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ArcticMyst Security by Avery

Re-purpose, recycle, reuse---'MAKE'-do not throw it all away.

Apr 2, 2009
I noticed many new 'how-to' vids at YTUBE...
Search and you will lots of helpful vids.

I had just found two more sweepers on the sidewalk--One Hoover and one Bissel.
I already had a few--TIME make a harvest!!!

First to work on was the cord re=winder. a bit of rewiring --add a place to plug in two items and a switch .
Might get one that also has two places to plug in USB 5vdc. I will be able to turn on/off at both ends. Cord is about 25 feet long. Press the button and the cord is back inside quickly...

. I need some input,,,

The original cord is not very 'heavy duty'-- no ground--For now I will not use it for heavy duty. (your thoughts?) I really do not need to run HD things with this ' re-windable cord'

The front (now side) has a round 'grill' I assume it's to allow an air flow to help the motor stay cooler.
I would like to make the enclosure as waterproof as possible.... so want to close the vents ,
There is nothing now to keep cool so.....
ANYBODY see why that may not be good to do???

Can't wait to install my 'UniVac' system in my shop-- I took another sweeper...and.. cut off the handle and the bottom parts w/ jig saw. I will take the leftover hoses---join them and hang whats left on a wall. It will vacuum up sawdust etc.
it has the cyclonic filter. I will make another for my future 'clean room' .
The sweeper motors have lots of uses.. They work 'better' (& faster) if you remove the fins that make the suction.

I will take pics and post later--feel free to share with us your R,R. or R...in this thread or a new one--- this topic may be deserving of its own 'section' .

Lots of vids are there on PC towers and laptops-- Most are about what parts can be used in another PC-- some show
totally different uses,.

I had no idea how many things can be made from discarded shopping carts .

Saw a meat smoker video made from a 5 drawer filing cabinet-- bottom had the wood fire-next had a pan of water to keep things moist,,, next had new meat and top had cooked meat staying warm.. Filing cabinets are being throw out a LOT.
Records are now kept on Hard Drives-- (yeah save dem trees!)

AFAIK we ALL like to take stuff apart-- and we have extra free time at home,,, lol
Happy Harvesting ya'll

pics coming--Len

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Jun 18, 2012
stick the motor in one of planters helium boxes to damp the sound or put it outside. Real pleasure in having a silent vacuum attachment. Friend of mine has house vacuum and it is very nice and quiet.
Apr 2, 2009
Anyone have an opinion about how much the stock power cord can be trusted for re-purposing ? Either way I will not use it for high powered uses. I have lots of heavy cords so..

Thanks for the post 'Buckeye'

Hak from Canton...


Jun 18, 2012
Easy to figure. Look up the rating of the gauge wire. Now if you are asking if the wire is suspect because it has been bent and wound so many times. Yea that could be an issue though I would think it was designed for that use. I have, just did today, used a vacuum cord with 5 amps on a ham radio. Worked fine.
Apr 2, 2009
I skipped school the day we were told about that--jk lol--hahaha
I found a bit of tape wrapped around the cord (about half way)-- I think is was just because the cord's outer layer had a 'scuff' on it-- too small to be a repair. I DO know if the cord on anything gets quite hot--bad sign.

THANKS for the advice---hak
Sep 20, 2013
I have not bought any wire except for the stranded varieties for many years now. But, only in part for the reason mentioned here. Stranded wire can actually carry current more efficiently too.
Apr 2, 2009
thanks Paul- mostly I was concerned about the lack of aground wire.
Sep 12, 2007
Stranded wire can actually carry current more efficiently too.

As an electrical engineer, and a former wire manufacturing employee, I must inform everyone here that Paul is full of shit.

And don't give me that litz wire bullshit, Paul. That only applies to high frequency AC, and you're not buying litz wire in the first place. The only substantive purpose of stranding the conductor is to increase flexibility.
Sep 20, 2013
I suppose I should have been more specific. I was actually talking about the "skin effect" that occurs with AC current. This increases with the frequency of the AC current, but one needs to use strands that are insulted with something like varnish. Of course DC currents are increased by the cross sectional area of the wire, but when the current is AC and the frequencies are higher than 50 Hz this skin effect takes over. I wouldn't characterize my statement or myself as being "full of shit", but that is par for the course from you. Since I am having to characterize my statement it is also noteworthy that this skin effect is also proportional to the square root of the resistivity of the wire material. That is why aluminum is used for high tension wires and because it weighs less than copper.
Jul 10, 2015
I have not bought any wire except for the stranded varieties for many years now. But, only in part for the reason mentioned here. Stranded wire can actually carry current more efficiently too.

Hmm, gee paul, what I just read says the opposite.

" As electrical currents pass through wires, a skin effect occurs. That part of the current closest to the outer layer of the wire, the ‘skin’ area, is where electricity travels along the outside surface and is subjected to magnetic fields, tends to dissipate into the air. Power dissipation is an ever-present challenge for electricians & engineers. Because of its thickness, solid wire has a decreased surface area that reduces dissipation. Because of the given thickness of stranded wire, i.e., it’s thinner, there are more air gaps and a greater surface area in the individual strands of wire. Therefore, it carries less current than similar solid wires can. With each type of wire, insulation technologies can greatly assist in reducing power dissipation. "

Jul 10, 2015
I suppose I should have been more specific. I was actually talking about the "skin effect" that occurs with AC current. This increases with the frequency of the AC current, but one needs to use strands that are insulted with something like varnish. Of course DC currents are increased by the cross sectional area of the wire, but when the current is AC and the frequencies are higher than 50 Hz this skin effect takes over. I wouldn't characterize my statement or myself as being "full of shit", but that is par for the course from you. Since I am having to characterize my statement it is also noteworthy that this skin effect is also proportional to the square root of the resistivity of the wire material. That is why aluminum is used for high tension wires and because it weighs less than copper.

Wrong again paul.

They use aluminum because it's cheaper to buy upfront and copper is a less restive conductor.



Jun 18, 2012
I never think of any of that. I buy stranded wire anyplace the wire will move and solid from point to point on circuit boards. I’ve only done so as it’s easier to put the wire in the boards holes. Stranded is easier to tin though in larger gauges. Seems to wick better.

now I am confused. I thought ac traveled on the outside via skin effect and dc through the wire. So using stranded increases area and reduced impedance. Its been 40 years since I looked at this soooo.

Back to the usage. My cord had a ground wire. It’s 10 gauge so perfect for my 10 foot run. I tossed the winder. I do see wear on the cable outside and the wire was pretty oxidized. I plan to replace this wire soon as I get a chance. I should have measured it’s resistance. Doesn’t get warm though my use is intermittent. We will see but I don’t really trust it.

I have used these cables as dipoles. Just strip the outside and grab the wire. Worked fine for 6m but didn’t hold up in the sun after a single season. The plastic just fell off. It’s still up though five years latter.
Sep 12, 2007
I wouldn't characterize my statement or myself as being "full of shit"

Then you're wrong. You said "stranded wire can carry current more efficiently" which is bullshit. This is BASIC electrics and I can't believe I keep having to correct you on this high-school-level stuff.

Here. Have a source.

Here. Have another source.

when the current is AC and the frequencies are higher than 50 Hz this skin effect takes over.


Wrong again! How are you SO bad at this?! How has it not yet occurred to you "maybe I should re-examine this, or research some links since we live in the information age and this is all freely available and easily accessible"? Nope, that's not Paul's modus operandi, is it? Better to just dig in.

The skin DEPTH is a function of material and frequency. Things don't automagically go to shit at 51Hz.

The skin depth of copper at 50Hz is 9.2mm. This means even in a copper bar 18mm thick, all of the conductor is used effectively. This is far larger than even 0000 gauge.

The skin depth of copper at 60Hz is 8.4mm. This means even in a copper bar 16mm thick, all of the conductor is used effectively. This is still far larger than even 0000 gauge.

The skin depth of copper at 10kHz is 0.65mm. This means even in a wire 1.3mm thick, all of the conductor is used effectively. This is 16awg, by the way.

In 18awg, the skin effect doesn't even begin to show up until 17kHz. For some other common sizes:
20awg is 27kHz
22awg is 42kHz
24awg is 68kHz
26awg is 107kHz
28awg is 170kHz

Naturally, the resistance only begins to increase beyond this point. 20awg doesn't stop working at 30Khz, it just has a slight increase in impedance. 26awg will always carry more current than 28awg, regardless of the frequency.

So your statement of "frequencies are higher than 50 Hz this skin effect takes over" is also full. of. shit. It gets worse though. Because, even if the skin effect begins to take hold, stranding the wire doesn't f:)cking help anything. See first two above links.

So how deep do you want to dig your hole? Your move.


Jun 18, 2012
Thanks that helped make sense of it. not the ripping on paul part.

Could it be that if you use stranded that the penetration is deeper relative to the conductor so more copper is used? I am referring to way high frequency. I see how low AC power saturates the entire conductor. But at substantial frequency that might happen.
Sep 20, 2013
As I stated the effect starts at 50 Hz, but I was talking about much higher frequencies in general. Geese! And at higher frequencies this skin effect can be very thin for insulated stranded wire. You just like calling me "full of shit". My statement is still valid and your remarks are out of line. You latch onto the 50 Hz because that is the lowest frequency that I used. And I didn't say your cutoff for wire gauge was even 18. Stranded wire can have much larger strands than that. This is nonsense and I would appreciate you searching before you try to correct me. You don't have your "gotcha" moment here.
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Sep 12, 2007
And I didn't say your cutoff for wire gauge was even 18.

You didn't read my post properly. Notice the part where it's an example.

As I stated the effect starts at 50 Hz

EVEN THIS Is f:ROFLMAO:king wrong! All AC has eddy currents, whether it be or 50Hz 14 milliHertz. The effect becomes greater with higher frequency, but to say it "starts at 50Hz" is just laughable and arbitrary.

Also, geese? What do geese have to do with anything?

My statement is still valid

Even after this mountain of evidence, links, and sources, you STILL stand by "Stranded wire can actually carry current more efficiently"? You'll never put down the shovel I see.

You won't listen to reason? So be it. At least I've made my case so that everyone else here knows you're full of shit.
