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ArcticMyst Security by Avery

Image generated by quantum entanglement

Mar 17, 2015
This is related to a chemical called DMT. That chemical is produced by the Third Eye, also known as the Pineal Gland. It causes severe hallucinations and feelings of being connected with "God" or another world. The odd thing about this chemical is that users report very very similar "trips". Many describe seeing "Machine Elves". Many describe "going through an iris". What does this mean? This chemical DMT is produced by every living organism. Is this chemical the link to the "supernatural" world or is it just the chemical that is released when people are having a near death experience? I've read many many stories about this chemical and it's pretty scary stuff. How that many people can see the same near exact hallucinations is flipping crazy.

If I reach down and touch a block of aluminum on my desk do I really feel the aluminum, or have my nerves generated a chemical chain reaction sending a signal to my brain?

If we sever my nerves in my arm my hand can still touch the block, but I cant "feel" it.

Was that feeling before when my nerves worked some extension of my eternal consciousness, no it was my sense of touch, something without a functioning nerve chain my brain cant register and "feel"

Without our physical bodies our soul/consciousness will not be able to "feel" a block of aluminum or see it, or touch it, or remember it.

If there is a life force that exists outside a deceased physical body it seems to me that we have died and it is not what once was us, it's at best a nameless faceless unfeeling lifeforce that without memory would logically be without awareness. Only with a functioning brain can we have awareness, so if this lifeforce exist beyond our death we are still just as dead, that's what logic dictates based on the evidence, NDE's are never expressed by a body that has been returned to life after all the connections in the brain are lost, a vegetative body on life support never tells of a NDE.

If we had an aware lifeforce that could leave our body at death then it should also be able to exist outside the body while it's alive, our awareness should be down at the awareness meeting place while we sleep interacting and sometimes trading host bodies for kicks.

Those are just some of my thoughts based on observed evidence, maybe there is something more, I would like to see some concrete evidence of it.

Again a blind, deaf, mute person without sense of touch, smell, or taste would still have a soul, now take away memory and thought as those are also functions of a properly functioning brain. If that's what's left we may as well be dead.....
If there was concrete evidence, sadly a dream can happen in a fraction of a second, it might seem like you dreamed all night long, but it could all happen in a flash, making a NDE just a memory of a dream because the body was revived before all the brains connections were lost.

If we had a consciousness that survived our death then it would have to be able to survive our brain being knocked out during surgery, every time, now maybe it can't communicate with the brain? Our sub consciousness is also part of our functioning brain, but this is the most interesting thing, it's like a co-processor, or could it be the soul? Likely a co-processor, it's something to read about.


Apr 16, 2014
There are measurement limitations to work out of course.

For example, to time needed to determine if an even has happened, and so forth.

There is also the issue of scale.

For example, of we use something larger, say an atom, in NJ, and make the protons the size of a basketball.......the electrons are in scale, somewhere in outerspace.

IE: The potential extent of the involved fields are quite large.


Quantum Entanglement and the previous assertions that measurement destroys the entanglement have been shown to be a bit premature.

IE: It has been previously stated in many sources, that if observed, the interference patterns, indicating the phenom, are destroyed.

It was later found, with tests designed to test that, that this is not necessarily true. For example, the use of polarizing filters, mirrors, etc, can "Undestroy" the interference (restoring it)...AND allow some measurement.

Measurement techniques that use methods that interfere with the interference LESS, interfere less, and visa versa for more, etc.

This means that there is no "consciousness" as implied by those who saw "Looking at it changes its performance"...its simple QM physics, not magic or third eyes or cosmic oneness, etc.

Its about not understanding HOW to detect the effect properly...but getting closer everyday.

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Jan 29, 2014
If I reach down and touch a block of aluminum on my desk do I really feel the aluminum, or have my nerves generated a chemical chain reaction sending a signal to my brain?

Nope, you can't really touch anything, but you can feel the force of atoms against the force of the atoms in your hand. You also cannot directly sense anything in the world, only the reaction your body has.
Was that feeling before when my nerves worked some extension of my eternal consciousness, no it was my sense of touch, something without a functioning nerve chain my brain cant register and "feel"

I suspect consciousness alone without sense organs cannot interface with matter the way we do.

If there is a life force that exists outside a deceased physical body it seems to me that we have died and it is not what once was us, it's at best a nameless faceless unfeeling lifeforce that without memory would logically be without awareness. Only with a functioning brain can we have awareness, so if this lifeforce exist beyond our death we are still just as dead, that's what logic dictates based on the evidence, NDE's are never expressed by a body that has been returned to life after all the connections in the brain are lost, a vegetative body on life support never tells of a NDE.

Are you sure that consciousness is created by the brain alone and not a dual relationship with the universe, perhaps consciousness pours into the brain more than being created by it? Can a radio receiver pick up radio stations after the tubes or transistors are burned out?

If we had an aware lifeforce that could leave our body at death then it should also be able to exist outside the body while it's alive, our awareness should be down at the awareness meeting place while we sleep interacting and sometimes trading host bodies for kicks.

I don't know why this couldn't happen either, if true.

Again a blind, deaf, mute person without sense of touch, smell, or taste would still have a soul, now take away memory and thought as those are also functions of a properly functioning brain. If that's what's left we may as well be dead.....
If there was concrete evidence, sadly a dream can happen in a fraction of a second, it might seem like you dreamed all night long, but it could all happen in a flash, making a NDE just a memory of a dream because the body was revived before all the brains connections were lost.

So far, sleep studies have determined dreams happen at the same rate as normal consciousness. Individuals blind from birth have had NDE's and were able to see for the first time in their memory.

If we had a consciousness that survived our death then it would have to be able to survive our brain being knocked out during surgery, every time, now maybe it can't communicate with the brain? Our sub consciousness is also part of our functioning brain, but this is the most interesting thing, it's like a co-processor, or could it be the soul? Likely a co-processor, it's something to read about.

I don't know why surgery alone does not produce NDE's, but perhaps anesthesia shuts the brain down to where there can be no transfer of consciousness back into the brain while under the influence of the drugs, so you come back with a blank memory. Part of the NDE experience, if it is what I think it is, must also depend upon the ability for soul memories to transfer back into the brain, if drugged, they might be blocked.

I'm unable to really answer any of these questions with any amount of authority, if I could, someone would probably kill me. All I can do is speculate which is not knowledge.
