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ArcticMyst Security by Avery

Ban Abberation please.

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Jan 23, 2009
^The mods can read the threads. Really this isn't my direct problem, and I don't care if aberration is here or isn't, but I do have issues with the how this was handled. It's c0ld's forum so what he says goes, all I'm doing is explaining why I think this was far too extreme of an outcome. It makes me wonder when I'm going to be banned for stating my opinions or getting in an argument.

This problem exists because the posters and the admin dropped the ball. The thread should have been closed long before this problem developed

Did Aberation go too far? Absolutely. However, others made much more inflammatory remarks toward him than he did toward others. Telling someone that he should be shot and being called a cold piece of shit, because he holds an unpopular OFF-TOPIC attitude, is well beyond simple trolling.

If Abberation should be banned for his posts in that thread then so should several others.

EVERYBODY should also learn that animal treatment threads should be avoided at all costs in a laser forum. Religion isn't even as volatile as this topic.


Honestly it looks like mfo started the trolling with his "I hope you get shot with a pellet gun you cold piece of shit" and "Go F*CK yourself" comments. Abberation just let it get to him and kept replying back. The whole thread got way out of hand by and should have been locked after page 2. The OP's question had been answered and nothing productive was coming from the thread.

Here's another mfo quote from that thread directed at cyparagon. If this isn't trolling idk what is:thinking:
"You obviously lack the brain capacity to see the brutally obvious differences in what you've just said. However you can't just blow somethings brains across a field because it's a nuisance. As someone said earlier, we humans are always expanding our territories and constantly invading other animals habitats. Where are they supposed to go? Oh, I know, I'll just shoot the goddamn thing! Hell, I have an idea; why don't we invade a country and kill all of it's natives and then take it over and call it our own! Oh wait we already did that..."

People like mfo probably live in a city/urban area and don't have to deal with animal problems. They need to accept that some people who live out in the country have different cultures and beliefs regarding the value of animal life. It's easy to criticize when you're not the one with wild animals wrecking your property.

I agree 110%. With all of this.....to a point. :) I don't like killing animals for no good reason....however, everyone has their own ways and beliefs.
No offense intended, but MFO, you really did stir up a ton of crap on this one.


Jul 3, 2009
I agree 110%. With all of this.....to a point. :) I don't like killing animals for no good reason....however, everyone has their own ways and beliefs.
No offense intended, but MFO, you really did stir up a ton of crap on this one.

My bad, those weren't my intentions. I just don't like people that act like tough guys with a gun in their hand, especially those that go around killing defenseless animals for no good reason.

Anyhow, what's done is done. Can we let this go please? Also I feel this thread should be locked to prevent further arguing.


Mar 29, 2008
Unless y'all figure out how to deal with people who view animals differently than you do, this will rear its ugly head again.

Oct 24, 2009
So true Dave, But presently aberrations ghost has our members turning on each other rather than discussing lasers and making cool stuff.
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