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wicked laser taking just criticism

Dec 11, 2006
so far our forum has had little positive feedbacks for wicked laser. please give substantiated reasons for the negative opinions posted here.

Jan 24, 2007
randall158 said:
so far our forum has had little positive feedbacks for wicked laser. please give substantiated reasons for the negative opinions posted here.

My green one I got was really messed up, and my red one did not even work. :mad:
Nov 10, 2006
I have not purchased anything from Wicked Lasers, so I cannot give an opinion one way or another, except on the glaringly obvious lack of proper design on the red Pulsar series, which some had apertures that partially blocked the beam, and none currently have driver circuitry to properly run the diode, which is mandatory.

Beefygt posted a pic in lasercommunity of his green laser; the beam exits the case at a ridiculous angle and that laser should never have left the factory.

Often you will hear bad comments about a company or their products out of proportion to good comments, because although some satisfied customers take time to write, most do not, but the majority of those that have had a bad experience will tend to bitch about it. That has to be taken into account. I'm sure the majority of Wicked's customers are satisfied with their lasers.

I try to avoid the infighting and the politics. I study the reviews of the laser items themselves, and try to get as much info as I can about their design, build quality, failure rates, beam quality specs, duty cycle etc., as possible before I make a purchase decision. I don't care who makes the laser or really even what it looks like, as long as it's properly done on the inside, which is where it really counts, and I will not hesitate to point out a problem when I see it.


I actually do believe there are not as many customers outside of their LaserCommunity forums. There are probably a few, but not as many as they say.

Gizmodo or Engadget did a review and people said they were worthless but cool, but wouldn't spend that much on a laser.

Lasers are worthless and a lot of people don't want to waste $500 on a laser.

Don't get me wrong, I love them ;)


In all honesty, I have had no issues with my WL Nexus - except for when I forgot to put in fresh batts before I checked the output power ! (DOH !) I do not like their prices, nor the attitude of some of the folks on their forum, but I have never dealt with WL directly, so I cannot make a "fair" or unbiased opinion about them.
Dec 11, 2006
i hope that steve from wicked is reading these comments and would respond in our forum
Oct 24, 2006
Are there any claims you have in particular? There are many problems I can point out in the business practices of many of these laser companies, but I'd rather not as people tend to just listen to what they want to hear and use that to start pointless arguments. Blindly attacking just one company also makes me a bit upset as though WL has problems, DL has many of the same problems, and often to a worse extent, but then again WL has some unique and bothersome issues too. Either way, I try to not be biased and give my true, personal OPINIONS when warranted, and I daresay I speak from at least some, albeit little, authority when it comes to the different models and companies (I'm just here trying to learn like all of you, but I've invested quite a large amount of time and money into that learning). If you have any specific concerns you're wondering about, feel free to post them here, but I don't feel like going on a WL rant without reason.
Dec 30, 2006
I'm going to give WL the benifit of a doubt and assume they are honestly asking for input verses simply being sarcastic.

I recently was considering WL so I started studying the forums and reviews.... I saw 2K for the 200mw spider..... I simply looked at the alternatives and considered the "many" negative reviews and made my choice.

I understand reviews are only people that could be lying, but when you see a trend its disturbing when your getting ready to fork over such large sums of money. Some of the competition had vitually no negative criticisms for much less money.

Its true WL has gone out of thier way to try and be unique so as to try and set themselves apart, but looks alone doesn't cut it.

I hear "far" too many reports of frustrated customers who after spending tremendous amounts of money get product quality that should cost far less and are stuck with it witout recourse.

The 500.00 fusion has had tremendous negative feedback.... rather than stopping or recalling it, they just keep selling?

I admit I am probrably and biased now, but I wasn't when I started my search.

WL is where I cut my teeth on the very knowledge of lasers and what they were all about.... they have made thier name a legend... but I fear like the demise of many companies, they are living off thier name rather than fresh customer support..... they are no longer "hungry" for the customer, but rather seem to treat them as pigeons begging for food.

The 95mw Nexus has a far dimmer beam with far less burning cutting power than the cheaper 125mw dragon?
With similar runtimes and quality....... can you tell me why someone should spend "more" for a WL?
Can you tell my "why" WL still thinks they can charge higher prices than "anybody" for similiar products yet have higher failure rates?

It was a bold step to start their own manufacturing process.... my hat is off to them for the attempt.... but new ventures take money and often losses before the product quality is such that they can demand more than the competition.... but WL wants their cake and eat it too!... they want the highest price with the lowest overhead...... they are not fooling anyone.....
I fear they did not properly count the cost for this new venture.

There are a few very good moderators I support and I mean no negative for thier noble efforts to maintain a good name for WL.

However.. someone in high authority has allowed reckless handling of thier customers by staff and moderators.

It tends to all roll downhill... as are those in charge, so are those underneath...... rarely will you ever see staffing beneath the CEO to be more honest, noble, or more trustworthy than the CEO above them.

There is a generaly spirit that says "buyer beware" rather than total trust that when the chips all fall, the customer will be estatic.

There is far too much attacking those to try to express disappointments with WL products.

Rather than saying I am not qualified to comment on WL because I have not owned one.. I try to think I have learned from other peoples mistakes and have tried to to recreate them.

WL needs to have more postitive customer reports... seems the bad far outweighs the good.

Unfortunately, you can sell 10 good lasers and people will only remember the one bad one "especially" if the problem wasn't overwhelmingly recitified.
WL should not feel persecuted.... that is true with any company.
WL has sold "beta" products for big bucks and repeated many of the same mistakes that have given Microsoft such a bad reputation.

Lasers are a very fragile product and not an exact science that can be douplicated exactly on a mass production basis.

No matter who makes lasers... there will be some bad ones..... but quality control should make sure they are "never" bad upon delivery unless its shipper mishandling.

Many buyers are immature and misuse their laser and then want it fixed.... its understandable to play hardball with such customers, but its very difficult to prove and so warranties and money back guarantees need to be carefully considered and then supported with all diligence with consideration for grace upon situations that are obvious misfortunes.

Playing hardball with misfortunes "do not" build company trust and faith.

WL should remember that lasers draw "alot" of attention.... if thier owner is happy with whom they bought it from, there will be awesome word of mouth publicity. People can tell if they are "proud" of the company they bought it from or if there is hesitation.

When people ask "where can I get one of those?" people will tend to answer with where the "wish" they would have bought from!!!

All I am saying is it doesn't not take some guy thats an expert in market analysis and economics thats getting a 5 figure salary to figure this out....
all it takes is basic common sense and a basic sense of morals to make sound judgement......... something you can't buy or learn in school.
Dec 30, 2006
Timelord said:
[quote author=SenKat link=1169920909/0#10 date=1170391901]What is torchwood ?

Torchwood is an organisation working on top secret projects

Well don't tell us what it means.... I'm not quite ready to die......
