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ArcticMyst Security by Avery

You can watch a lasershow or do one--see this

Apr 2, 2009
WHAT do all of these have in common

Lighting balloons
Popping matches
cutting black tape
killing BUGs
burning your name in wood


lasershows are NOT about the above

this GB is a good start to get you doing LASERSHOWS!!

Normally I would not be double threading/posting this BUT 8 of us are paid and waiting and one had to drop out JUST THIS MORNING.

so ITS not too late if you pay direct (PM for details)

see tons of details at GB #4 for LaserKing/Linna

link to link and more


check this out please ASAP
:thanks: FOR READING



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Mar 11, 2013
I don't know Len, I'd be impressed by some balloon lighting and match popping. how much power does one need to pop a match?:crackup::crackup::crackup:

I'm sorry, I know it's not funny, the GB being left hanging and all. I'm doing some silver investing right now, so no spare cash. hope someone snags it, that review of the LK PD2 should certainly grease some thought wheels in the direction of a purchase.

If silver drops even more, which I doubt, Maybe I'll have some of it made into a host
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Apr 2, 2009
there is always somebody not catching my sarcasm..

I kinda know how this might play out

a few WILL get these upgraded projectors and a review like the one done by Slyoung 1987 (PJ from same maker) AND THEN I will read about how some members did not see this one or had no idea that for the cost you cannot possibly build one like this even if your labor is worth squat . and there are NO promises that you will EVER see a deal like this one again.. check out GreeedBay LOTs of full color PJs cheaper too
go for it ..but don't come crying when you discover that some must have no idea about modulation as they ALL will be TTL and thus just 7 color-- and forget about customer service LaserKing Linna has already proven that no other company will provide better. Example we had one that after 6 months stopped working
so we can ship it back to be fixed for free $80 then pay $80 again to cover return shipping Laserking is forward thinking and their approach is this: with their teams help we will be walked thru the trouble shooting steps-- find the problem THEN LK will express ship any parts needed (~3 days) we will have the team on hand to help finish the job- a great learning experience, & WAY cheaper than shipping two times and back in BIZ in a short time.. thus turning an unpleasent experience into a postive one.

There is still time to get any of the LK PJs offered but the best one I think will be the LKRGB5- second best for sure is the LK PD2 (NOW $545--see slyoung's review) if you need delivery of any offered but the LKRFGB5 you have only until tuesday(latest possible) to send payment via Western Onion (more sarcasm Shaken) and unless I am missing something WU is free IF its bank to bank or debit card to bank-
LK needs a week to 10 days to modify the LKRGB5 from TTL to full color AFTER payment has been received/
. more details in my GB #4 thread--

PM me yesterday or sooner (moar sarcasm)

Apr 2, 2009
I don't know Len, I'd be impressed by some balloon lighting and match popping. how much power does one need to pop a match?:crackup::crackup::crackup:

I'm sorry, I know it's not funny, the GB being left hanging and all. I'm doing some silver investing right now, so no spare cash. hope someone snags it, that review of the LK PD2 should certainly grease some thought wheels in the direction of a purchase.

If silver drops even more, which I doubt, Maybe I'll have some of it made into a host


but both CAN be done

to ignite a balloon fill it with butane- fasten a piece of flash paper to the balloon... you know the rest
To POP matches put some (sharpied if needed) inside a small glass bottle with a snap on lid- ignite the matches w/ a laser and you will for sure hear a POP.

for a good variation try this one: put a dark colored balloon side a bigger clear one ( or a condom) if done right the inner balloon with pop first.


yeah i just double posted!! sue me!:crackup:

FYI I am now number ten here -- LPF main page-- scroll to bottom and read--
look out Moh you are my next target-MMHHHUUUHAAA:beer::beer:
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Mar 11, 2013
I'm going to get one, I just can't say for sure when. I was sold on them a while back, I just need more cash flow right now.

I actualy agree, burning is boring, though I do ossasionally utilize these capabilities for practical tasks, like SBA's idea of cleaning hair out of the grooves of vaccuum rollers, works like a charm. bright beams are also effective at checking air purity, or to make sure a HEPA is still working properly.

I can't wait to get my hands on one the PJs, esp since they can run on an inverter when camping with tunes. might be a while longer before I take the plunge for the software/wire
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Apr 2, 2009
I will be here for you when that time comes..
best wishes on your silver speculation -hope you make a killing!!
Mar 11, 2013
I'm no adviser, but I'd recommend it. here's a few reasons.

1. silver is taken from the earth at a ratio to gold of 9:1, yet silver's price ratio to gold is roughly 50:1. these ratios are likely to become more similar, and unless silver production increases about five fold, it should be obvious which way that will go.

2. Silver is down to under $20 per oz, less than $19.75 when I checked earlier. adjusted for inflation, these prices have not been seen since the economic crisis began, in 2011 it was as much as $47 or more. I've heard the price is less than it currently costs to produce, IDK if that's true

3. demand is growing for silver, as it is not just used for jewelry and storing wealth like gold (except corrosion resitant gold conductors) silver is used in more and more things, like electronics. growing demand for these in emerging markets like in say, china could cause, should cause demand to grow quite a bit.

4. In the 1980s sometime, silver hit an all time high at aroung $50 and think how much worse inflation is now than then. A price well beyond $50 per oz in just a few years is very concievable. maybe it's just my lack of faith in our fiat currency. Now that other countries, namely china, have stopped buying U.S. bonds (with good reason, they have trillions worth already) the Federal reserve has little recourse but to buy them itself, ie, print more money. Silver may fall a bit farther before the bottom, but I would bet the universe it will be above it's current level by a large margin before too long.

sorry for the semi hijack, just thought I'd furnish you with my reasons for backing out before and putting this off. if you've got extra cash, maybe my idea can help you prosper as well. prepare for bad times and you will know only good times
Apr 2, 2009
I rarely mind anyone semi hijacking my threads when the topic is like this one--

I do it all the time--

In order to make the quote min .order required by LK I added another LK PD2 as seen in the review by Slyoung1987- I wanted another one for me so I commited to buying it- NOW i see I can't ATM afford to keep it- The KGBs I got have gotten me in debt so i ned to sell somethings or find another buyer for this LK PD@ that has been ordered.
I will however need $515 PLUS 4% and get paid bt Paypal- it turned out that Western Union does false advertizing and instead of free they wanted $131 to send a max on $2,999 - so double that fee- I hate 'bait and switch' and that clearly is what WU is trying to do here..The time you have to decide and Paypal is VERY short- so if you have $$ coming as anxmas gift this would be a great way to spend that- IF you can cover or get the $$ in advance--

Mar 11, 2013
Changed my mind partially, still buying some silver, but I'll help you guys out, I'm in for the LK PD2. I have no problem sending the money as a gift Len, we've done business before.
Apr 2, 2009

'Shaken' has come to our rescue-- he will be getting something in the snailmail SOON!!
and DHL Express will have the LK PD2 at your door crazy fast!!

Just saying Thank You is not enough in this case!!

