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ArcticMyst Security by Avery

[REQ MET] Looking for a mentor or a place to learn

Apr 25, 2018
Attention whore much Lazardian ??
At least try to be creative/entertaining with it..... well, then again you are trolling a 3 year old post.... so maybe a new hobby ?
How about coloring books ? Or will mommy not let you play with crayons unsupervised ?

Ayy look at the little bitch that decided to show up
I genuinely came here to get this shit off my chest. I hope you understand where my frustration comes from.
Yall are bitches with your spoon feeding bullshit. I came here to get some decent advice and you just decided to spew bullshit.
You were a bitch back then and youre a bitch now lmao
Cmon look at your kindergarten level mocking. I'm not here to continue this bullshit i just wanted to let you know your remarks haunted me for a long ass while and im over it now.
Glad i could be the bigger man and just say fuck you to the bitch that made the beauty of laser building fade out for me.

Jul 10, 2015
Forget about the coloring books, they're above your skill level, instead keep trying to figure out the flavor of short bus window glass.

Apr 25, 2018
Forget about the coloring books, they're above your skill level, instead keep trying to figure out the flavor of short bus window glass.

Lmao you have nothing to say. I've made my point on getting shit off my chest. I thank you for taking my insults and not having anything to say back. This has made things much better for me. I see that you are a moron that does not understand where i am coming from and this puts my mind at ease knowing you have nothing to do on this forum than to bullshit people.
You're as big of a bitch right now as you were back then.
Thank you :)
Apr 25, 2018
HOW do you have so many retarded situation specific images XD
The shit you say isnt even remotely related :)
I hope you refer to my previous reply if you have anything of substance to say, cause you might have been taking a few too many of those tonight havent you

Unown (WILD)

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Sep 4, 2020
I'm extremely disappointed will all of you. Lazardian I can throw the ban hammer quite easily and I would have the right to but I try to understand why people behave the way the do and in this case I read this entire thread for your sake to try to get the entire picture. When you signed up on this forum you agreed to not insult and disrespect any member here. This goes for everyone. Only one person reported these posts. The rest of you continued trolling and spaming and as a result I will be temp banning everyone involved who posted nothing but garbage and disgusting gifs for 3 days.
Lazardian I suggest that you learn a lesson here that when you come back to a grudge years later and say nothing but "fuck you" that there is no excuse worthy of that action. You started this. I will not permaban you this time but if you do this again you will get harsher ban times up to a permaban. I suggest that everyone else to not feed into these meaningless arguments in the future. I would hate to have to handout more timeouts. Just please guys be respectful. I know the urge to troll sometimes is hard to suppress but let's try to avoid flame wars.

Members getting a 3 day time out are as follows:
Lazardian (Starting a fight years later for no reason then tried to justify it)
Redcowboy (Posting quite a few inappropriate gifs)

Members getting a 1 day ban are as follow:
CurtusOliver (Only a one day ban because you did participate in continuing the argument but you were at least respectful as possible)
Shmackitup (Posting a gif with intentions of trolling using Jesus Christ)

Sorry guys for the timeouts but I feel here that I need to be as fair to everyone as possible and not just punish the aggressor. Please do not be mad. I hope Lazardian can get along with everyone here in the near future and sorry for getting to this a bit late. I woke up late today. Been having sleeping problems. Anyways I wish everyone the best.
