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CLOSED: Osram PL 530 Modules: 808 nm to 530 nm OPSL Technology - Narrow .3 nm Linewidth (new, old stock)

Not Holokid, surplus seller in Seattle. He sold these because they had fallen out of their trays, but some are marked NG, I assume No Good. He sent enough extras to cover some which might be bad, so I think he knew some may in fact be rejects and not just out of their trays.

Holokid... really? I wasn't going to say anything yet, but the door has been opened.
A couple weeks ago, I ordered one of his RGB engines. It did not ship until the day it was due to arrive. The data sheets pictured in the ad were not included. When I e-mailed him about them he basically told me to look them up myself. I have not had time to power it up yet. I will do a product review when I do.
Chris, I'd still like to get two of these that are definitely working. I don't know if you can test them before shipping, though.
I had reserved 4 but I don't need them, was only for kicks so I will sit this one out so others have a better chance...............unless you want me to take them or want me to pay which I will gladly do.
I'm the same as Red here - Stick me at the bottom priority as I've no use for these yet, just wanted to get a few in to play around with :) Happy to chip in my amount to help cover your losses though I expect you've probably contacted the seller anyway!
Guys, I am just going to send these to all of you and if they work, you can send the money later. Sorry for the delay, my wife has been taking all of my time, but she goes back to our other apartment in Ukraine soon and I will have time to take care of this.
