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ArcticMyst Security by Avery

Florida Shooting


Apr 23, 2016
However, Trump is fighting all of this. I don't know how many of you are following QAnon but it looks like it is going to hit the fan....lots of indictments. We shall see.

Agreed, Trump has deck stack against him. I’m just hoping he has the backbone to stand strong.

No I haven’t been following QAnon, I’ll look it up.

Edit; looked it up, (briefly) sounds interesting. I’ll keep a look out on/for it. Will be interesting to see what becomes of it. Thanks for the heads up. :)
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Jul 3, 2015
There is a rumor, that last November, Trump had the military essentially invade the CIA and take documents. I go by there all the time but I guess I missed that one lol. What is interesting about it is that that is exactly what he would have to have done. The CIA has been rogue almost since its inception.

That plane that went down in Russia...just after taking off from Moscow. I have heard that principals from the Russian corporation that were involved with the Uranium deal were on the plane....that it was downed to prevent them from talking to Congress.

It will be interesting.


Apr 23, 2016
There is a rumor, that last November, Trump had the military essentially invade the CIA and take documents. I go by there all the time but I guess I missed that one lol. What is interesting about it is that that is exactly what he would have to have done. The CIA has been rogue almost since its inception.

That plane that went down in Russia...just after taking off from Moscow. I have heard that principals from the Russian corporation that were involved with the Uranium deal were on the plane....that it was downed to prevent them from talking to Congress.

It will be interesting.

Oooh! Yes, it will be interesting, very. Please keep us informed of what you hear. I will keep an eye out also. Will be an interesting Presidency.
Sep 20, 2013
That "rumor" sounds extremely unlikely. The armed forces couldn't just invade the CIA headquarters and remove documents. There are serious national security issues at stake and a number of laws impeding it.
Jul 10, 2015
There are laws against what Hillary did too, she belongs in jail, until then it's more proof of our political elite class who is above the law.

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Apr 28, 2015
Way off the subject, but watching The first 48 show on the Lifetime channel..
How the hell can Dallas, and Memphis only give 10 to 20 year sentences for 1st degree murder?:undecided::mad:
Jul 3, 2015
That "rumor" sounds extremely unlikely. The armed forces couldn't just invade the CIA headquarters and remove documents. There are serious national security issues at stake and a number of laws impeding it.

There is an interesting Chinese curse:

"May you live in interesting times."

People ask, how could that be a curse?
Because like today, interesting times are times of turmoil.

Of course, troops invading the CIA seems on the surface, crazy.
However, who would have thought the Democratic party would have a dossier put together based on false information, as a means to obtain a FISA warrant and to discredit the opposing candidate?

If Trump is to route the deep state, he has to begin at the CIA. I believe he has the authority to use force if necessary to do so as unprecedented as it seems.
Sep 20, 2013
The only source of unlawful behavior by Clinton I can find is Trump and Fox News. That and republicans that are trying to deflect attention away from Trump's obvious collusion with the Russians. The closer the FBI get to releasing Trump and his campaign's involvement in the Russian work to bring mistrust of Clinton into the 2016 election, the more they claim Clinton was colluding with Russia. Anything to deflect this ongoing investigation that daily brings forth new information about Trump's family and campaign worker's spending time and money to help their election chances with Russian help during much of 2016. It's like they are grateful for the Florida shooting as they can use it to misdirect attention away from themselves and onto anyone or anything else.
Jul 3, 2015
The only source of unlawful behavior by Clinton I can find is Trump and Fox News. That and republicans that are trying to deflect attention away from Trump's obvious collusion with the Russians. The closer the FBI get to releasing Trump and his campaign's involvement in the Russian work to bring mistrust of Clinton into the 2016 election, the more they claim Clinton was colluding with Russia. Anything to deflect this ongoing investigation that daily brings forth new information about Trump's family and campaign worker's spending time and money to help their election chances with Russian help during much of 2016. It's like they are grateful for the Florida shooting as they can use it to misdirect attention away from themselves and onto anyone or anything else.

Nothing on the Clintons. You have to be kidding. The amount of people associated with the two of them who committed suicide goes beyond statistical probability. They stole from the Haitian relief fund. Russian collusion. I suspect sometime in the last 20 years I must have been asleep at which time we found ourselves at war with Russia...that is to say they became an enemy.

There are two ways the Russians or any other nation could violate US law. 1) Give money to a campaign 2) Actually, hack into the electoral process and change votes. Neither has been proven to date.

The open source document says nothing except the fact that RT offered stories not favorable to Clinton. Big deal.

If the Russian state hacked the DNC which I doubt, they did us a favor.

Our country is so screwed up that we can use all the help we can get.

Putin very likely saved Erdogan's life by warning him about the coup.

The US needs to align itself with Russia as a true ally from which Americans could benefit in terms of both security issues and commerce. Enough is enough of this nonsense. The US foisted a coup in Ukraine. All of Putin's actions after that were justified in eastern Ukraine. As for Crimea, it had been a part of Russia historically until Khrushchev gifted it to Ukraine in 1959...probably illegally.

The point is that the subsequent sanctions....all of them...are unjustified and illegal. The only reason Putin has been patient is that he understands how America ticks than most of the dumbed down, ignorant masses that constitute our population.

Clinton is a neocon. She would have us at war in a heartbeat. She also is a Zionist supporter of Israel. She is guilty of single-handedly making a failed state out of Libya and murdering its sovereign leader without any justification. Gadafi's Green Plan gave more benefits to his people than any other living leader today. There was not civil unrest. It was all bought and paid for by the US under Clinton's direction.

All the weapons then found their way to Syria to be taken up by ISIS which was essentially an American creation. She is dangerous and should never hold public office again. Hopefully, she will wind up in Gitmo along with her husband...Bush and his father can be their roommates as far as I am concerned...along with all the other evil doers ripping off the taxpayers and destroying our country.
Sep 20, 2013
That's just nuts. Russia was our ally during WW II, but an enemy all the same. Since Putin took over relations have been as bad as with the Soviets. Just because we aren't AT war with a country, it doesn't mean they are an ally. Speculating on people who committed suicide that Hillary knew is the most rank of smear campaign. Also, what Bill may have done doesn't make his wife guilty of anything.

Saying that Russia's involvement in the 2016 election was a good thing is also trying to deflect the guilt of the Trump Administration for the number of laws they broke and are still pleading guilty to this day. Any foreign nation trying to manipulate our elections is a crime of the highest level. And people who are actively running for office colluding with them is what used to be called traitorous.

Because Clinton was Secretary of State during the Libya crisis makes her guilty of nothing unless you hold the CEO of a corporation guilty of things an employee didn't do.

There is no reason to go after Clinton at this time as she had been cleared of any wrong doing by the FBI long ago. It makes for a great Trumpian distraction from all that is coming to light now.

It is clear you are one of the supporters that Trump said would stand behind him even if he murdered someone. Your disliking Hillary is not a crime she could ever be prosecuted for and putting her and past presidents in Guantanamo Bay is past absurdity.
Jan 29, 2014
The people are divided regarding Trump, they were with Obama too. Regardless, I'd rather have Trump than Obama or Hillary 10 fold.


Dec 28, 2013
in this kids case, it could have, but the village didn't catch it.

From what I've been reading, the village did, indeed, catch it. But didn't do a damned thing about it. Therein lies the problem.

People now days see something like this in the making, and rather than take a little personal responsibility upon themselves, would rather pass the buck. Or worse yet, think to themselves "I shouldn't get involved", or "surely someone else will do something". As we can see in this case, and many others like it, this line of thinking is WRONG!

If this wasn't just another case of "scaring the shit out of the masses so they'll GIVE away their rights", then I put forth to you all that EVERY SINGLE PERSON who had any idea that this kid might snap and didn't say or do anything, is just as guilty of this tragedy as the shooter. And that's all I got to say about that.

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Jul 3, 2015
That's just nuts. Russia was our ally during WW II, but an enemy all the same. Since Putin took over relations have been as bad as with the Soviets. Just because we aren't AT war with a country, it doesn't mean they are an ally. Speculating on people who committed suicide that Hillary knew is the most rank of smear campaign. Also, what Bill may have done doesn't make his wife guilty of anything.

Saying that Russia's involvement in the 2016 election was a good thing is also trying to deflect the guilt of the Trump Administration for the number of laws they broke and are still pleading guilty to this day. Any foreign nation trying to manipulate our elections is a crime of the highest level. And people who are actively running for office colluding with them is what used to be called traitorous.

Because Clinton was Secretary of State during the Libya crisis makes her guilty of nothing unless you hold the CEO of a corporation guilty of things an employee didn't do.

There is no reason to go after Clinton at this time as she had been cleared of any wrong doing by the FBI long ago. It makes for a great Trumpian distraction from all that is coming to light now.

It is clear you are one of the supporters that Trump said would stand behind him even if he murdered someone. Your disliking Hillary is not a crime she could ever be prosecuted for and putting her and past presidents in Guantanamo Bay is past absurdity.

OK, let's take these one of a time. "Since Putin took over relations have been as bad as with the Soviets." Yes, that is a true statement. However, the implication is that the reason has something to do with Putin. If that is your position, you need to give the reasons as to why that is the case. (Many Americans still think of Russia as the Soviet Union because the media and the government have done their best to reinforce that notion. Not all that long ago during a discussion on Fox News of all places, I heard two people refer to Russian as the Soviet Union.

With respect to the suicides, you can read these and draw your own conclusions. All of them coincidences?

As for the FBI clearing Clinton, I would have no problem with this if it were not for the fact that the evidence mentioned by Comey himself begged for an indictment and 2) it appears that the FBI has some bad apples in it. Let's see what happens when those bad apples are turned into apple juice....and a fresh pair of unbiased eyes look at the evidence....only then will I be satisfied either way.

I do not think any foreign government should interfere with our elections. I am not convinced that Russian did anything that violated US law. I was half joking in what I said, albeit there is some truth in it.

Clinton is guilty because she essentially ran a black op on her own. Our government or those who we elect to run it, are not allowed to violate international law. Gadaffi was just about to receive a humanitarian award from the UN when this occurred. He gave up his nuclear ambitions and made his peace with the US. The true reason he was killed is that he had been talking about creating a pan African gold backed currency based on the Libyan dinar. It would have been required for the purchase of Libyan oil. This was a threat to the American petrodollar in Clinton's eyes. She is also responsible for the deaths in Benghazi. She should be held accountable. I feel the same way about both Bush's because they are responsible for the unnecessary deaths of young men who served in the military. There was absolutely no reason for the US to promote and prosecute the first gulf war. There was no reason to go into Afghanistan to chase one man who the FBI has never held accountable for 9-11. As for Iraq everyone now knows that this was unnecessary.

I have never supported everything that any leader has done because there is no human being who would agree with me on everything. I did not support Trump on the bombing of Syria, the arms deal with the Saudis, the moving of our embassy to Jerusalem, his support of Israel considering it an important ally and a number of other things. (I think it is an enemy of the US.) However, I do support him and his Administration.
