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ArcticMyst Security by Avery

GB: 1W 520nm diode information/giveaway

Jun 7, 2012
A fifth post then states that the diode was sent, and that we are awaiting results. Forum comfortable. With a little unease from ADukeNumber1 (pardon if I messed up your name, but you know who you are).

Ya read through all that but couldn't get my name right :)


Feb 27, 2011
But what really is baffling, astounding, and disgusting is the overkill of contempt shown for the participants in this GB.

Those people are the ones who agree with my opinion on how this group buy was handled. I understand that you have a different opinion, and I respect that. There is value in being able to disagree with someone but still having respect for their opinion.

I don't agree with your opinion, nor CDBeam's but I don't say that your opinions are disgusting just because I don't agree with you.

If you want to be disrespectful of other peoples opinions that's fine by me. I know I have probably lost your respect, but you still have mine, if that means anything to you.

Is it really so astounding that not everyone views this situation the same way you do?

If the diode is declared lost and no replacement diode has been provided, I have made arrangement with Jordan for the purchase of a“NDG7475 520nm Diode In Copper Module W/X-Drive & G-2 Glass Lens" in order to be able to fulfill the original intent and expectations of the participants to have a diode for the giveaway. Furthermore, I have made a $250 deposit in advance to Jordan to begin with.

That's entirely unnecessary, but if you feel like doing it then good for you. There's a post a few pages back that has a list of all the names of the people in the GB and has given those people a number, it'll save you some time from doing it yourself.

Question for Arg – I am really curious as to why not one time have you made any effort to ask the participants for their opinion?

Before I answer this I would like some clarity on the question. I am asking their opinion on what exactly?

Question for benmwv – How do you derive your opinion that “ARG is one of the greatest guys on this forum”? I may be wrong but I don’t equate repeated display of excuses, blame, and denial to be actions that would be considered great character traits. Great hubris maybe, but not great integrity in my book.

You're going to have to accept that not everyone agrees with you Mac. Not everyone agrees with you painting me as the bad guy. There are those who understood what joining this GB meant, and understood the risks when joining it.
If you don't agree with that, fine. This argument has been exhausted though.

For bloompyle; With all those quotes and red letters I thought at first Jerry had come back.

If you don't have any good comebacks because he's right, comment on his formatting! That'll show him how wrong he is!
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Jul 20, 2011
i can't wait for andy to pop back up and be like "Just picked it up at the post office! Sending it back with tracking and insurance!"... but then again I'm an optimist


Dec 7, 2010
i can't wait for andy to pop back up and be like "Just picked it up at the post office! Sending it back with tracking and insurance!"... but then again I'm an optimist

Frankly, nobody in this thread, on either side of the issue, has handled this appropriately. What bothers me is that there are a lot of very junior members participating, who probably don't feel confident enough to provide their perspective in a battle between big guns, and at least some of them are probably falling on the side of the fence that feels slighted. That's not good for this forum.

You've all handled this crappily at points, but frankly, the carelessness that actually resulted in the loss of the diode is Andy's. I don't know Andy, but I trust ARG's assessment that Andy is a veteran with credibility and good character. Given that, I don't understand why Andy isn't contributing in some meaningful way to a replacement. I would have, in his shoes. The loss is his fault, or his assistant's. Nobody else's. If ARG had consulted the thread before sending the diode off, then he might have saved himself some headache because he'd have the thread on record agreeing to it, but it is Andy's mistake that very directly caused the loss of the diode.

In any event, madmacmo has proposed something very generous. I suggest that everyone, regardless of your side of the fence, embrace this sentiment, and try to make something work (without the cost falling on just him). It doesn't need to be a polarized issue going forward, the key objective now is just to fix things. The idea of getting together a replacement is a good one.

Vets should view the remedy of this situation as important to the forum as a whole, particularly in light of all the junior members who are probably keeping their views silent, but may have strong feelings one way or another. Many of them probably think that the more senior members, as a whole, suck royally in terms of how they've all handled things.

I'm not in this GB, but I'll put together a package of stuff FS thus weekend, and have payment go directly to this cause.
Mar 29, 2013
Omg are we coming up on the one year mark soon

Yea I agree there is a lot that could have been done better here.... But it is multiple people who caused it.

When there is this much money involved people don't like shenanigans ��
Feb 4, 2010
That's pretty generous RHD, though I'm not sure its a cause to take part in. The past couple pages on the thread have just been a big shitstorm of people bashing one another and at times trying to say what they think is right.

Nobody here is right, and nobody is wrong, its a matter of perspective. We got the data we intended to get, but we didn't get the optical data nor the diode giveaway, which mind you only 1 of 31 people would "win".

I don't feel there is any need to get a new diode for the sake of sending it out to someone at random.

But you guys can do whatever you want, I'm no longer any part of this monster


Feb 27, 2011
Good points RHD. I think before anything else we should wait for Andy to check back in.


Dec 7, 2010
I don't feel there is any need to get a new diode for the sake of sending it out to someone at random.

You don't, and some other people share that view. And some other people don't.

So if the vocal members are split, I have to think the silent ones are too. If even 10 junior members feel slighted by a bunch of vets behaving poorly, I think it's worth remedying.

Everyone needs to stop arguing, and just agree on common ground - that this thread has turned ugly, and it's time to drop the ugly and do something positive instead.

Between the leftover funds you guys already have, and whatever the forum can pitch in, it shouldn't actually be that difficult to replace the diode. As noted, they've come down in price substantially.
Feb 25, 2010
MAC....That is putting your money where your mouth is !

I understand your commitment and complete generosity....BUT.....I cannot and will not accept your offer! Period ! Justice is not being served with this arrangement !

The real guilty party here is Andy97F and his assistant. To me, they are one and the same ! They are the ones who engaged in a unilateral decision, to ship this diode in a completely irresponsible and foolish fashion.

They are the ones who put OUR property in harm's way...and...they are the ones who should pony up and provide a replacement diode. I would bet that they did not confer with ARG on shipment methods BEFORE they acted in such a foolish way.

IMO, ARG is guilty of making a poor choice for tester, and within that framework, he has some responsibility for the loss. We now know the sequence of the return post to ARG ! None of us has a crystal ball. He could not have foreseen this stupidity, so how could he have prevented it.

I will under no circumstance accept your offer. If I win, if the GB goes this way, I will pay you the full amount of $ 595.00 I will not have you wiping Andy's behind. There is no integrity justice, or honor in this !

OH.........as to my technical writing prowess, who cares if my writing is not perfect. I will follow the Rules of English best I am able, but there is a great latitude for style. To me, adherence to these rules is a complete minor issue. I speak the truth and I speak from my heart....and if it is a "brick"....well....deal with it, for it sometimes it takes a "Brick" to fully cover a complicated issue ! BUZZZZZZZZZZZZ
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Jul 4, 2012
MAC....That is putting your money where your mouth is !

I understand your commitment and complete generosity....BUT.....I cannot and will not accept your offer! Period ! Justice is not being served with this arrangement !

The real guilty party here is Andy97F and his assistant. To me, they are one and the same ! They are the ones who engaged in a unilateral decision, to ship this diode in a completely irresponsible and foolish fashion.

They are the ones who put OUR property in harm's way...and...they are the ones who should pony up and provide a replacement diode. I would bet that they did not confer with ARG on shipment methods BEFORE they acted in such a foolish way.

IMO, ARG is guilty of making a poor choice for tester, and within that framework, he has some responsibility for the loss. We now know the sequence of the return post to ARG ! None of us has a crystal ball. He could not have foreseen this stupidity, so how could he have prevented it.

I will under no circumstance accept your offer. If I win, if the GB goes this way, I will pay you the full amount of $ 595.00 I will not have you wiping Andy's behind. There is no integrity justice, or honor in this !

OH.........as to my technical writing prowess, who cares if my writing is not perfect. I will follow the Rules of English best I am able, but there is a great latitude for style. To me, adherence to these rules is a complete minor issue. I speak the truth and I speak from my heart....and if it is a "brick"....well....deal with it, for it sometimes it takes a "Brick" to fully cover a complicated issue ! BUZZZZZZZZZZZZ

Id be inclined to agree- Mac, you shouldnt pay anything, as this is in no way your fault, and you have zero obligation to account for the diode.

I dont agree with it being Arg's fault- when I contributed im the first place,I did so on the that l would receive information- Arg sent the diode to andy, a person who he trusted (and should have been able to be trusted) to bring us said information. You cant honestly assume Arg send the diode to andy knowing that testing would be neglected, and return shipping would be sketchy at best. Therefore, I think the diode should be covered in full by andy, whether it arrives dead, or doesnt arrive at all.
Jun 22, 2011
I agree with rhd. I haven't posted here yet because I consider ARG to be one of my friends on this forum (and one of the nicest guys around) and I'd really hate to lose his friendship over a flame war...

While I understand ARG's view that he had no obligation to give a diode I also understand why other members are pissed - the stated risk was of diode death, not disappearance - not the same thing IMHO.

In my opinion the best way to handle this kind of GB is to make sure the diode dies in the end and avoid the whole raffle thing - we should really stick to that from now on.

I think mad's solution is the best, as long as the funding comes from the leftover of the GB and from andy (after all he was in someway responsible for the diode). Buying one from DTR to ship directly to the winner is the way to go. Andy won't even have to pay the full price because it has dropped much during these months.

But I agree we should wait at least another month to see if the diode pops up.
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May 1, 2011
I was hoping to give my unbiased opinion on here if I may.
From reading the entire thread (took me a few days haha) I believe that ARG (and his friend Andy) are the ones who can end all of this by simply replacing the diode for the giveaway. Sometimes a man just has to step up and make things right if he has the sole power to do so, even if he feels he's not in the wrong.
ARG I think it would show a lot of from you if you replace that diode and earn everyone's respect at the same time stopping this endless debate.
The choice is yours my friend. :)


Dec 7, 2010
I think mad's solution is the best, as long as the funding comes from the leftover of the GB and from andy (after all he was in someway responsible for the diode). Buying one from DTR to ship directly to the winner is the way to go. Andy won't even have to pay the full price because it has dropped much during these months.

But I agree we should wait at least another month to see if the diode pops up.

As you know, I also (strongly) believe that Andy should be funding a replacement, or at least contributing in some measurable way. But, to be blunt, there hasn't been any indication that he is willing to do that. I don't think macmacmo should be shouldering this huge burden either.

If Andy doesn't step up, that would be a shame. But in that scenario, I don't think there is anything wrong, and in fact I think it is entirely appropriate and in the spirit of how LPF has come together to solve things in the past, to let members contribute a bit to help out. Once the heat dies down, and everyone becomes comfortable with the fact that we're beyond the ugly, I don't think the forum will have any problem coming together to deal with whatever shortfall is left.
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Jul 4, 2012
I was hoping to give my unbiased opinion on here if I may.
From reading the entire thread (took me a few days haha) I believe that ARG (and his friend Andy) are the ones who can end all of this by simply replacing the diode for the giveaway. Sometimes a man just has to step up and make things right if he has the sole power to do so, even if he feels he's not in the wrong.
ARG I think it would show a lot of from you if you replace that diode and earn everyone's respect at the same time stopping this endless debate.
The choice is yours my friend. :)

He didn't lose the diode, why would he cough up 535$ of his OWN money to cover someone elses mistake? Stopping this debate is in no way worth 535$. Andy needs to step up and fix what he broke.

Edit: Who the heck keeps changing the tags, let me know so I can rep you :crackup:
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Dec 7, 2010
Edit: Who the heck keeps changing the tags, let me know so I can rep you :crackup:

It's funny you say that - until I saw them a few days ago on this thread, I didn't even know LPF had tags!
