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ArcticMyst Security by Avery

Ever been shocked or electrocuted?

Jan 12, 2008
i got a small burn for the camera nothing from the he-ne. :-[
Btw my friend has a arm wresting game where you put a band around your wrist and when it hits the ground it shocks you. I offered to put a camera circuit in it but he declined. :'(

Jan 24, 2008
potatorage said:
[quote author=nvmextc link=1230951840/0#19 date=1231032250]This isn't as severe as what others are mentioning in here but it's fun, you can turn this http://www.dealextreme.com/details.dx/sku.3441
into this http://au.youtube.com/watch?v=SuBQLFRByVU
Leaves burnmarks on skin on metals and strips teflon.
uhh... shocking yourself is fun? I'd say for relatively low voltage (shock pens, etc) but this is hardcore! :O[/quote]

I just mean that from the sounds of what people say, being shocked by a camera or flyback is something you don't want to do all the time, especially on purpose, but this thing I was playing with for hours. It's more than a shock pen, but doesn't make your body numb or anything.


Dec 23, 2008
i've been hit so many time's i should be dead 110v 220v 420v :eek:
the 420v threw me across the room . it hit me in the forearm left a nasty burn . lefty has not been the same since. one time i had to splice 100pr telco trunk in the rain live each pair give's 9v . i was all spaz'd out by the end of the night like 100 cup's of coffee. i get hit like once a month i need a new job
Jul 22, 2008
camera, light socket, pocket knife in electrical socket, touched a tennis racket bug zapper thing, my trucks spark plug, a random car I was working on spark plug, grill spark thing, some others I don't remember too well
Jan 24, 2008
I think almost everyone gets shocked sooner or later.
Hopefully you don't become one of the people who gets electrocuted.
Feb 22, 2008
if your a mechanic like myself
you have several ways to do this
automotive -coil hei-20-50,000 volts -low amps though = change your undies
welding in a wet area = ouch
not using a proper lockout tag out proceedure = meet your maker
Dec 27, 2008
Many times...
First at about 14 I was playing with an oil burner transformer... nice 10kV, hopefully it was rather small.
At about 16, some badass AC flyback brutally overdriven... one of the worst burns, it left a blackened pin on my finger for almost a week ;)
At 18, after having built a solid Vacum Tube Tesla Coil, for some reason the doubler diode broke up, so, taken off anode voltage, and as an idiot got my finger near the broken diode ("wtf is going there?")... zzap! a nice 3kV 3uF cap bank discharged through my right hand to the ground. Hopefully I had my left hand behind my back and solid insulated boots... I suppose this has been the worst shock I have ever got, it made me shout loud, bounce a couple of meters back and left my right arm dumb for some minutes. don't mess with high voltage :cool:

after these some 230V / 330V caps, but nothing worse than AC RF flybacks or high voltage doublers ;)
Oct 5, 2008
a couple times by a disposable camera (one time i was shocked by someone else and i fainted, another time i shocked myself while trying to shock someone else lol i failed)

a few times by my computer (i forgot to unplug it and it was a crappy PSU even though it was off)

once by the wall outlet (was plugging something into a power strip and i couldnt see anything.

lesson learned, dont take apart disposable cameras if you dont know what you are doing.
Apr 29, 2007
I got shocked 2 years ago when the old mill we were working on failed. We had been taking some pretty heavy roughing cuts on it and the motor failed grounding to the mill body which is made of steel and sits on wooden blocks. Lets just say it hurt for a while.
Sep 22, 2007
DTMF said:
i've been hit so many time's i should be dead 110v 220v  420v :eek:
the 420v threw me across the room . it hit me in the forearm left a nasty burn . lefty has not been the same since. one time i had to splice 100pr telco trunk in the rain live each pair give's 9v . i was all spaz'd out by the end of the night like 100 cup's of coffee. i get hit like once a month i need a new job    

I almost forgot about those kinds of shocks. Back in the day I built class 5 telephone switching centers and data centers for a living. All the digital circuits for a telephone center are broken out into what are called DSX panels (or cross-connect panels). The fronts are either coaxial jacks (DS3/T3) or bantam jacks for DS1/T1 (Everything else is fiber and is generally passed through a DACS that digitally cross connects circuits.) The backs of the panels are wire wrap pins, thousands and thousands where the incoming and outgoing cross connects are terminated. I don't know how many times I've leaned an arm against those pins but you get a pretty good shock from them. There is also the ringing voltage on POTS lines that gives you a pretty good zap.
Feb 28, 2008
Yes, several times many years ago, but none of which were "intentional" (by that I mean I wasn't trying to work on anything or take anything apart....). I simply had the misfortune to run afoul of several faulty appliances/electrical devices. A lamp (touched the metal housing), a hot plate (touched a metal pan in which I attempting to dye some fabric), a bench grinder and an electric clothes dryer. Ah, there's nothing like getting a 220v zap when you go to put a load of wet clothes in your clothes dryer!

The bench grinder, at a "measly" 110v, was the worst - I put my whole hand on the metal casing of the thing and actually had to lean backward to get away from it. I couldn't move my hand or arm...that one really hurt. The others weren't too bad. But what really sucks is that the only way I had any inkling that these things were electrified was by touching them....which made me pretty paranoid about getting shocked, even to this day. I take great care with anything and any situation that might result in a shock - or worse.

Then there's my cousin - this is almost worse than putting something in a light socket - when he was a child he had an electric train set. One day he decided to put a couple of the bare wires in his mouth for the hell of it - and got a very nasty shock and burned the inside of his mouth. The whole family had a ball ribbing him about that incident for many, many years. ;D Now he's an computer and IT professional - I'm sure he's REAL careful now with anything that might be electrified!!!! ;D ;D ;D
