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ArcticMyst Security by Avery

Donation request for NJROTC program !

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Mar 30, 2008
Greetings all ! First and foremost, Avery gave his blessing on this thread....and with that out of the way, here is the meat of the request !

My daughter's senior year in high school is looking pretty fantastic - the only thing holding her back from 100% good times (other than ME) is that her favorite class, NJROTC (Naval Junior Officer Training Command) is lacking funds for all the awesome stuff they have planned. Her teachers are a Naval Commander, and a Marine Master Gunnery Seargent. QUITE the mix ! Anyways, she was sent home with a letter requesting donations to their program, as with all areas - their budget was cut. They do loads of community oriented projects throughout the year, and basically I think they deserve to do all the fun things they would like to do -so, here is a link to the letter that was sent home with her, it is in MS Word format (DONATION LETTER) - if you are unable to open it, PLEASE email me at : sales@stonetek.org and I can copy it into an email for you. I will copy and paste it to the end of this post, just to cover all bases ! :yh:

If you wish to simply send funds via Pay-Pal, I can donate them in your names, and send you a receipt via the USPS if you wish. Donations via Pay-Pal should be done as a donation, and as "personal" and as a "gift" so Pay-Pal won't remove any fees that way ! I plan on hosting a few fund raising "Things" over the next few weeks including a raffle, and various give-aways to all whom donate !

I thank you in advance for your time and efforts - I know I am a long-winded jerk :) ////Greg

{Begin copy and paste of Donation Letter}

30 August 2010

Dear __________,

I am writing you as part of the Navy Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps(NJROTC) at Smithson Valley High School, where I am a cadet. I am asking you for a small donation to assist with some of the many activities that we students participate in.

Our NJROTC unit comprises of 150 plus cadets, and it is growing exponentially. Last year we had 100 cadets, and this year we are hoping to approach 200 by the end of the year. We participate in several group events throughout the year including an orientation trip to Ft. Sam Houston Army Base, a trip to the USS LEXINGTON, a bowling trip for all cadets, a military ball, and hopefully many more events this coming year. We also march in several ceremonies with our Color Guard, Armed Drill Team and Unarmed Drill team. This year we hope to participate in one or two parades, which would be a first for our unit.

We have several teams, and we have qualified for our “state championship” tournament for ten straight years. Our teams consist of the three teams previously mentioned, as well as our Academic, Marksmanship, Orienteering and Physical Fitness Teams. We compete in three regional drill meets, culminating in a qualification trip to our state championship at Texas A&M.

We also participate in several community projects. We currently own four miles of highway in our area through the Adopt-a-Highway program. We visited a retirement home last year for Christmas, allowing our cadets to meet and share experiences with some of the elderly in our community. We also assisted with Church Under the Bridge (feeding the homeless), manned a water station for the Jon’s Run that helped raise money for the SIDS foundation, and we adopted five angels last Christmas providing needed gifts to less fortunate families.

All of these activities require funding. While we receive some money from the National NJROTC program and limited funds from our school, we will need more money this year to allow the cadets to participate in all of our planned events. We are asking you to make a small donation in one of the following amounts:

$10_____ $20_____ $30_____ $40_____ $50 _____ $100_____ or any amount you can offer

Please make checks payable to Smithson Valley NJROTC, and mail your contribution to:
Smithson Valley High School NJROTC
ATTN: CDR Quidachay
14001 Hwy 46 West
Spring Branch, TX 78070
Thank you, Katherine Stoner
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Mar 30, 2008
Anyone ? Anyone ? Bueller ? Bueller ?

Hmmmm.... I guess I gotta entice peeps, huh ? Any suggestions ? ANY amount would totally make her day/week/month/quarter/semester/year !

If someone could come up with a decent Idea for a raffle, I'm sure I couild drum up a few prizes to use.... SOMEONE post and let me know if it sounds good or not ?
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Aug 30, 2008
I thought the ROTC was a school program? Can the school pitch in some money? or the navy perhaps?
Oct 24, 2009
if it was paypal it might be nicer i dont like checks a bit of a hassle so i know it might make it look worse but couldn't we just pp you the money and you write a check at the end?
Entry fee of like 5$ and give something away, how ever this will have to be done threw your site as lpf has banned raffles if i remember.
heck even just 1 a140 laser plus all the projector goodies would be enough for me to let 5$ go.
But good luck and hope all goes well.
Mar 30, 2008
Thanks, all ! The school's budget has been slashed, and in Texas - the school supports more of the football team, than other areas unfortunately. The Navy donates uniforms each year, along with tons of other items, and is a dead end for other non-budgeted items, like the field trips, etc.
Avery did give me permissing to post this thread, so hopefully after I get the raffle organized, (and create specific buttons for donations via Pay-Pal) I can re-bump this thread, and raise some funds :) I appreciate not only your input, but your interest as well ! I think a brand-smacking new X-150 (From Nova Lasers), one or more A-140 diodes, $150.00 or so in gift certificates (from my store), and maybe I can get a donation or two (in the form of goods) from someone on the forum, like a custom host, heatsink, or something like that.... I think it'll work - bookmark this thread, I'll post more info once I am able to get stuff setup on my end !

a HUGE thank you goes out to Avery for allowing me to post this thread ! Thanks, Avery !!!!
Apr 1, 2008
DONATION on the way for your daughter Greg. May her last year in high school & with the NJROTC be EVERYTHING that she hopes. May GOD bless her every endeavor !!! rob
Mar 30, 2008
DONATION on the way for your daughter Greg. May her last year in high school & with the NJROTC be EVERYTHING that she hopes. May GOD bless her every endeavor !!! rob

Many thanks, Rob ! She's gonna be tickled that YOU were the first donation - you are her favorite laser geek in Indiana ! (honest - she recalls all of our phone conversations :) )///Greg
Jan 2, 2009
Man, not to be a jerk, but this shouldn't be allowed here. Every family has some school fund raiser. I myself have been volunteering for an underprivileged kids camp for over 25 years, and they need, and deserve the money was more than just a after school program. Point being we should not use the forum for stuff like this. Soon everyone will be making a pitch, and we'll be asked to buy chocolate bars eventually.

I'm not trolling, I just dont feel this is the avenue for things like this. There are a lot more important things that money should be raised for than a singular after school programs.
Mar 30, 2008
Man, not to be a jerk, but this shouldn't be allowed here. Every family has some school fund raiser. I myself have been volunteering for an underprivileged kids camp for over 25 years, and they need, and deserve the money was more than just a after school program. Point being we should not use the forum for stuff like this. Soon everyone will be making a pitch, and we'll be asked to buy chocolate bars eventually.

I'm not trolling, I just dont feel this is the avenue for things like this. There are a lot more important things that money should be raised for than a singular after school programs.

Well, it's not just an after school program - but you ARE entitled to your opinions. Permission was asked, and granted by Avery prior to me posting this, as stated in the original post - so why post what you did here, rather than send a PM to Avery ? Not to be a jerk, of course, simply asking.

Almost every student in the program takes part in community efforts, cooking and serving food for the homeless, cleaning up the community, they biult TWO HOUSES last year...now, these are students, not adults, but KIDS that put down their PSP's, their X-Boxes, their PC's, etc - and helped to serve the community. So when I was asked to help them out for once, I jumped on it. This posting was not an invitation to take out agravations against me, against kids, or an open invite to complain - I thought that was fairly clear when I posted what I did in the original post ? PM me if you take issue with what I said, or PM the moderator - don't post, "Not to be a jerk, BUT..." because well, nevermind.
Jan 2, 2009
I'm not a rat, or back stabber. I always openly state my opinion.

I just think if we are allowed to post fund raisers, there are way more important causes. Childhood diabetes, cancer, ect. I also collect soda can pulls to help pay for dialysis for kids. I personal think we should arise from our own needs, and use opportunities like this for the greater good. Its kind of selfish using this opportunity for a singular goal like this.

Like you said, its just my opinion. I'm done, and good luck with your cause.
Nov 8, 2006
I'm not a rat, or back stabber. I always openly state my opinion.

I just think if we are allowed to post fund raisers, there are way more important causes. Childhood diabetes, cancer, ect. I also collect soda can pulls to help pay for dialysis for kids. I personal think we should arise from our own needs, and use opportunities like this for the greater good. Its kind of selfish using this opportunity for a singular goal like this.

Like you said, its just my opinion. I'm done, and good luck with your cause.
Hi TJ,
I agree with you about soliciting for fund raisers or charity on the LPF. If one person is allowed to do this, then everyone will want the right and use the opportunity to do so; so it's best left off the forum alltogether. If it's allowed, I have many good charities and fund raisers that we and our kids participate that I could solicit for here in the forum and I'm sure there are 1000's of other forum members who would like to do so as well to raise funds for their causes.
As for importance TJ, what is an important cause for one person may not be one for someone else. Many people like yourself would say cancer research is important, others might say MDA research is or even their njrotc, HS football or sports, while some people would think an important cause might just be paying their rent, house payment or their next meal.
Mar 30, 2008
I believe you are only agreeing in order to disagree with ME, Jack. MY opinion :) So - let's go ahead and totaly destroy this thread with, "I agree" and I disagree - it's not on topic, it doesn't belong in this thread. This thread is NOT about whether you think MY Donation thread should be allowed, this thread is about a donation THAT WAS PREAPPROVED BY THE OWNER OF THIS FORUM. If you have "opinions" about this particular thread, and it actually pertains to this particular thread, then post. If all you are going to do is to take this opportunity to destroy a thread, try to make me look bad (I do just fine without incompetant assistance, thank you very much !), drop to third grade level, and throw names around, or whatever else trolls do on this forum, then go ahead - I sincerely hope the moderator PM's you prior to the donations area being banned from your sight. Seriously, READ ! Thanks, all !
Mar 30, 2008
Just to be a good sport, I'll PM the topic moderator myself, and ask for this thread to be closed - obviously people cannot keep their personal prejudices to themselves. The raffle will still take place, and I will post wherever Avery says I can post about the raffle for raising funds. I'm sure it will be fun !
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