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ArcticMyst Security by Avery

How many times have you been on airplanes?

Mar 22, 2011
16 times here at 17 years. Planning on 4 more this summer as well.
The only story on an airplane I have was the time I think I was sitting next to a man who tried to propose mid-flight an got rejected. Ouch... 30,000 feet must have started to look like a pretty lovely drop...

Jan 2, 2009
I was sitting next to a man who tried to propose mid-flight an got rejected. Ouch... 30,000 feet must have started to look like a pretty lovely drop...

Damn, how bad would that suck. Must have been a quiet flight after that. :crackup:
Jul 4, 2008
More than 30 times. I made 5 trips by plane last year. 3 from Seoul to Jejudo, 1 Incheon Intl to Vancouver BC and another back.


Aug 16, 2007
I always get a seat in the very back. There are always 3 extra seats in the back for extra airline personnel, which are usually empty. So I jump on those, which gives me plenty of room to stretch out, or even take a nap. Less bumping around too.

I'm usually one of the last to board the plane really. Many airlines have assigned seats anyway, and we're all going on the same plane, so there is no profit in boarding early at all (unless you prefer to sit longer).

When picking seats i go for the exit seats if the fee is affordable, otherwise usually for a window seat as far to the front of the plane as possible... when boarding a plane it doesnt matter where you sit, but the further to the front, the sooner you're out (unless it has a rear exit too, obviously).
Jan 2, 2009
I always pre-board, so I'm on first. They look at the size of me, and let me pass without question.


May 1, 2007
Yeah, I don't get why everyone scrambles for the gate on the first boarding call. Might as well wait until the line dies down and save standing with heavy luggage for an extra 10 minutes. Also seats in the airport are much more comfortable :p The plane ain't gonna leave without you :)
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May 10, 2011
on southwest you dont have assigned seats which is hella sweet IMO

according to when you checked in you get a number in line when you get on you pick whatever seat you want. and you get to profile who will be a nice person to sit by. my steps to success:

1)ask attendant if flight is full
2) if with a friend one take aisle one take window seat
3) put your stuff in the middle
4) if someone is eyeing the seat immediately start coughing and talking loudly

yay now you have a open seat
now for if your by yourself:

1) i love aisle aisle aisle = only seat i will sit in
2) no grandmas all they want to do is talk
3) no couples 99% of the time a argument will occur
4) avoid families like the plaque
5) sit next to people that have minimal things and who are busying themselves with things like ipods laptops etc
6) its easy to tell who flies allot sit next to them
7) best option people that are flying for buisness(easy to spot by attire and belongings)

i love flying when there are no babies terrible seats etc. its great fun :D
Jan 2, 2009
The plane ain't gonna leave without you :)

[Wicked brick, but worth the read...]

They left us behind in Amsterdam.

When we first arrived I gave my GF $10 for cab fair for the return trip to the airport.

The day we are leaving we figured out we spent ALL the money. So we had to get a shuttle. I figured no big deal, we'll get there with plenty of time. The shuttle arrives, we get on, and for the next 2 hours the shuttle is driving around Amsterdam picking up people. The whole time my GF keeps saying she has to pee. We get to the airport with 5 minutes to spare. We sign in, and the teller says they are waiting for us, and we have to run. So here I am full sprint with 3 suit cases, with my GF crying she hard to pee. I told her to just go in her pants because we are going to miss the flight. She stops and runs into the bathroom. She gets out, and we can hear our names over the intercom and that they are going to leave. Full sprint again, and my GF can keep up. I stop and grab her suitcases, and continue to run. We get to the terminal and they are closed. I'm freaking hard because we literally had $0.70 in our pockets, and we just missed our flight. She looks at the ticket, and there is the $10 we had stashed for the cab stuck in the ticket envelope. I lost my mind, swearing top of my lung in the middle of the airport. She says "why are you mad"? Well that set me off harder. We're in an overseas country with nothing but $10.70 in our pockets, and no place to go. We are F*cked Royal. We both spent all our money on the trip.

So I go to all the airline desks trying to find out how much to get us both home. The cheapest was $1800 each. I lost it again. We go back to our airline's desk, and find the people have gone home. By shear luck another airline's person walked over and asked if he could help. We told him our story, and he logged into our airlines computer, re-booked us for the next flight (3 days later) and waved all the extra fees. So it wouldn't cost us anything to get home. My GF called her dad as a last resort, and he wired us some money to get some food, and another hotel for 3 days.

During the 3 days my GF decides she wants to try some herbal drugs. So she bought these stupid herbal pills. You were suppose to take 4 to see things, I took 10 with no effects. The day we are leaving she asks me if she should bring the remainder of the pills home. I told her they were crap and to throw them away.

We get into customs and they pull us aside. They are looking through our stuff, and then they pull the pills out. The pills she was suppose to leave behind. Now we're stuck in US customs for over 2 hours while they test it. What they found was not illegal in the US, BUT it was ILLEGAL to bring into the country. So they fine her $500, and wanted to take all of our money to pay part of the fine. I talked them into letting us keep $55 to get home. They took everything else. Even made her cash in the ~$8 we had in Dutch cash.

Worst vacation ever. And I'm not even going into the story of my video camera being stolen while we were there, and me almost getting arrested because I was going to throw the guy who took it off a 2 story supermarket's roof.

Fun times.
May 10, 2011
wow whatah story man..... LOL 500$ for a bottle of pills what assholes.
Jan 2, 2009
There was ephedrine in the pills.

I never came so close to hitting a woman in my life.


Aug 16, 2007
[Wicked brick, but worth the read...]
She looks at the ticket, and there is the $10 we had stashed for the cab stuck in the ticket envelope.

If its any consolation, a taxicab from central amsterdam to schiphol airport is much, MUCH more expensive than $10. I think even 2 tickets on the train cost a little more than $10, though 10 euros would have been enough ;)
Apr 2, 2009
While a student at Kent State U. the school paper sent me to do photos of the skydiving club(snow on the ground) I had no idea they would offer me a chance to go up with the jumpers!!

I could not come off as a girly-man so I said 'hell yes!' I had no idea that I would be riding shotgun in an overloaded plane and that the door next to me would be open the entire time. AND they had taken out my seat so I sat on the floor.

The two guys and one gal had to climb over me and my cameras to get
out on the strut. When they let go you have only a second to take pics as they drop like a rock. After the second jumper went the pilot asked if I thought I got the 'shot'. I said not sure.(film cameras)
He said he would try to help me when the last jumper went.
He banked the plane and tried to spiral down around the jumper. This meant that I would be only kept from falling out by the seatbelt.(and I was not in a seat)

I was never so happy to be on the ground when we landed. They offered to give me the quick version of skydiving lessons and take me back up so I could jump along with he next group and get better pics..... the same day!!

I had to pass on that offer..... it was the first time I had ever flown!!!!

I had many commercial flights (all within the USA) after that day.

I moved to Florida(no snow!!) and some time later I helped some friends fix up a very old fishng boat. We wanted to catch and sell snapper and grouper.

We fixed up this 35 yr old wooden ChrisCraft and one night we decided she was ready to make the trip to the fishing grounds we headed out. But we ran aground before getting very far and broke off the keel and it sank in shallow water. We ended up wading to a nearby, very small island and as we had contacted help with our CB radio a Coast Guard chopper was sent to rescue us.

This was my first helicopter ride.

I moved to Texas.

One day, when my car had broken down, I was hitchhiking and a guy with his daughter offer me a ride and asked where I was going. He said he was on his way to a friends house where he stored his Piper Cub (they had a small runway)
So my ride in his little truck turned into a ride in his little plane and we landed at a local small airport in Lake Jackson.
That was one of the most unusual rides I ever got when hitchhiking (we used to hitch a lot back then)
I ended up getting a job on a huge drillship(search DiscoverySevenSeas to see a pic of it) & for ~three years I rode to work (28 on and 28 off) in big helicopters.

So while some have made many more 'lights' than me ...some of mine have been very interesting.


edit-- One tip I have.

As we just going home from 28 12 hour days of work for most on the drill ship getting home quick was not all that important ... we were about to have 27 days off.
We always ask if the flight is full as there is a chance that it may be overbooked. If full you want to be the last to board. We try to find out if it is an overbooked flight while boarding- & if you know it is, we ask if they are looking for a volunteer to get bumped to another flight.

You will get something free for doing that.

It can range between a free flight some other day to that future free flight and a free night in a local hotel with meal vouches until they can get you on a seat to get home. If they are unable to get your bag off the bumped flight they offer a RON Kit(remain over night) which has small size toiletries or maybe a voucher to use for buying what you need while your bags are not with you-- they offer this also when your bags get sent on the wrong flight--- but you have to ask(demand) for this perk.
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Jan 2, 2009
If its any consolation, a taxicab from central amsterdam to schiphol airport is much, MUCH more expensive than $10. I think even 2 tickets on the train cost a little more than $10, though 10 euros would have been enough ;)

We had more money than $10. We had to pay for the shuttle. So whatever we had for the shuttle, plus the $10 would have been enough for the cab.
