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ArcticMyst Security by Avery

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  1. ped

    Little accomplishment :)

  2. ped

    A favour needed :)

    Hi guys, my daughter is an aspiring singer and she's just put her first video on YT. If you get time pop along there and leave a like & comment (even if it's a little white lie) saying it's good...to be honest I think it is. Don't say I've asked you to btw..just act like you came across it while...
  3. ped

    Ignition coil driver

    Hi guys. I have some IRF640's kicking round and since there are people here with a lot more experience than me, I thought I'd ask here. I want to make a "simple as can be" mosfet driver for old car ignition coils, using as few a components as possible, preferably with a perf board scheme or...
  4. ped

    WTB: 490nm(ish) laser

    As per title, looking to add this WL to my collection. Saw this thread but was too late https://laserpointerforums.com/f39/fs-75-sharp-laser-490-493nm-160mw-102787.html Who's up for selling me one? :) Ped
  5. ped

    Someone change my paypal password please!

    I just buy crap :/ Now I gotta build the bloody thing. Wish me luck! Ped
  6. ped


    Has everyone had a good Christmas? Plans for new year's eve? Ped
  7. ped

    Quit my job!

    Hi, feel free to TL;DR , this is for the members who like a good read. Basically been working for the same place for the last 17 years as a mobile phone technician. My old boss who's health was failing sold the buisness back in May to someone I knew, and knew him to be an a$$hole. I was the...
  8. ped

    Spider (large pic warning)

    Check out this cheeky chappie that popped into my kitchen to say hi.:whistle:
  9. ped

    Shooting in Las Vegas

    Absolutely appalling :/ shooting into a crowd having fun...the height of cowardliness. My thoughts are with the victims & their families . Rest in Peace.
  10. ped

    Anyone know what this is?

    Hi guys, this belonged to my late brother...any ideas? It has a rotatable prism, and two "pull down" filters, which pass about as much light as welders goggles.
  11. ped

    New Drone :)

    So anyways I had a bit of spare cash this month and decided to treat myself to one of these.. The DJI Spark...and what a bit kit. Below are a couple of vids, the first one being its maiden flight. 0BBt4hPqlgs e1uzpbG1Khw X3AUIC5Mh3I Go easy...I'm still learning :crackup: Ped PS are my...
  12. ped

    Just a quickie to say..

    Thanks to Grix for putting this beauty up for sale.. I bought it as a 800mW 520nm diode & driver and I built it into a Survival Lasers SS host with solid copper HS, incidentally, I bought two of these hosts 4 or 5 years ago, built a 9MM 445 into one, and I've been saving the other for something...
  13. ped

    --Updated-- Another X-Ray thread (Teardown completed)

    Picked this up form fleabay for next to nothing, just for the hell of it. Think the tube may already be missing though. Links to big images below. This thing weighs the same as a small car, so I'm going to have to get the car to get it home, then I'll do a teardown. Imgur: The most awesome...
  14. ped

    Saw this on various websites..

    Seems like a lot of static? a little too much.. j7yDgk81TTY Thoughts?
  15. ped

    Who's good with 555 Timers?

    Basically, I need a timer circuit to go with my Ozone generator that fires it for 5 seconds in every 60.. Ideas?
  16. ped

    This looks far too much fun.

  17. ped

    Ozone Generator Finished

    So yeah, whilst absolutely twisted on Bourbon a couple of weeks back, I thought..hell ! why don't I build an ozone generator :wtf: Anyways long story short, stuff started arriving at my work from most corners of the world. Some of the kit :- I mounted the ceramic "emitter" plates inside a...
  18. ped

    New gizmo's

    Know what they are? :) (without Googling ect)
  19. ped

    *UPDATE* Ruhmkorff Coil & Crookes Railway Cathode Tube

    Ok, was going to bung this in the TC thread but didn't want to derail it. After seeing this on PhotonicInduction's channel, I had to get :D . The tube again.. and again andddd again and lastly.. The Ruhmkorff coil. Gap of 6" anddd.. ... Stills of the Crookes tube...
  20. ped

    Nerd Level = 10

