ones although I could play pink noise and resolve this problem.
If you had something like a 9v battery and a way to fully adjust the voltage to the MIC you would end up with a huge level of control that would be way beyond what the factory setup is.
I will have to try the test again using 2 batteries (double the voltage) and see where my dB range falls between. The possibilities are endless.

Trying to explain what all this means in a practical sense I would refer to this:

What you are probably asking is what that 10dB spread between level 1 and level 9 on the unit actually means in terms of the perceived loudness of your ears/brain and the dirty answer is twice as loud.


Ran the same test again with the same music but with double the voltage (2 AA) and the response is 60-70dB with both Mics and 70-80dB one MIC. So, it basically looks like it's a 10dB thing where you can decide which range you would like to be within or to get a 30dB spread you can switch between a lower and higher voltage or one or 2 MICS.
So, my original setup with 1 battery gives 80-100dB spread and my second setup gives a 60-80dB spread. Interesting huh. Externally it wouldn't be hard to do a 60-100dB spread in a project box with batteries and switches to select either hi/low voltage and 1/2 MICS. Mics mounted in the box and have another AUX jack with a simple 1/8" mono to mono male to male jumper as long as you wanted to remotely control the sound level:). Set the Projectors level control where you want it and you would have 5 specific levels of control (remember that I soldered 2 wires to the pins coming out of the board for the onboard MIC and didn't disconect it and that would be an even higher dB required to set it off). If you needed to be more accurate you would have to set the board level to a different number.
Sound like fun?:)
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Apr 2, 2009
Re: SHIPPING!!& DELIVERY ASAP UPDATE!!Laserprojector group buy # 4 Time to send PAYM

thanks for all the work there PETE! +5 WHEN SYSTEM ALLOWS.

btw GUYS this is MY GB thread I will not be rude and post in any others GB threads-
nothing at all to hide or avoid its just common manners to NOT mess with OPs stuff.. as well as avoiding when possible starting a GB in 'competition' also half truths or outright mistakes are hard to un-do and some things posted here are NOT true-
Did I miss the better price that KAM has??
I tried to find it and had no luck.

KAM is NOT a seller BTW, they have dealer 'stores' selling for them and AFAIK they are all in the UK.--

BUT it is very clear they sell re-branded LK PD2 and LK 3Ds- who actually makes these I do not know. should I be demanding Linna to tell me how much she is paying? and where Lk buys these ? or buys the parts?
Will I get a truthful answer if I ask the guy where I buy gas for many car how much it costs him? - how about the loaf of bread at the market_ I bet they pay $1 and sell for $2- what a BIG rip-off!-

Apr 2, 2009
Re: SHIPPING!!& DELIVERY ASAP UPDATE!!Laserprojector group buy # 4 Time to send PAYM

heads-up one and all

CHINA is NOW closed.
The NEW YEARS vacation /holiday has started and biz as usual will NOT resume until IIRC Feb 6th
btw its the Chinese "Year of the Horse"(last year was the snake--oops)

so dont get your knickers in a bunch- happens every year-
a few days ago was a bad time to place any orders from China..
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Apr 2, 2009
Re: SHIPPING!!& DELIVERY ASAP UPDATE!!Laserprojector group buy # 4 Time to send PAYM


why have you blocked me for PMing you??do you think that wil be helpful??

no member has ever done that to me.. its something i never dreamed you would do..



Nov 28, 2012
Re: SHIPPING!!& DELIVERY ASAP UPDATE!!Laserprojector group buy # 4 Time to send PAYM

Works at pretty much any level you could reasonably want and can be controlled from right at the unit to as far away as your jumper is.
I actually had everything shown here on hand but all of it is available from Radio Shack except for maybe the MICs, decent quality in-line volume control and the power adapter end (although they probably have a wall-wart you could buy that has the correct size end if you don't have one sitting around somewhere). Pays to save stuff like old wall-warts.

Decent quality in-line volume control. Use only one of the inputs and one output. Don't use one of those cheapo thumb-wheel type ones as I have never been able to purchase one that wasn't garbage

Amplified MICs from Amazon (one with the power jumper to go to the other MIC) The one power jumper connects into the the female of the other one (the red connector)

RCA "Y" adapter for hooking up the 2 MICs outputs together. Plug the Male ends into the females of the MICs which are the white ones above

Male to male RCA jumper used to connect the make end of the "Y" from above to the female RCA with the wire ends that will attach to the MIC jack

2 AA combiner/adapter for 3.2V that has a 9V adapter on the end with the separate 9v female connector already attached (doesn't come with it)

Power plug end that I stole from a wall-wart (most common size from what I've seen) that connects to the MIC (center pin +) to power them after the + goes through the power switch

Simple on/off switch for + out of battery pack to MIC power plug center pin

Male RCA to wires. RCA plugs into the "Y" adapter female and the bare ends to the aux jack (center pin of the RCA to aux jack connector where the tip of the 1/8" jack would touch when it's plugged into it

Mono 1/8" headphone jack and 1/8" mono to mono jumper for connecting unit to projector

Project box

MICs installed through grommets

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Apr 2, 2009
Re: SHIPPING!!& DELIVERY ASAP UPDATE!!Laserprojector group buy # 4 Time to send PAYM


how kewl is this!!??
you da MAN Pete- A +5 when I can.
VERY Professional looking fix to a problem that has been around as long a cheap projectors and why it was never upgraded over all these years is a mystery -MAYBE not enough buyers demanded more. IDK

AFAIk the repsponse as it was relied on l
Volumne leve
proxcimety to the speaker and mic
and frequency -- bass seemed to work better.
some worked a lot better than others ... even when comparing the same exact PJs.
seemed that any other way would be an improvement- Pete's first 'fix' was to add a aux-in jack and run the sound from the music using the headphone jack- so he had his fixed and the only reason he took another better approach was for the good of the forums-

No wonder he has so many friends/fans here-
I hope all see this thread and take advantage of his work on our behalf.
If you had any idea how many projects and obligations i now have you would understand why I have not been able to help as many as i would liked to have helped and done so quicker.



Nov 28, 2012
Re: SHIPPING!!& DELIVERY ASAP UPDATE!!Laserprojector group buy # 4 Time to send PAYM

Thanks Len.

It finally dawned on me the best way to go about this issue that would be simple yet provide not just a way around the issue but actually is a big upgrade in my opinion. Decided to take a look at what I had on hand to accomplish a fix and realized after all my testing there was a way to make it better than the built in MIC.
The MICs used here pick up pretty much any sound as they are meant for surveilance systems. The built in MIC only picks up a narrow frequency band. You can set the box on top of it or move it to anywhere you want as long as your cord is long enough. You certainly don't have to mount the MICs in the box either. Take the parts above and do whatevery you want with them. You could certainly use a single 3.2V or 3.7V rechargeable battery or whatever.
The main issue here is the soldering of the 2 wires to the MIC pins inside the projector. They are very close to a chip on the board and if you don't have steady hands you could very easily touch the chip connections.
There's no way of knowing (at least not from me) if there's a reason that doing this could cause an issue but it was mentioned to me (back when I first got my projector and asked others about the sound issue) that someone else had installed an AUX jack like I did and it then worked great for them. I've run sound through the AUX jack and the MICs for at least 8 hours now with no sign of any problem.

By the way, Radio Shack seems to be having a lot of their audio jumpers/jacks on closeout (even the gold plated ones) at their stores. Great deals. Can't get them that cheap from MCM Electronics or Parts Express (if you haven't checked those online retailers you should) so they are well worth buying. Most of the stuff is less than a $1.00. Everytime I see another Radio Shack I want to stop and see what they have before the stuff is gone;)

Just found where someone else had made a MIC fix but not as elaborate and it is not the same projector and his fix won't help here as it's not an amplified MIC.
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LPF Site Supporter
Oct 14, 2012
Re: SHIPPING!!& DELIVERY ASAP UPDATE!!Laserprojector group buy # 4 Time to send PAYM

Hey Pete, fantastic fix for the LK-PD2 pj's sound control issue! :beer:
Very nice detailed build tutorial, with a professional looking control box.
BTW - Do you happen to have any pics of the wiring in the box after after it's all connected?

Even though I've got the LK-3D, I've been keeping an eye on your mods.
I wonder if the connection point inside the projector for the aux. plug is the same for the 3D?

+1 for a lot of work!

Thanks for sharing!
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Nov 28, 2012
Re: SHIPPING!!& DELIVERY ASAP UPDATE!!Laserprojector group buy # 4 Time to send PAYM

Did anyone open their 3D and take pics? I thought that the 3D MIC was working decent enough...

I didn't take pics of the inside just because it's all pretty stuffed in there since I didn't cut back the wires/jumpers. I think I took some other pics though that may show some things connected before throwing them in the box. I'll check when I get home.

Here's the rest of the pics I had taken.
Sorry if any of this sounds confusing. It's actually quite simple.

This pic incorrectly shows the battery power right to power connector for the MICs. Should have had the red wire first go into the power switch and then come out of the switch to the power connector.

Power connectors connected to the MICs

"Y" connector to the MIC outputs

Male RCA to Male RCA into the "Y" output

Other male end of RCA to RCA plugged into the vulume control input

RCA to bare wire that will plug into the RCA volume control output

Plugged in and then the bare wires will get soldered to the AUX jack (white wire to where the tip of the 1/8" mono plug will hit the jack when it is pushed in which is actually the front tab of the aux jack) and the ground wire to the inside tab of the aux jack.

Picture of the aux jack. It has 3 tiny tabs you could solder too. Have to make sure you solder to the correct ones.
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