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ArcticMyst Security by Avery

Anti mosquito laser turret


May 14, 2011
DigitalTomatoe, is this a serious request or are you pulling our leg? A 30m radius bug zapping (and anything else it detects) laser machine. What could go wrong. :whistle:
No point repeating the points, above replies are more than adequate enough.

Probably just a daydreamer pulling our leg due lack of knowledge and ability---clearly has not thought out any real world aspects of the toy he wants make but could be a troll, trolling perhaps.

Honestly, you would kill more mosquitoes for far less time and money by taping some electric flyswatters to a ceiling fan.

Good point and probably true! LOL
Sep 20, 2008
Did somebody say "Ceiling Fan"....:thinking::thinking:
Do I smell something burning... :whistle:

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Oct 3, 2017
Such strong reactions, you guys are reacting as if you were investors and I was looking for funding.

please can you at least read this paragraph :

I am not making it to sell it. I am not making something cost efficient.
I work in IT, this is what we call a pet project, we find something fun and make it in order to get better and learn new stuff.
This project will allow me to get better at machine vision, challenge me because I'm not used to write real time code (so my program will need to be as fast as possible).
And make me learn new stuff about laser.
I also did 4 years in electronics, so i will have no problem do make the hardware part, I just don't know anything about optics.

Even if I end-up with something that does not work I will learn a great deal with this project.

Allright now for your concerns :

I just ordered some 5mw red dot modules, I'll use this for my test, since I'm shooting
in my living room I will be safe with that.

later I plan to use a 200mW green laser diode, I will build the optics, I know 200mw will not kill a mosquito instantly but, if I can track it 10 seconds I can kill it. green because I like this color.

I know that I need protection glasses for that kind of power, and I will shoot at mosquitoes in an acrylic cube, in my living room.
For pratical purposes I'm raising a colony of Drosophila that I will use instead of mosquitoes for now, because it's winter and there is no mosquitoes right now.

@Blarg King
How TF do you intend to track a mosquito at 30 meters??!! I can't even see a mosquito across my room, they're tiny and don't stand out much against the background. You can forget using any kind of camera to use computer tracking.

well first I'm trying to make it work for 5 meters.
It does not matter if they don't stand out of the background, they just need to be moving.

I take the last 4 frames, make an average of that and substract it from the current frame, the resulting image is black where there is no movement (pixel = 0), not black where there is.
of course with my eyes I will probably see nothing if the mosquito pixels values are around 10 on a black background. but I'm not using my eyes.

for 30 meter I was thinking of using tilt pan camera with zoom, if nothing is detected for 10 seconds zoom 2x
then search the 4 new area, then 4x, etc

OP, if you're pointing straight up, how will you prevent your system from shooting at aircraft? Birds?

By their size.

because I have 2 camera, like your brain does with your 2 eyes, with 2 images from a sligthly different
angle you can estimate the size of an object.

I know the distance betwen my cameras, their angle, their focal lengtlh = I will be able to compute
the size of the object I see.

Appears we another laser anti-mosquito machine daydreamer without any knowledge or experience in lasers.

30 meters? Walmart mirrors? Forget about it and go back to sleep.

So because I know nothing I should not be allowed to learn?
that's not really constructive

Think about why this is not something 1000 companies are already doing?
may be because they think like you.

Or may be because you say it's not cost efficient at all, and I'm not trying to make
a cost efficient product, just making something I find fun in order to stay motivated
on the boring side of it. (fast code, real time, etc)

Here is what one company who has been working on the idea since 2009 has come up with and they still are not anywhere near anything practical or cost effective after millions of dollars spent--only have killed mosquitoes under controlled conditions in a lab setting.

So what, because XXX has not sucedeed I will not?
Maybe they did it for the hype and are not really working on it, I would
have never hear of them if it was not for this laser stuff.

May be as we said earlier : it's not cost effective and they are a company trying to make money so
that's why they did not do it.
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Jan 29, 2014
Wouldn't it be easier just to talk to one of us on Skype or something to get a feel of what you are doing better, this texting back and forth is slow and isn't nearly as good a one on one. How about it?


LPF Site Supporter
Jun 12, 2015
We’ve had far too many of this sort of thing to take it seriously. Did you search the forum first? :whistle:
Anyway, I’m not one to want to kill innovation or anything. But it’s not safe or practical ... or innovative.
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May 14, 2011
Such strong reactions, you guys are reacting as if you were investors and I was looking for funding.

please can you at least read this paragraph :

I am not making it to sell it. I am not making something cost efficient.
I work in IT, this is what we call a pet project, we find something fun and make it in order to get better and learn new stuff.
This project will allow me to get better at machine vision, challenge me because I'm not used to write real time code (so my program will need to be as fast as possible).
And make me learn new stuff about laser.
I also did 4 years in electronics, so i will have no problem do make the hardware part, I just don't know anything about optics.

Even if I end-up with something that does not work I will learn a great deal with this project.

So knock yourself out on a wild goose chase --As long as you know it isn't going to amount to anything ---that is why they call it playtime.

We’ve had far too many of this sort of thing to take it seriously. Did you search the forum first? :whistle:
Anyway, I’m not one to want to kill innovation or anything. But it’s not safe or practical ... or innovative.

Exactly -- is a daydream and that is all it is.
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Sep 20, 2008
Such strong reactions, you guys are reacting as if you were investors and I was looking for funding.
You are mistaken.... The members here INVEST
their valuable time...

I would suggest doing some in-depth Google research
on your project ideas first. I can see that you have
You are more that free to invest YOUR time in any
venture you want whether it is chasing a dream or
actual reality.

Oct 3, 2017
Well I'm not ready yet, I posted too soon about lasers because I thought that responses would be really slow to come.

My acrylic box is not even made yet. I only have traking working with one camera and I'm still waiting for my servomotors.

I will do more research.
