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ArcticMyst Security by Avery

594.1nm HeNe laser head GB

Mar 10, 2013
Just making a new thread on this so that we are no longer thread-jacking the ebay thread.

There are a total of 3 tubes. (im gonna get one myself.)

I figure a price of 300 bucks each, all-inclusive if you live in the states. that will pay for the tube ($265 ish), testing (both power and WL), lab cleaning, and shipping/shipping materials within the states.
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Apr 2, 2009
yeah better price than i paid sam
there have been lots of HeNe Power supplies on Greedbay some in pairs- bound to be the one you need there- sam may have some for sale as well

we will be expecting lots of pics you guys!!

+6 for the OP
nice way to share
Mar 10, 2013
Thanks Hak. Sent out some PMs to the two known buyers, cost is all inclusive. Once I get them and I'll test them to find out where they should run/specs etc. and we can go from there. I'll try to make it as fair as possible based on results and how many participants we have when I receive them.
Dec 12, 2012
How exactly are the prices going to be "adjusted" for the higher power, extra wavelength or newer tubes? Will it just be like tube X pays $10 more and tube Y pays $10 less?
All four of the tubes are/"should be" multiline, correct?
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Mar 10, 2013
I'm not sure yet. When I get the tubes and numbers then we can discuss it. They're probably all pretty comparable. Their number differently but honestly judging from REO and what I know of them, they may all very well be identical in structure just different mirrors, or even just identical, just guaranteed for different outputs. But I won't know until I get them. I'll try to make it fair as possible.

The alternative is just making it all flat rate and then you just get what you get. But if we want to haggle over output we can. As it stands now I'm already footing two of the tubes so I hope you'll at least help me out...I don't want to have to foot all 3 of these... My wallet is screaming already...
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Mar 10, 2013
Lol very true. Though I've had over 10 tubes that have done yellow before. (And a high power lab laser ) They're not rare, just expensive. ;)
Dec 12, 2012
I'm not sure yet. When I get the tubes and numbers then we can discuss it. They're probably all pretty comparable. Their number differently but honestly judging from REO and what I know of them, they may all very well be identical in structure just different mirrors, or even just identical, just guaranteed for different outputs. But I won't know until I get them. I'll try to make it fair as possible.

The alternative is just making it all flat rate and then you just get what you get. But if we want to haggle over output we can. As it stands now I'm already footing two of the tubes so I hope you'll at least help me out...I don't want to have to foot all 3 of these... My wallet is screaming already...

OK, I'll try to get the $ to you as soon as I can.

BTW, do you know if these tubes run fine on a 2.50kV-3.1kV @ 6.5 mA Power supply or do I need it to be 7mA like the seller said?
Mar 10, 2013
OK, I'll try to get the $ to you as soon as I can.

BTW, do you know if these tubes run fine on a 2.50kV-3.1kV @ 6.5 mA Power supply or do I need it to be 7mA like the seller said?

I'm not sure yet. the old spec sheets I had from the 80s used to say 2460 @ 5.5mA for the older tubes, but now most of them say 6mA usually, and around the 20" tubes say 6.5mA.

I'll be finding out their operating specs when I get them and find a relative optimal. usually the yellows and such are at lower pressure, and thus lower current. some have a peak where if you go over it then the power declines, so i'll look for that curve, if its incremental, then I'd say 6mA is a safe bet. I don't think i'd go above 6.5mA. 7mA+ might be a bit much, and is usually reserved for the 21mW+ 26" tube set, such as a uniphase 1145, or a LHR-845/921. as you're just needlessly burning up the cathode, and thus -possibly- shortening its lifespan. not that there's any shortage of hours they can run, and REO and spectra physics lasers typically have a big cathode, so they have long lives. A 1.8-2.45kV @ 6mA is what my old REO came with, but a 2.5-3.2kV supply runs most all large lasers pretty easily too. I honestly use my Voltex lab S-28-00 more than any other supply, since that 2500-3200V range is where most larger tubes fall, or very close. and as the tube ages, that'll give it room to grow. but i'll let you know what I come up with when they arrive.

If I dont have the money by tonight, the seller is leaving for dallas tomorrow, so i'll end up paying out of pocket for them, both for speed of shipping (hopefully) and to keep ebay from yelling at me. So your preferred deadline is tonight, at which time the tubes become mine if not paid for. (though that doesnt mean I still won't give them out)

Depending on what the tube outputs are and where they test at, i'll post the results and we can all decide what we feel each one is worth (so they all total up to $1025) then send payments/refunds accordingly-be it one tube is +/-$30-50 or whatever, etc.
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Apr 2, 2009
-- I was put in the position of choosing who got which laser in my JL GBs-
8 GBs- average of 15 per buy-iirc

many times two or more of the same.

here is how i solved this- largest was IIRC 7pcs. PL-C 532 250mW

I unwrapped them and drew lots- made a list on names and SSNs- adding the LPM reading later
and.. THEN metered them- I had one of those coming and mine was about middle-- IIRC 320mW peak- luckduck was arythna w/ a 440mW

so once you know which of these HeNes is the same model you can draw-
-- I always assumed that in one was DOA - it was mine- one of the many host's pitfalls in any GB
- all but one the JL lasers were fine BTW- dtr got one of those 250/532 -had a problem a day after-getting it from me...wierd.. got replacement to him in a <week- Before the returned one arrived to me.. iirc.

hope all of these are 'keepers'

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Mar 10, 2013
That might be a reasonable solution, problem here is that they're not all the same laser. But that might be an option too. Of course it's also possible, even likely that they will all end up very similar, presuming that none are broken by the shipping monkeys
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