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ArcticMyst Security by Avery

Username Change

Apr 2, 2009
ah... you joined back in Feb... did you not have/find the time to REALLY check out LPF including reading the stickies like: 'HOW TO GET ALONG ON THIS FORUM'

You have gotten yourself into a poor start here- and we all can't just change our names-+so you will need to try a bit harder earn some green rep- and move on..

here is what I would do....IF where I you..

1) add you location in your profile then..go to the WELCOME section- read how OTHERS made thier first thread- an introduction showing both common manners and respect for the forums-

2) THEN... go back and delete every lame post you made-- just 'go advance' and keep clicking 'delete' after you click 'Edit'.

3) henceforth take more time making posts- reply to those who make 'welcome's in your intro-thread--

4) when you see another newcomer who also needs some tips- PM them- share your mistake and help them get on track.

5) Do some homework for a (maybe new) member who did not- post some links or answers without being critical about thier searching skillz..

6) Your plus repping others does not ATM change thier 'score' but the kind comments you add may be read by others--

7) If you do better, you will get some green rep and those reds will move off you page as well as under your name when you post= for now many who see red- will be going to your profile to see why-

LOOK on the right & you will see a list of the most recent visitors to your profile-- WHEN you see many MODS coming - it may be a BAD or a GOOD sign- +

another worthwhile search is for good deals on laser related items at EEKbay and others- we have an ongoing thread for these 'finds' (Deals section)read the OP as you need to do more than just link us.

make sure the item has not already been found and linked

- to do that go to the last post and read a page or so of those earlier posts--- if the 'auction' listing is fresh you may be the first to find it--
IF its old.... there is a good chance it has been posted-its a popular thread and many fine members work on helping the rest of us see these sometimes great deals..

-IF you are going to link us AND you are planning on bidding you MUST put that into your post (dibs)- most here will NOT bid against you-- likewise if you are not interested in the item for yourself put that into you post--

IF I have been unclear with this post please feel free to PM me with any questions or comments--

I have a +5 green rep for you IF you will kindly JUST add your 'general' location and some info in your profile- your DOB is needed before most will sell to you- see 'age of consent' in the Terms Of Use- you automatically agreed to these terms when you joined-

best wishes---hak
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Feb 24, 2014
Hak is right Neel this is a long and good standing forum.. Most of the vets have been around a long time and know what they are talking about.. You dont just get + rep for posting all over the place. It is considered to be bad forum etiquette and kind of rude.

like Hak said

Read all of the stickies..

Mainly in the welcome section they will tell you all that you need to know.
2nd when you find time read every one in each section helpful hints in all
3rd. try not to rub vets and some members the wrong way. read stickie on getting along in LPF
4th be honest not a tool get you a long way in LPF
5th and last be your self
Apr 2, 2009
you do what you want- my post is what I would do IF I were you- not me telling you what to do.
not too late to make a (new) first impression- & if you can add your general location I still have a green rep bump for you--

we have members who can find this out - even if you are using proxie servers and encripted code etc.. so why not just add this to your profile---hak


Originally Posted by Neel View Post
How would one change their username?

Here is what others have done-- disregard the rules (terms of use) and just open a new account w/new name - then (sometime very soon) this is known and they get a new username: 'banned'
and can lose BOTH the other names--

you MAY be allowed to come back after a 'time=out' but IMO this is not the way to fix your situation and make those red bars go away-

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