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ArcticMyst Security by Avery

Any Vapers Here?

Sep 20, 2013
Though it's been about 45 years since the last time I used marijuana it most certainly won't cause you to forget how to drive or any of the other "Reefer Madness" type things people have been led to believe about it. It won't turn you into a slobbering paranoid either. If you have never used a once illicit drug, don't assume everything someone with an agenda tells you about it.
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Jul 4, 2008
Though it's been about 45 years since the last time I used marijuana it most certainly won't cause you to forget how to drive or any of the other "Reefer Madness" type things people have been led to believe about it. It won't turn you into a slobbering paranoid either. If you have never used a once illicit drug, don't assume everything someone with an agenda tells you about it.

Actually I know Cannabis quite well. (maybe, too well) . Unfortunately, though I have never been able to get a tolerance for it. When I am around people smoking or using "shatter/ or nailing BHO) I sometimes get a second hand high, most of the time it is a light feeling, not very intense, however every so often I get more intense effects. In my case it severely impairs my working memory.

Had a VERY overly intense experience with it, though not of my own doing nearly a 1.5/2 years ago. Nearly ended up in the hospital. A misplaced edible at a friends house that was made with ~ 180mg of BHO. That was a very scary experience and yes it made me incredibly paranoid and hearing things that weren't there. I lost my balance and couldn't walk. I couldn't remember where I was or who I was.

Everyone reacts differently to THC. You obviously have a tolerance for it.
Unfortunately I don't have the luxury of your tolerance and must be extremely careful. :can:

Don't assume, just because someone reacts differently to THC that they are spouting reefer madness. ;)
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Feb 2, 2012
Though it's been about 45 years since the last time I used marijuana it most certainly won't cause you to forget how to drive or any of the other "Reefer Madness" type things people have been led to believe about it. It won't turn you into a slobbering paranoid either. If you have never used a once illicit drug, don't assume everything someone with an agenda tells you about it.

I too was one of the old boys. Been about 20 years since I have smoked it. I was perpetualy stoned 24/7 for about 15 years. It had only a mild effect on my ability to work. Nothing but the best either. Hydro.

Most people don't understand Pot is not as strong as Alcohol. It's quite a mild drug compared to alcohol unless it's spiked with something stronger.
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Jul 4, 2008
I too was one of the old boys. Been about 20 years since I have smoked it. I was perpetualy stoned 24/7 for about 15 years. It had only a mild effect on my ability to work. Nothing but the best either. Hydro.

Most people don't understand Pot is not as strong as Alcohol. It's quite a mild drug compared to alcohol unless it's spiked with something stronger.

Well, it is wickedly strong here in BC. A couple of varieties that are common here. I also have little tolerance for Alcohol. So I don't drink much either. :beer:
Aug 23, 2016
edibles are soooooo much stronger compared to smoking or vaping. you can never get as high from smoking or vaping as you can with an edible.
Sep 20, 2013
No one has ever died from an over does on THC. People have tried, eating large quantities of butane honey oil made into foods, but it just can't be done. Long before this came around there was this stuff called hash oil that was incredibly strong, but if you somehow feel like you need to go to the hospital, it is all in your head. I guess, if you have such reactions to THC it would be better for you to abstain. My second wife couldn't drink alcohol because it completely changed her personality. I made a deal with her that she could smoke all the pot she wanted as long as she didn't drink. She smoked daily and never had a bad reaction to any of it. I didn't use as it just puts me to sleep.
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Sep 12, 2007
Nicotine... is associated with heart disease, vascular narrowing and clot formation.

Correlation does not imply causation. Even if it did, that doesn't necessarily mean the net effect is bad. Jogging raises blood pressure and heart rate too. It gets a bad name because it hangs out with a bad crowd (namely, the garbage in cigarette smoke). Most of the studies are done on smoking, not on nicotine. Do not confuse the two. Nicotine is only a mild stimulant.
Feb 2, 2012
No one has ever died from an over does on THC. People have tried, eating large quantities of butane honey oil made into foods, but it just can't be done. Long before this came around there was this stuff called hash oil that was incredibly strong, but if you somehow feel like you need to go to the hospital, it is all in your head. I guess, if you have such reactions to THC it would be better for you to abstain. My second wife couldn't drink alcohol because it completely changed her personality. I made a deal with her that she could smoke all the pot she wanted as long as she didn't drink. She smoked daily and never had a bad reaction to any of it. I didn't use as it just puts me to sleep.

The Brain has inbuilt recepters for THC. Seems our ancestors were using it for a very long time and it became part of us.

I have had hash cookies a few times. It certainly is a different stone. Very heavy.

I remember well those little vials of Hash Oil. Dam it was good. Was able to get them for a few years then they dissapeared.

I only ever had real Buddah Once. If you do find some you know when it's real.....

Some people have a reaction with Pot because they take Alcohol with it. They don't go together well. I never did drink.
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Jul 4, 2008
Correlation does not imply causation. Even if it did, that doesn't necessarily mean the net effect is bad. Jogging raises blood pressure and heart rate too. It gets a bad name because it hangs out with a bad crowd (namely, the garbage in cigarette smoke). Most of the studies are done on smoking, not on nicotine. Do not confuse the two. Nicotine is only a mild stimulant.

it's most certainly not causation. Simply because it is a potent parasympathomimetic stimulant, right away you have an effect on the heart and vascular system and the central nervous system. Seeing as it is a parasympathomimetic alkaloid it therefore constricts and eventually damages blood vessels, (vasoconstriction) with extended use over time, just like cocaine, morphine, heroin, codeine, Benzedrine and even caffeine to some extent. Worth noting, Nicotine constitutes only 1.0–3.0% naturally of dried tobacco.

Alkaloids are nitrogenous compounds with significant biological effects on animals/humans. They are biologically produced to defend the plant against attack. Some are beneficial for us in small doses, but many are highly toxic.. scopolamine, atropine, Solanine, strychnine..etc.

Going back, to Cannabis and THC.... This lipid developed for a completely different reason. It most likely developed in Cannabis as a response to protect against short UV damage at higher elevations . THC is extremely adept at absorbing UV light ( more so than many other naturally occurring chemical compounds), thus protecting the plant against sun burn and genetic damage. An interesting factoid, THC is highest in the Himalayan mountain region in Cannabis Sativa ƒ. Indica (commonly referred to as Cannabis Indica). Landraces from that region of the world have been shown to produce 20-25% THC value in the wild and more when subjected to artificial growing environments (the common grow tent/box).

Cannabis is a very interesting plant, and the more we learn about it the more fascinating it becomes.

Yes it is true we have endocannabinoid receptors. which are to sum up
endogenous lipid-based retrograde neurotransmitters that bind to cannabinoid receptors, and cannabinoid receptor proteins that are expressed throughout the mammalian central nervous system (including the brain) and peripheral nervous system.
Flores A, Maldonado R, Berrendero F (2013)

It's all very interesting stuff. Everyone has a different reaction to consuming it, sometimes it's pleasant and other times when you least expect it, can be downright scary. Will it kill you?, no... will it make you feel like you are dying or going crazy, positively yes.

Done a lot of research on the plant for my other field of study, botany....

my 2 cents worth.
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Oct 18, 2013
Never smoked but I started vaping after my brother took it up and offered me a few puffs. I dunno, I just quite enjoy the flavor and the warm vapor feeling, plus the "buzz" from nicotine. Plus if you get a build your own coil tank, theres an amount of experimenting with coil design that I find pleasing. I've even got the stuff to try making my own e-liquid. Its basically a hobby to me now.

As for the health effects, vape liquid is all just food chemicals, and as vaping just warms the liquid into a vapor and doesn't actually combust anything there isn't really any chemical change happening. Pretty much every study I've seen done on vaping has concluded that theres only minor health risks as long as the fluid doesn't burn.
Oct 12, 2007
That's the biggest thing, overheating is bad and instantly recognized, aka the "dry hit".
And, of course, it's definitely healthier than smoking but not completely harmless.

Then again, neither is drinking, soft drinks, and bad marriages! :p
Oct 18, 2013
Thats the thing. I'll never say vaping is "healthy" but in general people also eat greasy fast food, drink soft drinks, and have a load of bad habits that will probably do more harm than vaping. Heck, me walking around the city probably does more harm to my lungs from breathing car exhaust than vaping does.

6 months in and I haven't noticed any issues with breathing or shortness of breath. If I ever end up feeling ill effects from vaping I'll give it up, simple as that. But for the time being I enjoy it, and its helped me lose weight through nicotine and curbing my habit of eating when I'm bored.
Jan 29, 2014
edibles are soooooo much stronger compared to smoking or vaping. you can never get as high from smoking or vaping as you can with an edible.

yes, i had a girl friend give me a brownie about 35 years ago filled with a special flour which sent me for a loop, i had to go lay down in bed for three hours, didn't like it at all.
Sep 12, 2007
it is a potent parasympathomimetic stimulant

NOT potent at regular doses. You're being ridiculous and hyperbolic again. If nicotine is POTENT, what does that make ephedrine? What does that make cocaine?

it therefore constricts and eventually damages blood vessels, (vasoconstriction) with extended use over time

vasoconstriction doesn't necessarily mean damage. Being in a chilly room causes vasoconstriction. Antihistamines and decongestants cause vasoconstriction. A salty meal will cause vasoconstriction. Would you really categorize any of these things as DANGEROUS with NO BENEFIT?

Sure, your heart would arguably be a tiny bit safer if you drank decaf your entire life instead of regular coffee. If that tiny risk is too much for you, fine! But don't tell people coffee is dangerous in regular doses and that it has no benefit.

edit: I realize now it was lifetime, not you, that said it had "no value", but I get the impression you feel the same way.
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Sep 20, 2013
Ephedrine and cocaine are sympathomimetics. A totally different part of the nervous system.
Jul 4, 2008
NOT potent at regular doses. You're being ridiculous and hyperbolic again. If nicotine is POTENT, what does that make ephedrine? What does that make cocaine?

vasoconstriction doesn't necessarily mean damage. Being in a chilly room causes vasoconstriction. Antihistamines and decongestants cause vasoconstriction. A salty meal will cause vasoconstriction. Would you really categorize any of these things as DANGEROUS with NO BENEFIT?

Sure, your heart would arguably be a tiny bit safer if you drank decaf your entire life instead of regular coffee. If that tiny risk is too much for you, fine! But don't tell people coffee is dangerous in regular doses and that it has no benefit.

edit: I realize now it was lifetime, not you, that said it had "no value", but I get the impression you feel the same way.

heh, I think you'd need to look into long term use studies. I'm not saying Alkaloids have no benefit. They most certainly do. However, Nicotine has been shown, along with an array of other alkaloids as being necrotic to blood vessels ( along with others) as well as blocking Cardiac A Type K+ receptors. This has been shown to induce arrhythmia over long term use.
As Nicotine constitutes only 0.3 to 5% of the tobacco plant by dry weight of leaf, Nicotine is therefor classed as being a "potent stimulant". Those stats come directly from CDC, and numerous papers on the subject of plant toxicology.

(aforementioned) Cocaine is far beyond that of Nicotine in terms of potency with an Alkaloid content in leaf matter of only 0.1-0.9% dry weight.


Ephedrine and cocaine are sympathomimetics. A totally different part of the nervous system.

Yes, right... I was referring to the damage (necrosis) caused by their long term use. In that they are similar.

