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Image generated by quantum entanglement

Jan 29, 2014
If you dig deep enough into the implications of quantum physics, it's like looking to the sky to see a huge eye looking back at you while realizing you are the one looking.
Dec 25, 2013
Nobody knows how entanglement works. "spooky action at a distance" is what Einstein called it.
Jan 29, 2014
I know exactly why it happens, it's magic. I think the implication is there is an underlying level where a connection made by entanglement can travel (edit: travel doesn't apply) without passing through space or be affected by time.
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Dec 25, 2013
The only reasonable explaination that fits with our models these days is the entangled photons are communicating through an eXtra dimension, making it appear they communicate faster then light, when in fact they are simply passing information thru one of the several predicted extra dimensions in string theory. These dimension are super compact and photons can be lightyear apart in our 3 percieved dimensions s but still be next to eachother in these hidden dimensions s which are too small to detect with our current particle accelerators.

Edit: magic? Really? We can do better..
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Jan 29, 2014
Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. Arthur C. Clarke, "Profiles of The Future", 1961 (Clarke's third law) - Apparently, quantum is sufficiently advanced to appear to be magic when we can't figure it out, of course it isn't really magic.

Your thoughts on how it works is my same assumption, that there is a seeming connection which is not reduced by distance and without time because the path it takes is not a path, not a distance, not a connection, just some kind of oneness..
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Jun 24, 2010
The only reasonable explaination that fits with our models these days is the entangled photons are communicating through an eXtra dimension, making it appear they communicate faster then light, when in fact they are simply passing information thru one of the several predicted extra dimensions in string theory. These dimension are super compact and photons can be lightyear apart in our 3 percieved dimensions s but still be next to eachother in these hidden dimensions s which are too small to detect with our current particle accelerators.

I would buy that if the experiment also demonstrated that the effect is indeed "instantaneous". I have kept my eyes open, but I haven't seen these entanglement demonstrations show that the effect is not sequential. This should not be that hard if the researchers are already equipped to demonstrate the entanglement. Separating the cause and effect in space and gating the photons tightly enough to force the consequence to be simultaneous or denied should not be that hard.
Jan 29, 2014
There have been attempts at getting that nailed down, a Chinese experiment indicated the speed of "spooky action at a distance" is about four times the speed of light, but quantum theory predicts instantaneous. This experiment was a few years ago, maybe someone has produced more reliable results since then.
Jun 24, 2010
Apparently, quantum is sufficiently advanced to appear to be magic when we can't figure it out, of course it isn't really magic.

I disagree. What is magic? Must it involve demons or spirits that are humanoid and often neurotic?

Forces or places that exist beyond our present ability to fully explain, but are sometimes amenable to our influence are indistinguishable from magic. Science is a philosophical approach to reconcile the unknown with the collection of self consistent rules. This allows prediction and control, pushes back on the threshold for magic, but will probably never make it go away. Thank goodness!
Jan 29, 2014
The most magical thing in the world I've come to see is consciousness itself, we have a lot more exploring to do to understand it.
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Jul 10, 2015
My grandmother had Alzheimer's, her consciousness would come and go, sometimes she thought she was 30 years back in time, eventually she was vegetative in the hospital and passed.

The thing is when she would come around she had no memory of the time in between, so if the biological machine was failing, shouldn't the immortal consciousness be aware of the times when the body is disabled when it works again for a short time?

If we are to be scientific we can not cherry pick only the things that prove a theory, we must also examine all the things that disprove it as well.

Maybe our consciousness only exists one tiny moment at a time and our brain is the recorder.
If that's the case then it can't learn, or know anything.
Pour enough alcohol into the machine and look at the effect on our perceived consciousness, it suggests that we can only be aware while we are alive, if some life force exists beyond our death it is nameless, faceless, and without perception or memory, it's not really consciousness as it has no senses, it can't see, taste, smell, touch, or hear, and even if it somehow could it can't remember it, so what good is it?
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Jan 29, 2014
My view of the brain is it's an autonomous system which controls our body and that we can live our lives just fine that way as human animals but where we have a soul it is more symbiotic, sometimes in control, other times not so much, perhaps for some individuals not at all, but along for the ride, so to speak. Perhaps some of us are completely soulless, I'm not sure. Maybe a blending is more in line with what might be happening, we are blended beings in a symbiotic relationship with soul. Buddha said there is no soul, he might have been right, my take on his meaning is that we are all one and because of that there can be no individual soul. Yet, many things I've read indicate to me we do have an identity which continues to exist after the death of the body and for which can continue to exist into an aeon of time. Perhaps from the big top down view there are no souls, just God.

What the hell do I really know about any of this, nothing! I just have some ideas and perhaps this, perhaps that thoughts. Could I be wrong on any of it, of course, maybe I'm wrong about all of it. Maybe the whole soul idea is wrong, they don't exist, yet consciousness flowing through us does which through some kind of energy entanglement creates an identity which appears to be separate.
Jul 10, 2015
If I reach down and touch a block of aluminum on my desk do I really feel the aluminum, or have my nerves generated a chemical chain reaction sending a signal to my brain?

If we sever my nerves in my arm my hand can still touch the block, but I cant "feel" it.

Was that feeling before when my nerves worked some extension of my eternal consciousness, no it was my sense of touch, something without a functioning nerve chain my brain cant register and "feel"

Without our physical bodies our soul/consciousness will not be able to "feel" a block of aluminum or see it, or touch it, or remember it.

If there is a life force that exists outside a deceased physical body it seems to me that we have died and it is not what once was us, it's at best a nameless faceless unfeeling lifeforce that without memory would logically be without awareness. Only with a functioning brain can we have awareness, so if this lifeforce exist beyond our death we are still just as dead, that's what logic dictates based on the evidence, NDE's are never expressed by a body that has been returned to life after all the connections in the brain are lost, a vegetative body on life support never tells of a NDE.

If we had an aware lifeforce that could leave our body at death then it should also be able to exist outside the body while it's alive, our awareness should be down at the awareness meeting place while we sleep interacting and sometimes trading host bodies for kicks.

Those are just some of my thoughts based on observed evidence, maybe there is something more, I would like to see some concrete evidence of it.

Again a blind, deaf, mute person without sense of touch, smell, or taste would still have a soul, now take away memory and thought as those are also functions of a properly functioning brain. If that's what's left we may as well be dead.....
If there was concrete evidence, sadly a dream can happen in a fraction of a second, it might seem like you dreamed all night long, but it could all happen in a flash, making a NDE just a memory of a dream because the body was revived before all the brains connections were lost.

If we had a consciousness that survived our death then it would have to be able to survive our brain being knocked out during surgery, every time, now maybe it can't communicate with the brain? Our sub consciousness is also part of our functioning brain, but this is the most interesting thing, it's like a co-processor, or could it be the soul? Likely a co-processor, it's something to read about.
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