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  1. BShanahan14rulz

    Manufacturer statement regarding decanned diodes

    red and infrared seem to more commonly use a doped GaAs semiconductor; perhaps As is less reactive with O than N is in GaN, as a reason for why there are some offerings for red and IR diodes in non-hermetically sealed packages.
  2. BShanahan14rulz

    Am I evil?

    To judge the morality of the situation, you'd have to know the reason behind why they have the lights that they have, and compare it to the reason why you hypothetically have the lights that you have. I think it would be too strong of a rationalization to assume that everyone with aftermarket...
  3. BShanahan14rulz

    25mm DTR Laser Module

    In our current hobbyist theory, is the efficacy "knee" a direct function of temperature, or more a function of light absorption by a cleaved facet, which we can only indirectly affect through regulating temperature? If it's the latter, it would be interesting to see how close you're getting to...
  4. BShanahan14rulz

    Don Gillespie of Eldon Lasers Passed Away

    Something about that personal touch. It is amazing to think that some of this stuff was made, tinkered on, repaired by, such esteemed people! I remember getting into holography as a kid, and although we ended up using a different book as a guide, I swear I remember seeing those pics of the...
  5. BShanahan14rulz

    Big TEA For Thee

    What a beaut'! She belongs in a museum...oh, wait... Would illuminating broken HeNe lasers with LEDs or neon tubes be too "gaudy"? Adding Tempe, AZ to the bucketlist :D
  6. BShanahan14rulz

    PERMANENT THREAD: Ebay& other internet FINDS of interest- read all the OP please sub

    Randomly saw this, thought of y'all: https://www.govdeals.com/index.cfm?fa=Main.Item&itemid=24014&acctid=7896 Perkins Elmer Optima 4300 DV spectrometer in Tuscaloosa, AL. Auction ends in 7 days. As-is. I'm not affiliated, and I'm also not bidding.
  7. BShanahan14rulz

    Game: Guess the mystery object !

    sources uncommon 12-pin connector, uses only 6 conductors
  8. BShanahan14rulz

    Game: Guess the mystery object !

    Fireflies are cool, until you squish 'em out of curiosity, then they stink. For anybody wondering, I've not intentionally squished fireflies since I was a child, but the smell still haunts me. Glowing fingers was cool, though.
  9. BShanahan14rulz

    Game: Guess the mystery object !

    Water we supposed to do with this? Nobody's guessed it yet, this thread's taken a dive. A neon else have a clue what this could be?
  10. BShanahan14rulz

    M140 Test load

    It drops 1.2V when 3A flowing through it. It will drop less voltage if you are sending less current through it, you can probably assume 0.9V per diode at 1.8A.
  11. BShanahan14rulz

    Game: Guess the mystery object !

    It is the distinct "color" of silver. Somehow that was going to be my guess too, even though I usually start off with ridiculous guesses. Although, it could also be wadded up candy bar wrappers that went through thw wash a few too many times, or a miscellaneous collection of pocket lint.
  12. BShanahan14rulz

    Is the END of portable lasers nigh?

    Who cares about efficiency? If you are worried about efficiency, skip DPSS, and don't even look at ion lasers. I'm still unsure why we care that easily purchasable high power portable lasers are going away. Is this not a step in the right direction?
  13. BShanahan14rulz

    CPU heatsink for 100W LED panel?

    Those are nice, I always thought it was funny that AMD comes with those stacked fin triple heatpipes, while intel stock heatsink is extruded aluminum, or sometimes copper cored extruded alu. Just make sure to use the fan with it when on full blast, and don't drill into the heatpipes ^_^...
  14. BShanahan14rulz

    New large holes in Siberia.

    "blue is land, right?"
  15. BShanahan14rulz

    Jokes thread!

    I still only think Archer when I hear ISIS.
  16. BShanahan14rulz

    Saw a tank on the back of a truck today

    I was thinking an off-shore barge near the western US coast. Running fiber from California would be cheaper than running it from CA all the way to Antartica ;) Reminds me, I need to see if anything new regarding google fiber in my area :p
  17. BShanahan14rulz

    Would it be safe to look at 1.6W dot?

    So, the answer is, "It depends." What's all the argument about? Lots of power emitted from a small point is bad. The more power or smaller the point, the worse it is. Just say "It depends," and ask an open-ended question about the original poster's valuation of one of their eyes; of both...
  18. BShanahan14rulz

    Moving to China?

    A veritable land of monochromatic milk and high-power honey. :D Hope it works out for you!
  19. BShanahan14rulz

    M140 Test load

    make sure your meter is in amps mode, and that you use the 10A setting and the 10A banana sockets. Most meters will blow their fuse if you use the normal voltage sockets, as they are fused at ~250mA, while you'll be measuring current closer to 1800mA.
  20. BShanahan14rulz

    Invisible beam?

    Does it ever flash brighter than the dim dot you normally experience? If it does, that's a good indication that your diode may still be fine, and that you just need to charge your batteries to determine if it is simply not enough supply voltage, or if the driver is broken. Are you using 16340...
